The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

Fearless Disaster

Active Member
I've been coldstarting my hits and man the taste is so much better than my previous tek. Im using an mj arsenal gemini rig, i use the wand, start inhaling as son as it hits the second visual line while i continue to heat with the wand, until i reach around 2.3 - 2.5 visual lines and then feather the wand to keep it there. tastiest one hit extractions, im using the stock zirc balls and fully opened airflow on the tip.
what are you setting the wand on? my tempest should arrive this week!
Fearless Disaster,


Well-Known Member
Nice man, I hope you like it!! Im using my wand on flower mode, so idk the equivalent in F but its 4/4 fires. still the way i use it doesnt really depend on the timer since i start inhaling based on the visual indicator.
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