The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


No thoughts, head empty
how do I set the half bowl? Do I remove the original full bowl screen and move it to the halfway position - but how do I remove it?
I use my airflow tube to push it out. Anything that small with a flat end (like a dynavap condenser for instance) should work as well. To reset you can use the Reload or mouthpiece, but double check the screen for damage before reinserting. The screen that came with my tempest was really mangled and I ended up just replacing it with one of the spares.


Well-Known Member
I bought a new Jobon triple especially for the Tempest, and I'm not sure it's much better than my Jobon Bullet cranked right up tbh. I love the versatility of the Bullet - for Vapmans, Bricks, Dani Fusion and now the Tempest. If they made one with a wheel at the bottom (instead of the fiddly pull up adjuster) and a window for the gas tank it really would be the perfect lighter (for me, at least). I'm sorry, I can't compare performance with the wand, because I have a self-imposed "no electronics" rule when it comes to vapes.
I got the same one except the Scorch brand version. It’s a little iffy but it was the only flint ignition option I could find. The electric ignitions always fail quicker than I feel like they should cause I’m not particularly rough on mine. Gets the job done but I still mostly use the wand. I just wanted an easily pocketable back up so I don’t get caught out with dead batteries lol. Performance wise it’s relatively similar. First hit is a little punchier but I also use time out settings on my wand so that could play a part. Also because someone asked awhile back, I’ve been using the silicone Dynavap adapter. I cannot currently say if there’s a difference in performance between it and the Tempest adapter, I can say it works and holds it properly upright. It also doesn’t get super hot during use so that’s nice.

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
I use the stir tool that comes in the leather case. Works perfectly for this task :)
I've been thinking this little metal tab was just decorative. It doesn't fit in my bowl to act as a stir tool or remove from the leather, am I misunderstanding? Mine's stitched in and too wide to fit into the bowl.

Lol second disregard today: I've tried and tried and tried to remove that thing and it was STUCK. I thought it was stitched in. I finally got it out.


Well-Known Member
Oooooh, thank you guys, I get it now, didn't really think of doing that.
So when the Tempest is resting on its throne after use, it would be best not to keep the 2 parts separated (empty bowl ofcourse) so that they remain in contact to share temperature? Something like that? So after X minutes when you do the second session the bowl is not fully cooled off while the head/cap is still more than warm?
I saw a few videos where people have their head/cap resting on a magnet and their stem apart from it, this way the steam should cool of quicker than the head/cap, right?
So in general you should always heat your tempest fully assembled and keep your tempest resting assembled?
Is this the right way to go about it?
Sry for the question spamming, preparing for my tempest inauguration :D
I mean, I don't. Takes time to repack a bowl etc and it doesnt seem to have a detrimental effect. Just look at the vi for the second bowl etc and yeah, good results. This is what you mean, yeah? I ask as I'm using it now and may not be the best judge of what someone wants!


Just tried doing a few concentrate flower sandwiches in the Tempest with the SiC balls, man this is amazing, any of yall been making concentrate sandwiches? Any tips or fine tuning you have done to your technique?


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking this little metal tab was just decorative. It doesn't fit in my bowl to act as a stir tool or remove from the leather, am I misunderstanding? Mine's stitched in and too wide to fit into the bowl.

Lol second disregard today: I've tried and tried and tried to remove that thing and it was STUCK. I thought it was stitched in. I finally got it out.
guess what I got early..........will be testing it later!

but lol. yeah, that part comes out with a little force pull from the leather.. the smaller end of it also unscrews the head indicator and spring assembly if needed.. already set the half bowl.. used that tool to push up a corner of the screen from below so it goes verticle in the bowl and then shake or pull it out. didn't want to push in the center of the screen and deform it.. then used the reloads debowler to set the screen.. that tool unscrews from under the abv container it also looks like a screwdriver on one side.. bottom part to set the screen in half bowl. one of the other reload containers appears to have a fixed tamper built in.
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Well-Known Member

It has arrived.

I would say this is not for a 'first time ever' manual vape user. Unless you are prepared to research and practice a little to find your sweet spots - sometimes you get lucky on the first try! Usually people start with a dyna before moving to a heavier vape like this. It's definitely not a dyna and for sure more like a ball vape. It's very effective and I like it so far. It's the first of the all the heavier 'dyna style' vapes to peek my interest in a while (no anvil, no dani, etc.)

First run observations:

At first I couldn't unscrew the bowl easily or open the reload lid using just the tempest while the tempest is in the center of the reload magnet and hot. The bowl is definitely not overtight and always screw the bowl down until it just stops turning - no forcing or tightening it any further once it stops turning. I had to slide the tempest up a little or be slightly touching the decapper area to get some leverage so I could start unscrewing the bowl (then slide it back to center to finish). Sometimes the whole tempest spun on the magnet when trying to unscrew the hot bowl. If this happens lightly push downward while turning to try and get it going. It's a strong magnet and I can lift the entire reload with the tempest on top, but I think I may have touched the magnet area with my fingers and got some oil on it and it's not as grippy when unscrewing. Well, I figured out ... I need to ever so super lightly screw in the bowl and stop/let go as soon as it doesn't turn anymore.. very easy turning and absolutely no pressure or hard tightening at all when its all the way down. As soon as it stops turning your done. To remove the reload lid.. manually unscrew by hand until it's off the oring then slightly lift the tempest and continue unscrewing/removing the reload lid (lift to avoid unscrewing the bowl instead). This needs to be practiced cold a few times.... Unscrew bowl from head, screw back lightly till stop position.. Manually unscrew reload lid past oring, lift tempest slightly, unscrew reload lid all the way, remove bowl while holding lid..... reverse/repeat. Get the process down solid before you have a go with a hot head with tempest and material stuck on the magnet that won't unscrew and sayin' wtf like me! ..all good now and mastered..

Setting the head's airflow is going to be difficult for someone who has poor close vision. I double checked with phone zoom just in case, and I can see it fine without any magnifying. This is how I like it so far:

..looks like a low resolution happy robot face, lol (sorry once you see it - you can't unsee it) A good thing is this is a set it and forget it setting. My stem airport is set full Open and I cover, feather, or rolled the airport as needed during the pull.

Everything arrived in pristine condition. I thought about just going for it but for peace of mind I took it all apart, set the bowl to the half-bowl setting and then soaked in 99٪ .. even the head w.balls went in ..dunked all parts, orings and all, for 5-7ish mins.. rinsed all with hot water and dried. Did a couple wand burnoffs at 288C/550F .. yup the head crackles, pops, and sizzles as any remaining water burns off the balls, indicator and click discs (smells of hot metal like a ball vape coil). After the first ever wand burnoff the induction layer has taken on a light golden color.

Time for very first test..

Went over the manual like 10 more times.. using the first of the 4 methods with the wand: Depth is set halfway between the head 'red line' markings exactly like first pic in the manual, the bottom of the adapter glass is just about level with the bottom of wand's red oring, maybe just a little bump past it and set it to 274C/525F to timeout. Got one weak (low) wimpy click then maybe 5 seconds later one loud click right before the timeout. VI was just about to touch the 3rd line at this timeout. So I hit this (roasty!) and was like whoah.. this is probaby bubbler temps for me unless you have a throat of steel. At this moment I realized I forgot to put in the secondary cooling unit 😞 The first hit was very tasty but flavor started to wane by the end of the 10 second first hit (couple cigar puffs then DTL).. 2 more slightly quicker DTL hits (all had vapor) with some flavor less and less.. One more popcorn hit for good luck and wound up with medium roast coffee brown avb. The top layer was a tiny bit darker like dark roast coffee..but mostly a uniform medium coffee roast.. going to try lower temps next few tests to see if flavor can be maintained for longer and get some of a more golden brown avb.. I think my wand insert was just a touch too deep too and adjusted it to be level with the bottom red oring for next go - still messing with it.

As I said earlier it was fumbly getting a good method down to debowl.. but after a few practice runs after the live test got a good system down so I wouldn't get a sting by accident.. but the very first real time run was a little slower and was being very conscious of where the head was when holding the reload lid with it attached. Was always thinking what's hot and what's not when repositioning around and debowling the load. practice, practice, practice 😀

Just be warned this thing is much hotter then dynas or the revolve. The heat shield works but the closer you hold it towards the tip the hotter it is and during the burnoffs I realized that very quickly while creeping my hand up the stem to check (no burn, but did get a quick bite and pulled off the stem, lol) it also smells a lot more then other vapes.. Just like a ball vape it can stink up a room like combustion.. This little guy puts out a lot of vapor and it can be smelled by others be aware of this if stealth is your thing.

Overall very good first experience.. no combustion but a little bit roasty/punchy for my taste when doing native DTL hits. Going to get the wand dialed in and then move to torch work 😀 It's a very unique and innovative device.. not disappointed and no regret at all.

@Brenyo I think some of your conversions C to F are wrong in the manual.. 280C is not exactly 525F.. 290C is not exactly 550F ..unless my math is wrong I went with the F side and adjusted the C in my experience post above ✌️

Singularity Walker

Well-Known Member
Setting the head's airflow is going to be difficult for someone who has poor close vision. I double checked with phone zoom just in case, and I can see it fine without any magnifying. This is how I like it so far:

You should check out the Tempest manual. You'll see a better way to look at the cap airflow setting using the temp indicator dashes.
Singularity Walker,
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Well-Known Member
I feel like I'm using a different vape to a heap of people here.

To me, it feel super light (ie. non-sturdy) in the hand, I like more solid weight.

If you need/want to make any adjustments, I'm finding it an absolute pain the balls to put it back together. I already had the issues with the head/discs/spring that required replacement parts. This morning I was changing balls over, and the screen got caught in the thread and randomly just bent one of the "spokes" on the screen. And I get they sent me a heap of extra bowl screens, which I'm grateful for - but the number of screens doesn't make them easier to install!

And I can't get a good one-hit extraction, no matter which balls or use or what torch settings I use. Which I guess is fine, if it was designed to be a sipper rather than a ripper... but I guess I expected that the balls and the visual indicator would give you enough flexibility to turn it into whatever you wanted it to be.

It's fine, it's not a terrible vape by any means. But in my view and experience it's absolutely not the revolutionary life-changing vape that others have reviewed it to be. And as something that seems to thrive more on a stem than it does on a WPA, I don't see myself reaching for it more than I do my Anvil + Revolve stem.


Well-Known Member
any of yall been making concentrate sandwiches?
I use rayon. A member here mentioned something about off-gassing, but guidelines don’t allow safety discussions here, so I disregarded it. :D Jk scruffs.
I put a small dab on some rayon, squash it, open it, repeat if needed. Set my wand to 670F till timeout (from cold), head airflow half open, tempest head on wpa, one slow long DTL inhale with a massive cloud, and cleanup hit is wispy.

Edit: bowl is set to full bowl.


Pranayama; of a sort.
I use rayon. A member here mentioned something about off-gassing, but guidelines don’t allow safety discussions here, so I disregarded it. :D Jk scruffs.
I put a small dab on some rayon, squash it, open it, repeat if needed. Set my wand to 670F till timeout (from cold), head airflow half open, tempest head on wpa, one slow long DTL inhale with a massive cloud, and cleanup hit is wispy.

Edit: bowl is set to full bowl.
This is the way; I love using rayon - I just need to remember not to over fill it

And I can't get a good one-hit extraction, no matter which balls or use or what torch settings I use.
I believe this is to do with the method of heating more than the balls that it has in it although changing them does change the experience. A combination of stainless steel balls (or Sic) and Zrc does add some extract heat retention and more time to clear the bowl. However - I do think the Tempest is more about enjoying the herb (balancing flavor & effects) than getting a single heat extraction and focusing on effects.

I guess I expected that the balls and the visual indicator would give you enough flexibility to turn it into whatever you wanted it to be.
With time and a lot of experimentation - with different torches and additional tools (induction heaters) that flexibility you mention starts to shine as you are able to get different experiences - but - its hard to get that full anvil style extraction; other than with the Forge or using the low and slow heating method with a torch.

I fought with the Tempest for single heat extractions with a torch or the wand. Never managed to achieve it with the wand but with the torch I was able to. I had to do a very low and slow approach to heating the device, keeping the flame smaller and further away than I would normally and really slowly heat up the cap.

That being said once I used it in the Forge I've never gone back

On top of the way you heat the Tempest - Its also important to fiddle with the configuration the airflow on the cap, the way you pack the bowl and how you breath - which all need to change depending on what balls you are using. These all come together to get the best experience from the Tempest.


Well-Known Member
I feel like I'm using a different vape to a heap of people here.

To me, it feel super light (ie. non-sturdy) in the hand, I like more solid weight.

If you need/want to make any adjustments, I'm finding it an absolute pain the balls to put it back together. I already had the issues with the head/discs/spring that required replacement parts. This morning I was changing balls over, and the screen got caught in the thread and randomly just bent one of the "spokes" on the screen. And I get they sent me a heap of extra bowl screens, which I'm grateful for - but the number of screens doesn't make them easier to install!

And I can't get a good one-hit extraction, no matter which balls or use or what torch settings I use. Which I guess is fine, if it was designed to be a sipper rather than a ripper... but I guess I expected that the balls and the visual indicator would give you enough flexibility to turn it into whatever you wanted it to be.

It's fine, it's not a terrible vape by any means. But in my view and experience it's absolutely not the revolutionary life-changing vape that others have reviewed it to be. And as something that seems to thrive more on a stem than it does on a WPA, I don't see myself reaching for it more than I do my Anvil + Revolve stem.
I’ve gotta say I do kind of understand how you feel. Although I haven’t used a torch yet, as the wand works so well (and I wanted to see how a torch affected others induction sleeves before I started doing it to mine 😅). I did assume when getting the device that the heat would last much longer in the cap/balls, as reviewers kind of said it did. My personal fix for this is simple, either half bowl setting, which doesn’t really have an uneven roast. Or when in full bowl, when the vapour starts to drop off, an extra 13/14 flashes in the wand is all it seems to take to finish the bowl, and it is usually just one or two more puffs as well, so I guess it depends on your extraction preferences. I find that I tend to push it further than some others because I don’t want to waste material, but coming from an anvil I completely understand your desire for a ‘full extraction’ comparison.

Having said that, this heat issue could’ve possibly been resolved with a cap that holds a few more balls, but then you have the potential issues of if you go wider, will it fit in the wand? How long will it take for the extra space to heat up? If you go longer, there’ll be more balls further away from the heat source not getting hot. Not going to pretend I know anything in this regard as I don’t 🤷‍♂️

Regarding effects, I was personally worried the tempest wouldn’t do it for me, primarily using an armoured cap Dynavap and firewood as my daily drivers, I thought I needed conduction, having never found my convection vapes quiiite effective enough (Stempod, terpcicle, mighty, volcano OG). I also did some overthinking in relation to complete extraction as well, but, I’ve noticed I’ve cared much less as the months gone on and I’ve been getting smacked nearly every single bowl. That and I’m saving a ton of AVB thanks to the reload for edibles I’m planning to make next weekend. The ever so slightly uneven extraction is likely going to be a bonus for making those.
when vaping, I try to hold vapour in for 5-10 seconds before exhaling, a habit from my firewood, and it’s just soo smooth and I’m almost always surprised at how dense the first couple hits of vapour are when I do exhale. I usually did 2 bowls on the other daily drivers, where on the tempest I only need 1, so I’m using around .05 less each session for very similar effects. And it has become my only daily driver, so despite any drawbacks, it is my favourite vape.

For me, Zirc feels like puffing on a joint with 4-6 nice big hits and a couple fluffy ones, boro feels like having a bong rip with 2 big hits and a couple fluffy ones.

I haven’t really gotten on with SS yet but only tried it first couple days, gonna get them back in soon.
Don’t have the Sic, maybe I should order them lol.

I guess I’ve lost the point of this comment now, just wanted to let you know others may know how you feel, and I’d encourage you to keep giving it a go. The quality and density of the vapour from tempest from the little amount does blow my mind. Although I have seen you in quite a few other threads (totally jealous of your collection btw), so you can always just have a few other bowls whilst you figure it out 😁✌️


Well-Known Member

It has arrived.

I would say this is not for a 'first time ever' manual vape user. Unless you are prepared to research and practice a little to find your sweet spots - sometimes you get lucky on the first try! Usually people start with a dyna before moving to a heavier vape like this. It's definitely not a dyna and for sure more like a ball vape. It's very effective and I like it so far. It's the first of the all the heavier 'dyna style' vapes to peek my interest in a while (no anvil, no dani, etc.)

First run observations:

At first I couldn't unscrew the bowl easily or open the reload lid using just the tempest while the tempest is in the center of the reload magnet and hot. The bowl is definitely not overtight and always screw the bowl down until it just stops turning - no forcing or tightening it any further once it stops turning. I had to slide the tempest up a little or be slightly touching the decapper area to get some leverage so I could start unscrewing the bowl (then slide it back to center to finish). Sometimes the whole tempest spun on the magnet when trying to unscrew the hot bowl. If this happens lightly push downward while turning to try and get it going. It's a strong magnet and I can lift the entire reload with the tempest on top, but I think I may have touched the magnet area with my fingers and got some oil on it and it's not as grippy when unscrewing. Well, I figured out ... I need to ever so super lightly screw in the bowl and stop/let go as soon as it doesn't turn anymore.. very easy turning and absolutely no pressure or hard tightening at all when its all the way down. As soon as it stops turning your done. To remove the reload lid.. manually unscrew by hand until it's off the oring then slightly lift the tempest and continue unscrewing/removing the reload lid (lift to avoid unscrewing the bowl instead). This needs to be practiced cold a few times.... Unscrew bowl from head, screw back lightly till stop position.. Manually unscrew reload lid past oring, lift tempest slightly, unscrew reload lid all the way, remove bowl while holding lid..... reverse/repeat. Get the process down solid before you have a go with a hot head with tempest and material stuck on the magnet that won't unscrew and sayin' wtf like me! ..all good now and mastered..

Setting the head's airflow is going to be difficult for someone who has poor close vision. I double checked with phone zoom just in case, and I can see it fine without any magnifying. This is how I like it so far:

..looks like a low resolution happy robot face, lol (sorry once you see it - you can't unsee it) A good thing is this is a set it and forget it setting. My stem airport is set full Open and I cover, feather, or rolled the airport as needed during the pull.

Everything arrived in pristine condition. I thought about just going for it but for peace of mind I took it all apart, set the bowl to the half-bowl setting and then soaked in 99٪ .. even the head w.balls went in ..dunked all parts, orings and all, for 5-7ish mins.. rinsed all with hot water and dried. Did a couple wand burnoffs at 288C/550F .. yup the head crackles, pops, and sizzles as any remaining water burns off the balls, indicator and click discs (smells of hot metal like a ball vape coil). After the first ever wand burnoff the induction layer has taken on a light golden color.

Time for very first test..

Went over the manual like 10 more times.. using the first of the 4 methods with the wand: Depth is set halfway between the head 'red line' markings exactly like first pic in the manual, the bottom of the adapter glass is just about level with the bottom of wand's red oring, maybe just a little bump past it and set it to 274C/525F to timeout. Got one weak (low) wimpy click then maybe 5 seconds later one loud click right before the timeout. VI was just about to touch the 3rd line at this timeout. So I hit this (roasty!) and was like whoah.. this is probaby bubbler temps for me unless you have a throat of steel. At this moment I realized I forgot to put in the secondary cooling unit 😞 The first hit was very tasty but flavor started to wane by the end of the 10 second first hit (couple cigar puffs then DTL).. 2 more slightly quicker DTL hits (all had vapor) with some flavor less and less.. One more popcorn hit for good luck and wound up with medium roast coffee brown avb. The top layer was a tiny bit darker like dark roast coffee..but mostly a uniform medium coffee roast.. going to try lower temps next few tests to see if flavor can be maintained for longer and get some of a more golden brown avb.. I think my wand insert was just a touch too deep too and adjusted it to be level with the bottom red oring for next go - still messing with it.

As I said earlier it was fumbly getting a good method down to debowl.. but after a few practice runs after the live test got a good system down so I wouldn't get a sting by accident.. but the very first real time run was a little slower and was being very conscious of where the head was when holding the reload lid with it attached. Was always thinking what's hot and what's not when repositioning around and debowling the load. practice, practice, practice 😀

Just be warned this thing is much hotter then dynas or the revolve. The heat shield works but the closer you hold it towards the tip the hotter it is and during the burnoffs I realized that very quickly while creeping my hand up the stem to check (no burn, but did get a quick bite and pulled off the stem, lol) it also smells a lot more then other vapes.. Just like a ball vape it can stink up a room like combustion.. This little guy puts out a lot of vapor and it can be smelled by others be aware of this if stealth is your thing.

Overall very good first experience.. no combustion but a little bit roasty/punchy for my taste when doing native DTL hits. Going to get the wand dialed in and then move to torch work 😀 It's a very unique and innovative device.. not disappointed and no regret at all.

@Brenyo I think some of your conversions C to F are wrong in the manual.. 280C is not exactly 525F.. 290C is not exactly 550F ..unless my math is wrong I went with the F side and adjusted the C in my experience post above ✌️
My routine is take the lid off the reload first, the debowler is then open ready to use as well. I always use the underside of the lid for removing the cap after use, magnet isn't as strong but more than enough (almost too strong on the top!) and on the chance the cap is stuck ( only happened a couple of times in 10 months of solid use), the indents on the underside of the lid are designed to grip the cap so can unscrew with ease even if tight. I just found using the reload when all together too fiddly with the hot cap
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Well-Known Member
I feel like I'm using a different vape to a heap of people here.

To me, it feel super light (ie. non-sturdy) in the hand, I like more solid weight.

If you need/want to make any adjustments, I'm finding it an absolute pain the balls to put it back together. I already had the issues with the head/discs/spring that required replacement parts. This morning I was changing balls over, and the screen got caught in the thread and randomly just bent one of the "spokes" on the screen. And I get they sent me a heap of extra bowl screens, which I'm grateful for - but the number of screens doesn't make them easier to install!

And I can't get a good one-hit extraction, no matter which balls or use or what torch settings I use. Which I guess is fine, if it was designed to be a sipper rather than a ripper... but I guess I expected that the balls and the visual indicator would give you enough flexibility to turn it into whatever you wanted it to be.

It's fine, it's not a terrible vape by any means. But in my view and experience it's absolutely not the revolutionary life-changing vape that others have reviewed it to be. And as something that seems to thrive more on a stem than it does on a WPA, I don't see myself reaching for it more than I do my Anvil + Revolve stem.
I've posted videos on here using it on WPA as a one hitter. Half bowl and full bowl, putting out huge clouds. With full dark extraction in a single heat cycle.

I honestly think draw speed is a big variable some people are not adjusting to. If draw speed is too high, you just suck the heat out of the balls, before it can heat the bowl up.

Tempest is heavy convection leaning compared to Anvil and DV. This has advantages like taste and effects more suitable to daytime use. However it means draw speed matters. It's why we get new TM2 users often bemoaning why they can only get whispy clouds and wondering where the devices reputation came from.


Well-Known Member
Is it worth me looking them up? Are the kind of instructional in terms of showing what you're doing, or are they just "cloud videos"?
Could have value as you can make out how slow my draw is. When in WPA mode I have the tip airflow 3/4 closed. I think it's worth practicing on a small glass piece so you get visual feedback from your draw speed and vapour production. First vid is half bowl, second vid is full bowl.


good vibes only
Could have value as you can make out how slow my draw is. When in WPA mode I have the tip airflow 3/4 closed. I think it's worth practicing on a small glass piece so you get visual feedback from your draw speed and vapour production. First vid is half bowl, second vid is full bowl.
@RedZep what intake adaptor are you using for the tempest head on your nova? very cool set up!
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Well-Known Member
@RedZep what intake adaptor are you using for the tempest head on your nova? very cool set up!
It's just a simple glass DV stem. I sometimes use it native on Tempest with half bowl. Yeah I did thr Nova set up as a novelty for laughs, but it ripped to be honest. Sometimes the airflow in set ups just hit a certain way. Managed to inhale the full bowl in one lungful which I normally struggle to do.


I made a video showing how I'm vaping hash with my tempest. It works well with more melty hash but probably not so well if there's a lot of plant material as it will likely end up in the hot head. I also did a video for vaping hash with a diffuser ball vape that's how I prefer to do it

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Well-Known Member
I made a video showing how I'm vaping hash with my tempest. It works well with more melty hash but probably not so well if there's a lot of plant material as it will likely end up in the hot head. I also did a video for vaping hash with a diffuser ball vape that's how I prefer to do it

Silly question.. What's that little tool you used to unscrew the head and form the screens?

I've tried the rayon method before with concentrates in other vapes and didn't like it. I'm sure I got the right stuff off Amazon "Graham Cellucotton Beauty Coil 100% Rayon (44130)" I have a whole box of it, lol. It has a weird flavor and odor when heated.. I think the concentrate flavors just overpower it so you don't notice but just didn't feel right to me.. I have some Cotton Bacon brand and COTN brand organic cotton (for RDA coils - which I use) as well which have a neutral taste when heated but we know cotton will singe at 450ish degrees so worried about using that too at 670+ higher temps.. the wrap it and toss method seems great but just a little unsure of any concerns with cotton/rayon fumes?

..on an aside couple more bowls with tempest.. next go with insert level with wand bottom oring.. pulled tempest immediately at first click or whatever sounded like a click even if its a weak pop just to take a look. VI was just around the 2nd line at this point and still rising slowly.. hit it there for science.. 3 nice hits similar to 2nd and 3rd dyna heat ups (nice cool vapor off the first hit .. lots of flavor and of course a lighter cloud) so you can use it here effectively without going for that massive 1 hit if you choose. During the middle of the 1st hit it actually loud clicked .. so there is a little lag before any ball heat gets up to the VI and click discs. Was able to go back in and give it some more heat and finish.. maybe another 10 seconds of the wand.. just went by feel.. probably will be using it like this more then the late night punchy bubbler 1HE to wand timeout. still need to try torch.. maybe tonight 😀
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