Brenyo, is the anodize job a type 1 or type 2 on the green and purple tempest?
Think it's more likely to be type 3, my understanding was type 1&2 titanium anodising were for specific applications.
The visual indicator works wonderfully with flame, when reheating it is absolutely reliable but it is not the case if using the wand.
Maybe just needs a bit more time finding your place on the scale?
I've been using more or less solely with a wand and I get on great with it, results perfect every time.
Even with uncalibrated coils it was fine.
Great piece of design.
Sry for the question spamming, preparing for my tempest inauguration
There may also a safety thing with it, trying to mess around with the head on it's own while it's mega hot is risky.
I wouldn't try to heat the head on it's own, then try and fit the stem to it with material in.
I have run mine in this way, but with the whole device, so not exactly the same.
So full heat up with an empty bowl, remove lid with the reload, fill bowl, refit head and hit it, it takes a bit of working out, it's not worth doing in my opinion.