I have a confession to make...
Never cleaned my balls..
Only cleaned the Tempest Head once since i got it but didn't take out the balls that time, just dumped the whole thing in ISO, rinsed and vaped on...
I clean the bowl/stem/mp regularly and until now prior to cleaning i shook the head and as long as i heard the balls rattling i figured i was ok...
I know, i know...

I did notice some resin build up on the glass insert of the wand so after reading the cleaning posts recently i figured it was about time i got my balls clean again.
Here's how they were:

I'm so sorry (well not really that sorry). But in my defense: my bowl still tasted pretty good and the Tempest still vaped like a champ so no real problem.
A hot ISO soak did...
absolutely nothing...
Huge thanks to whoever it was that posted the tip to torch the balls in a spoon!
Now that was some real satisfaction!!
Normally if i torch something it goes black but this turned something black into bright white!
What a joy to watch!
It's like a miracle!!
Check it out! Like new!
Had a bowl before cleaning, i'll have one now to see the difference!
Might fall in love allover again and i was still honeymooning this dirty-balled baby!
Just when i reckoned something can't get any better it might have just got .. well, yeah, uh ... better (again)!
Go figure!