The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Does the tempest stem have the same Direct airflow tube and Draw resistion tube as the revolve stem?
Is it different in any way from a revolve stem other than the outer sleave?


Well-Known Member
I assume you find the repeated loose half bowl experience to be different from a typical full bowl if your putting the labor in of reloading multiple times.
Maybe it's in my head, but I do tend to feel heavier effects that way personally, maybe I think I'm getting a better extraction out of a smaller amount. Who knows.
If nothing else, it allows me to repeatedly use a device that I thoroughly enjoy using.
Not a what I'd call a laborious process so I'm happy to do it 😉

Does the tempest stem have the same Direct airflow tube and Draw resistion tube as the revolve stem?
Is it different in any way from a revolve stem other than the outer sleave?
It still has a direct airflow tube, the helix tube doesn't have the draw resistance options the old gen 2 revolve had, but I haven't found that I've missed it.

You've got the same airflow adjustments on the stem, now there's airflow adjustments on the head as well, so there's still a fair bit of adjusting to get it dialled into your style.
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Well-Known Member
Does the tempest stem have the same Direct airflow tube and Draw resistion tube as the revolve stem?
Is it different in any way from a revolve stem other than the outer sleave?
Yes but the end result will be drastically different to using a Revolve with a Dynavap stem for example. The DV cap adds a tonne of restriction, whereas the Tempest tip has variable airflow settings allowing airflow through the entire tip.
Depending on settings the Tempest can feel really open. Open enough in my case to not trigger my TMJD (Jaw dissorder) which is not a common trait in many of the vapes I have owned.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys 😄
I'm deciding whether to get the full kit or just the head since I already own a revolve v2 with glass sleve.
Has anyone tried tempest with glass sleve? Does it get too hot 🔥?
you can buy the wood sleve with the tempest tip and use the revolve 2 spiral ,that's what I'm going to do , that wood its so beautifull and i think its not expensive


Well-Known Member
Do you use the anvil native or in glass? From what I understand I was told that it COULD be used natively, but that it wasn’t a very enjoyable experience.

Thanks for the replies guys 😄
I'm deciding whether to get the full kit or just the head since I already own a revolve v2 with glass sleve.
Has anyone tried tempest with glass sleve? Does it get too hot 🔥?

It doesn't get too hot for me. But , tbh, I' ve only used the glass sleeve a couple of times. I prefer the look and feel of the titanium and wood sleeves.

As to the Anvil, it's fine native. I find it enjoyable.
I've only used it natively. XL mouthpiece and standard bowl.
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Well-Known Member
I assume you find the repeated loose half bowl experience to be different from a typical full bowl if your putting the labor in of reloading multiple times.
When using a Reload, reloading the half bowl is quick and easy. You don't need to wait until it cools to reload either. In fact having residual heat in the device is good for the next bowl, as you can use the VI and apply less heat. So it gets really efficient when chaining bowls like this. Although the max I go for is 3 half bowls, as the potency can be something to be reckoned with.

I use half bowl setting when using indoors, and use a small dry glass piece. The reason is for me it is a perfect lungful, that does not induce strain or coughing. When I have it full bowl I prefer Ti or wood stem and take casual multiple hits. Here is a video of half bowl in action, with subsequent avb pic.
When using a Reload, reloading the half bowl is quick and easy. You don't need to wait until it cools to reload either. In fact having residual heat in the device is good for the next bowl, as you can use the VI and apply less heat. So it gets really efficient when chaining bowls like this. Although the max I go for is 3 half bowls, as the potency can be something to be reckoned with.

I use half bowl setting when using indoors, and use a small dry glass piece. The reason is for me it is a perfect lungful, that does not induce strain or coughing. When I have it full bowl I prefer Ti or wood stem and take casual multiple hits. Here is a video of half bowl in action, with subsequent avb pic.

Wow, amazing results!

What balls and settings did you use on the Tempest?
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Well-Known Member
Wow, amazing results!

What balls and settings did you use on the Tempest?
This was with Zirc 2.5mm balls. Airflow at tip 3/4 closed. BB3 stem used as WPA with shotgun hole covered. Slow steady draw. Having a glass piece helps you dial in your draw perfectly.

Yes I agree the results are top drawer. I would put it against any desktop ball vape in this usage case. Flavour and effects were phenomenal. The only little specs in the AVB thay are not perfectly uniformly roasted are little bits of stem.

Tempest is very convection heavy, so your draw has more of an effect than some others like DV, Anvil. Also Tempest has so many potential settings. This is a great thing, but means for some users there will need to be a little practice and experimentation to attain the absolute best experience.

In my humble oppinion, after around 9 months of daily use, anyone not getting top drawer efficiency, potency, flavour with the Tempest needs a little more practice, or to change their settings to suit their use better.


Well-Known Member
I’m working on a Flare-compatible induction sleeve that will be slightly thicker and non-magnetic.

I tested it with a thin non-magnetic sleeve and was able to achieve around 95W.
If both the indicator housing and the induction sleeve are non-magnetic, it can reach 120W. However, losing the Reload compatibility is a significant drawback.
I think with a new sleeve, it might be able to achieve around 100W with the magnetic indicator housing.

Unfortunately, the Tempest assembly is taking much longer than expected and is still not finished. However, it should be ready and on the way to me end of next week.
I always thought that induction works best with a magnetic metal… but I am wondering for example how the TA (titanium) from phatpiggie which is not magnetic and stainless steel (which is also not very magnetic) heats up in the wand IH… and now I hear that the flare IH works best with non magnetic metal… can someone explain this to me please?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to think of a use case where this would be helpful and I'm thinking hash etc... could you not have slots or holes drilled in the jacket to allow airflow through the holes? Or an air channel (or two or three) where there is a v-shape cut or something similar in the body of the jacket to channel air up to the airholes? That would preheat the air really well before it even reached the balls but I don't know how the aerodynamics would work there, not do I know how the more important induction sleeve factors.
The FMJ only gets 75w anyways on mine, I can put my FMJ just below the slots for air and as I run it fully open, airflow usually was not an issue ( can be knocked though, but I have done that with the tip by itself also).
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Well-Known Member
Something very specific related to the Tempest ritual I absolutely love, and find fun.

When decapping, because of the spinning mouth piece, the body can "flicked" to rotate it while holding the cap, to get it to spin one full rotation to release from the cap, separating the two.

When flicked perfect, it feels like I'm sinking 3 pointers, it releases endorphins; for that I'm grateful. I don't know if anyone else does this or I'm just rambling.


Well-Known Member
Something very specific related to the Tempest ritual I absolutely love, and find fun.

When decapping, because of the spinning mouth piece, the body can "flicked" to rotate it while holding the cap, to get it to spin one full rotation to release from the cap, separating the two.

When flicked perfect, it feels like I'm sinking 3 pointers, it releases endorphins; for that I'm grateful. I don't know if anyone else does this or I'm just rambling.
I'm having a hard time visualising what you mean by this. Sounds fun though. I like things like that.
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Is it possible to change the tip color with heat, like the flowerpot, if you are never going to use it with a torch?


AKA Probeer
Is it possible to change the tip color with heat, like the flowerpot, if you are never going to use it with a torch?
yeah, that will happen with both torch and IH, around the spot where you heat the tip/cap

Usually it looks really pretty, but the key is to not touch that spot with your fingers before heating, because fat and residue from your fingers will turn the discoloration looking brownish and ugly. But metal thats only heated while completely clean, gets some real nice looking discoloration.
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Putin is a War Criminal
I think we're all pretty excited. It's been a longer road than we expected, but it's gonna have a good finish. Many/most of us already know how good it is, we just want to get all the new parts in our hands and buy our backups. @Brenyo is gonna be a very busy boy for a while...
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