The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
I know everyone’s having great results with the wand, and not as much with the flare, but I’ve read the flare gets to 75/80w, which is what the wand is anyway, right? So really we should at least get comparable results? Can anyone with a flare and wand confirm?

I’m also itching to get a thermal accumulator to stick on my bb6 wpa stem, and the flare is much more suited to TA from what I’ve read so far.

For now, if you have to pick between the Flare and the Wand, go with the Wand. It works 100% with no guesswork. You only need to dial in your settings one time with the Wand. After all, there is even an adapter for the Wand (made by Mad Heaters), and I can attest 100% to how well that setup works.

With the Flare, while it is an awesome looking IH, I do not think you will get the awesome results you want with it (for now). Because of magnetic interference from the tip of the Tempest, you will not be able to get max power from the 120 W capacity.

I was only able to go up to 110 W, but I had to remove the tip (that houses the coil timer and indicator) and the outer sleeve. Yes, the Flare is super powerful, but it does not work so well with the Tempest (yet). Why? To get the most power out of the Flare, you need to remove anything magnetic, and this means you do not have any ability to control the flow of air over the herb--it is ONE huge gush of air. Sure, the hit is strong (and different) from use with the Wand, but it is not efficient in any way (to me).

When I use the Tempest with the Wand, I generally close off the air intake all the way or leave less than 1/4 open. For me, this makes the hit smoother, tastier, and the ABV is more dark and uniform. If I use the Flare, the heat passes so rapidly and in so much volume that the herb looks more light brown than I generally like. I can tell the Flare has a lot of potential, but it doesn't translate to full power with the Tempest. That would change if less magnetic parts became available, and it seems as if Mad has suggested this as a possibility down the road.

For now, I go back to my Wand-Tempest set-up.

****Note: I pulled out a DinoVap to test with the Flare. The armored cap works best, and you need to turn the Flare down to about 30 -40 W. Remove the depth screw out of the bottom of the Flare. Hold your Dino so that the very tip of the cap rises above the exit hole (emulates torch heating just the bottom of the cap for a more powerful hit). I got decent results with that, but in no way would I compare the experience to that of the Tempest -Wand.


Well-Known Member
I'm excited for the pre-order! I saw in a ball vape thread that it's actually better to hit it faster to get more heat flowing through the herb faster and it made me think: what's everyone's preferred way of hitting the Tempest? Is it long and slow? Or fast and big? Small puffs?
Hey, been wondering if sucking on vapes is a problem with this .... I don't want to derail the thread- I sent you a PM...

I would avoid that vendor
I again just got my package from lacentralevapeur - no issues all in order, and an extra gift trown in. Will order there every time (not much choice, except germany, but still). Saving up points to get deals :D


Well-Known Member
For now, if you have to pick between the Flare and the Wand, go with the Wand. It works 100% with no guesswork. You only need to dial in your settings one time with the Wand. After all, there is even an adapter for the Wand (made by Mad Heaters), and I can attest 100% to how well that setup works.

With the Flare, while it is an awesome looking IH, I do not think you will get the awesome results you want with it (for now). Because of magnetic interference from the tip of the Tempest, you will not be able to get max power from the 120 W capacity.

I was only able to go up to 110 W, but I had to remove the tip (that houses the coil timer and indicator) and the outer sleeve. Yes, the Flare is super powerful, but it does not work so well with the Tempest (yet). Why? To get the most power out of the Flare, you need to remove anything magnetic, and this means you do not have any ability to control the flow of air over the herb--it is ONE huge gush of air. Sure, the hit is strong (and different) from use with the Wand, but it is not efficient in any way (to me).

When I use the Tempest with the Wand, I generally close off the air intake all the way or leave less than 1/4 open. For me, this makes the hit smoother, tastier, and the ABV is more dark and uniform. If I use the Flare, the heat passes so rapidly and in so much volume that the herb looks more light brown than I generally like. I can tell the Flare has a lot of potential, but it doesn't translate to full power with the Tempest. That would change if less magnetic parts became available, and it seems as if Mad has suggested this as a possibility down the road.

For now, I go back to my Wand-Tempest set-up.

****Note: I pulled out a DinoVap to test with the Flare. The armored cap works best, and you need to turn the Flare down to about 30 -40 W. Remove the depth screw out of the bottom of the Flare. Hold your Dino so that the very tip of the cap rises above the exit hole (emulates torch heating just the bottom of the cap for a more powerful hit). I got decent results with that, but in no way would I compare the experience to that of the Tempest -Wand.
Thank you so much for the detailed response! I think I’ll definitely go for the wand for now 👌

With the armoured cap in the wand, could you let me know how long a heat up roughly takes for a one heat up extraction? If it’s possible. It takes me roughly 15 seconds with my blowtorch, but just the convenience of having a useful induction heater would be nice. I have a UFO which hasn’t been that useful for any scenario.

I don’t have a working ordinary captive cap so it would be exclusively with the armoured cap.

Excuse me, whilst I go get a wand in anticipation of the tempest release ✌️


I again just got my package from lacentralevapeur - no issues all in order, and an extra gift trown in. Will order there every time (not much choice, except germany, but still). Saving up points to get deals :D
Good to know. I buy most of my stuff at verdampftnochmal, but in search for specific gear I often ended up at lacentralevapeur without buying. Never knew if they’re serious, now I know.

By the way: Today I asked verdampftnochmal for the Tempest head. They said that in the beginning they probably only offer the whole device and some spare parts. So I’ll definitely send my money to the UK this time, as I want a Tempest plus an extra head for bong use - and no more waiting. My Anvil needs a butane powered friend ^^
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Well-Known Member
With the armoured cap in the wand, could you let me know how long a heat up roughly takes for a one heat up extraction? If it’s possible. It takes me roughly 15 seconds with my blowtorch, but just the convenience of having a useful induction heater would be nice.
I can confirm that the armoured cap works really well in a wand, I have the tempest adapter in the wand and use the armoured cap in the exact same position - there is a specific position for the adapter to get the tempest at the right height.

I run an old 5 fin titanium tip, I have a titanium half bowl insert for extra mass and with an armoured cap it takes about 30 seconds, slower than a torch, but works as well, it was so good I never used a torch after getting the wand, tempest and glass adapter, it's just so convenient.
Saying that, my Dynavap really hasn't been used much since I got the tempest. I went back to using it here and there back in march/April, but after that it was cleaned and stored away.


Well-Known Member
Not that I need another vape, lol.. asking for a "friend" don't VAS shame me..

I have Revolve Gen2 laying around that I picked up direct from MH during its pre-sale way back.. The tempest (head only) will fit, yeah? Anyone try this combo/any draw backs? Will the gen2 stem get hotter then the standard tempest stem? Is there any additional part needed for a better experience like an additional heat shield for the Revolve? Not gonna like it if it gets really hot to the touch.. figure I need a Reload Gen2 as trying to save some $ if I don't need the tempest stem.. Have a Simrell MVS as well I can dig out if anyone has tried it with that combo?


Putin is a War Criminal
Yes, the Tempest head will fit. The Tempest head runs hotter (and longer) then the VC tip and cap, so the stem will get warmer than it does with VC parts, particularly if you're using a straight titanium stem. The Tempest stem has an outer shell that separates what you're touching from the stem itself, so it isn't quite as hot to the touch. But because the Tempest head generates more heat than the vapcap tip and cap, whatever you're using with that head will have to deal with more heat.
It feels to me like the Tempest stem is better at shedding that heat. But I do like to stick it on the reload to cool after a couple of heatings.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the Tempest head will fit. The Tempest head runs hotter (and longer) then the VC tip and cap, so the stem will get warmer than it does with VC parts, particularly if you're using a straight titanium stem. The Tempest stem has an outer shell that separates what you're touching from the stem itself, so it isn't quite as hot to the touch. But because the Tempest head generates more heat than the vapcap tip and cap, whatever you're using with that head will have to deal with more heat.
It feels to me like the Tempest stem is better at shedding that heat. But I do like to stick it on the reload to cool after a couple of heatings.

Thanks! I kinda figured this would be the case without that heat shield.....Got some thinking to do.. To vas or not to vas..

One more.. Which color do you think has the best contrast for seeing the visual indicator? Leaning towards the green as it looks like the indicator pops out visually a little more in the pics..


Well-Known Member
Not that I need another vape, lol.. asking for a "friend" don't VAS shame me..

I have Revolve Gen2 laying around that I picked up direct from MH during its pre-sale way back.. The tempest (head only) will fit, yeah? Anyone try this combo/any draw backs? Will the gen2 stem get hotter then the standard tempest stem? Is there any additional part needed for a better experience like an additional heat shield for the Revolve? Not gonna like it if it gets really hot to the touch.. figure I need a Reload Gen2 as trying to save some $ if I don't need the tempest stem.. Have a Simrell MVS as well I can dig out if anyone has tried it with that combo?
You could get a radiator sleeve and heat shield and put the gen 2 cooling unit inside that.
As @cybrguy said it does get hot. I've tried it a few times for whatever reason, probably because my revolves don't get used much these days and I like them, but they do get really hot, the new sleeve and heat shield just deal with the heat alot better.
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Well-Known Member
Not that I need another vape, lol.. asking for a "friend" don't VAS shame me..

I have Revolve Gen2 laying around that I picked up direct from MH during its pre-sale way back.. The tempest (head only) will fit, yeah? Anyone try this combo/any draw backs? Will the gen2 stem get hotter then the standard tempest stem? Is there any additional part needed for a better experience like an additional heat shield for the Revolve? Not gonna like it if it gets really hot to the touch.. figure I need a Reload Gen2 as trying to save some $ if I don't need the tempest stem.. Have a Simrell MVS as well I can dig out if anyone has tried it with that combo?
Use the glass or wood sleeve for better heat isolation the Ti sleeve gets too hot.:2c:


Well-Known Member
Use the glass or wood sleeve for better heat isolation the Ti sleeve gets too hot.:2c:
Speaking of which, @Brenyo will glass sleeves be available at launch, I don't see them on the accessories pages?
Can't believe how excited I am to get another one lol excited for the new upgrade parts but also to try different balls, pretty sure I have the 2.5mm Boro so keen to see how the 3mm or sic perform.
I'm excited for the pre-order! I saw in a ball vape thread that it's actually better to hit it faster to get more heat flowing through the herb faster and it made me think: what's everyone's preferred way of hitting the Tempest? Is it long and slow? Or fast and big? Small puffs?
Slow and steady to start for me, too easy to scorch your herb if hit it too hard too fast at full temp. After that initial draw hit it however you want, wee puffs or big rips


Well-Known Member
Speaking of which, @Brenyo will glass sleeves be available at launch, I don't see them on the accessories pages?
Unfortunately there won't be a new glass yet, so just the Revolve glass.

Quick question, the wand adaptor that is used for a dv is no good here, yeah?
Some may work but generally I wouldn't recommend any other. It comes with the adapter during pre-order.

Dumb question, but is beta tempest + the beta kit the same thing as the product going on presale soon?


Well-Known Member
After all my latest research, doubts and questioning about portable vaporizers... this is the tempest that I choose.
I'm trying to control my VAS and buy one portable vape, and one desktop vape per year.
The Tempest is my final choice for the portable category.
Indeed the excitement is growing with the arrival of pre-order day 🔥

Will the Tempest send me to the moon?


Well-Known Member
After all my latest research, doubts and questioning about portable vaporizers... this is the tempest that I choose.
I'm trying to control my VAS and buy one portable vape, and one desktop vape per year.
The Tempest is my final choice for the portable category.
Indeed the excitement is growing with the arrival of pre-order day 🔥

Will the Tempest send me to the moon?
i have never had to think about another device since the tempest. i surely will not purchase another vape until a potential tempest 2.0 but i don’t know if that’s possible after getting the final components for my beta :)


Well-Known Member
i have never had to think about another device since the tempest. i surely will not purchase another vape until a potential tempest 2.0 but i don’t know if that’s possible after getting the final components for my beta :)
Nice, because it's quite rare to hear this type of testimony in this forum.
I mean people collect a bunch of things here... without necessarily using them often afterwards.
I have high hopes for the Tempest, because I hope it will make me consume my weed differently... I mainly vape with a vape ball which I love, but I hate the exposed coil lol
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