My experience with the Tempest suggests that full even extraction is more to do with stem/tip airflow settings, combined with draw speed. I can get full even extraction in half/full bowl with both ball types.Thanks @RedZep
I think I’ll order the Zirc then. I am very happy with the Boro but I certainly find the heat spikes frustrating, and would love to smooth out the curve as it were.
Would you say it’s a more complete extraction with Zirc compared to Boro? I’d imagine once it’s up to temp there has been more time for heat conduction to the bowl to occur from the slower heatup, and the more gradual application of heat to the air stream as the balls all come to temp would help flavour and preserve some of the lower temp terps a bit better.
I feel like as these portable ball vapes continue to gain popularity it would be nice to have a separate thread just for comparing ball materials. It’s so cool that you can rebuild the heater on these devices.
The Tempest has so many potential settings. So combined with user draw speed it is a large continuum of potential different results. I've had it set up once where I was scorching the top more than the rest of the bowl. However it was only for a few days, and I can't remember how I had it set up.
Zirc is also better for blind wand chained bowls, when I didn't have any functioning indicators, I just heated the second bowl while drawing on it. Because it's a more stable slow window with the Zirc, it was easy to catch it just right without combustion. This is irrelevant for the full release models, but is just an indication of the how the ball material affects operation.
But in short, for anything other than single hit, full lunged DTL hits, I put in Zirc. This is my subjective take however. But my logic is simply that if I want a more casual multi hit joint like experience, then I want the larger extraction window. Often I might have the tempest head in half bowl mode, on a j-hook or small bubbler, and in this instance I prefer boro, simply because it will get the job done, and shave 5-6 seconds of the heat up time.
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