quick questions
1) looking for a portable vape like this that can both run with an IH eventually but also with torch, for keeping in my camping (short trips, will mostly be using IH) bag. I want it to last forever and be reliable out and about while also giving the most joint-like experience and quality you can find in a vape... and also be able to do big rips if necessary

this thing seems to meet the bill for sure, yeah? was also considering dani/anvil but the tempest just looks top tier..
Pretty sure it'll cover your bases. I take mine when I'm out on my mountain bike, and everywhere else I go.
As far as what it's capable of, in my opinion it's up to you what it does.
You can hit it hard and get absolutely ripped, or you can have a more mellow session with it.
As far as a joint like experience it's got you covered there too.
Once you've had it a while and have gotten used to the different indicators, you'll be able to tune your session to exactly what you want at the time.
Worth noting that when using outside, especially up in hills etc, you'll need to increase the temperature on the wand, I run mine about 315-330°c when I'm indoors depending on what I'm wanting, when I've been up the hills I've had to increase wand temp up to around 345/350°c, but you'll need to find your own temp settings.
I started low and went up a little at a to find the temps I needed.
Small steps to avoid combustion.