The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
2) when this is released will shipping to Australia be available somehow? thinking about the new vape ban here... not sure how that affects anything
Can’t say for certain yet, it might not be available initially as if it won’t go through I’ll have to do loads of refunds and returns. I’ll try to get it to local resellers if they can still sell it somehow after the ban

3) super paranoia mode - any concerns about heating up the 'clicker/spring' mechanism and pulling in air from around there or am I overthinking... I know the entire device is really well thought out and super clean, one of the reasons I'm interested, just overthinking :)
The air intake is above the indicators, it’s not going through them


Well-Known Member
quick questions

1) looking for a portable vape like this that can both run with an IH eventually but also with torch, for keeping in my camping (short trips, will mostly be using IH) bag. I want it to last forever and be reliable out and about while also giving the most joint-like experience and quality you can find in a vape... and also be able to do big rips if necessary :) this thing seems to meet the bill for sure, yeah? was also considering dani/anvil but the tempest just looks top tier..
Pretty sure it'll cover your bases. I take mine when I'm out on my mountain bike, and everywhere else I go.
As far as what it's capable of, in my opinion it's up to you what it does.
You can hit it hard and get absolutely ripped, or you can have a more mellow session with it.
As far as a joint like experience it's got you covered there too.
Once you've had it a while and have gotten used to the different indicators, you'll be able to tune your session to exactly what you want at the time.

Worth noting that when using outside, especially up in hills etc, you'll need to increase the temperature on the wand, I run mine about 315-330°c when I'm indoors depending on what I'm wanting, when I've been up the hills I've had to increase wand temp up to around 345/350°c, but you'll need to find your own temp settings.
I started low and went up a little at a to find the temps I needed.
Small steps to avoid combustion.
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New Member
Can’t say for certain yet, it might not be available initially as if it won’t go through I’ll have to do loads of refunds and returns. I’ll try to get it to local resellers if they can still sell it somehow after the ban

The air intake is above the indicators, it’s not going through them
appreciate you, thank you! was just being extra paranoid because, while above, it's... close lol

shame about the vape ban stuff... will see how it goes eh. this thing looks so good :)


Well-Known Member
How is everybody getting their updated vI and clicks disc's? I'd really like to get my update package if I could and not watch the site for release...
I had an accident with mine last weekend and could no longer use it as half of the balls fell out.
Bren kindly sent me bits to get it working again, there was a new indicator housing included.
I wasn't expecting that as it wasn't on the invoice.


Well-Known Member
Can’t say for certain yet, it might not be available initially as if it won’t go through I’ll have to do loads of refunds and returns. I’ll try to get it to local resellers if they can still sell it somehow after the ban

The air intake is above the indicators, it’s not going through them

There's been no evidence of vaporisers being stopped at customs. On the contrary, a bunch of us have had no trouble getting plenty of stuff through.

In the case of the Tempest (ie. non-battery, non-nicotine), if you send it in pieces and remove any signage of it being a vape I don't anticipate that there'd be any issues.


Well-Known Member
There's been no evidence of vaporisers being stopped at customs. On the contrary, a bunch of us have had no trouble getting plenty of stuff through.

In the case of the Tempest (ie. non-battery, non-nicotine), if you send it in pieces and remove any signage of it being a vape I don't anticipate that there'd be any issues.
Yeah I only had a problem once so far, should be fine. Will ship there if the customer takes responsibility.
Yeah I only had a problem once so far, should be fine. Will ship there if the customer takes responsibility.
Yeah I only had a problem once so far, should be fine. Will ship there if the customer takes responsibility.
Hey @Brenyo was wondering if you were still on track for July release? Super excited for it no rush of course I know there’s many steps to the process
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Worth noting that when using outside, especially up in hills etc, you'll need to increase the temperature on the wand, I run mine about 315-330°c when I'm indoors depending on what I'm wanting, when I've been up the hills I've had to increase wand temp up to around 345/350°c, but you'll need to find your own temp settings.
I started low and went up a little at a to find the temps I needed.
And remember that the Wand doesn't actually measure the temp. No sensor etc for that. So temps=times that have been calculated for use with banger baskets that the Wand was originally designed for.

But even so, useful because a specific temp setting still offers the easy repeatability once you've arrived at your personal preference(s).


Well-Known Member
How is everybody getting their updated vI and clicks disc's? I'd really like to get my update package if I could and not watch the site for release...
Yeah I was wondering how certain people were getting them when I bought mine in November and haven't been offered any updates anything. Not that I care that much, as I said in my review the VI is consistent and I have it dialed in so I have had no issues wanting me to push for something and was planning on waiting for the upgrade kit. I was just curious if it's random people that get them, they are reaching out directly to ask for parts, or what drives the order of people getting these parts because with how much I've spent I doubt it is on people that spend more. I have seen some with the free beta test kit get updated parts as well.

I'm just trying to figure out if I could be missing out on anything by not engaging more directly or privately with Brenyo because I use the absolute shit out of this device.


Putin is a War Criminal
I'm thinking that for the most part, the people who have gotten updated parts were either early testers or people who specifically asked for resolution to a problem they were having. Either way, I don't expect it'll be long before we can all get the updates and new toys if we desire them.


Well-Known Member
So I was playing with my settings today. Opened up the airflow on the tip, and closed off the airflow more on the stem. The stem got hotter than it usually does.

I think this solved the mystery of the discrepancy between people's experience with the Ti stem with regards to being hot or not. It depends on your settings and essentially how much cooling the stem does based on your settings.

The current configuration I have made me pull out the wood stem first time in a while. Ti not too hot for first bowl, but chained bowls are bit uncomfortable, using these settings.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah I was wondering how certain people were getting them when I bought mine in November and haven't been offered any updates anything. Not that I care that much, as I said in my review the VI is consistent and I have it dialed in so I have had no issues wanting me to push for something and was planning on waiting for the upgrade kit. I was just curious if it's random people that get them, they are reaching out directly to ask for parts, or what drives the order of people getting these parts because with how much I've spent I doubt it is on people that spend more. I have seen some with the free beta test kit get updated parts as well.

I'm just trying to figure out if I could be missing out on anything by not engaging more directly or privately with Brenyo because I use the absolute shit out of this device.
I’ve only had a few samples and sent out 3 or 4 sets of the new parts. I still have plenty of clicks and VI springs, but it’s not easy to add or change them without the right tweezers that come with the final upgrade kit. I’m happy to send a set of those to any beta customers with an order, but you’d have to change them again soon when the rest of the parts arrive.


Well-Known Member
Anyone changed ball type, and found it affected the vape signature?

I just changed to boro 2.5 and I swear the high is different. Same dose, same material. Anyone feel similar?

I agree with that assessment.

I prefer the zirc. Just by gut feeling, I think with zirc, I get slightly puffier vapor clouds for slightly longer than the boro. I would say the vape signature is more "mellow" for boro. Zirc gives me an extra punch that I like.

That does it! Posting this (writing this) motivated me to change back to zirc (later tonight).

I also find that I roast the top layer of my material with boro but don't with zirc, but I fully admit I was just experimenting and did not get my Wand settings fully dialed in (as I do for zirc). My Wand was at 580 F/ 310 C. To my taste--and with the glass Wand adapter set for zirc balls--the boro produced a much darker roast at the top. I actually stopped inhaling because the vapor tasted as if it were on the verge of combustion.

I probably can get the boro to work the way I like it (as I do with the zirc), except I am so dialed into my zirc hits; I am simply not in the mood to fiddle around with new temps and the depth of the Wand adapter at this point in time. I like both, and I am glad I can go back to boro if I have a longing for it, but for now, I am switching back to zirc.

Has anybody else played around with boro (or other material)?


Well-Known Member
1. Well over 1,000 sessions with a beta Tempest, still wins the reach test most often
2. Still my favorite vape overall, though not always practical for a situation
3. I'm anticipating the release to purchase another for myself, and I have told friends they need one!
4. While I do use other stems, the titanium setup is great a design, looks, feel, versatility, especially when paired with ScruffWoofers cooling stand, sweet combo
5. I use my wooden stem almost exclusively with the TA3, which the signature is very different than a Tempest to me, don't believe everything you read on reddit :)


Well-Known Member
And remember that the Wand doesn't actually measure the temp. No sensor etc for that. So temps=times that have been calculated for use with banger baskets that the Wand was originally designed for.

But even so, useful because a specific temp setting still offers the easy repeatability once you've arrived at your personal preference(s).
You're right it doesn't, it's just the easiest way of advising people and keeps things simple, it still correlates to the results you'll end up with so all good.


Well-Known Member
TA3 user here.

On the subject of ball material -

My OG TA held less balls, which I found myself changing out for Ruby in order to have a bit more heat retention.

The TA3 holds like 40% more or something, and I’ve not felt the need to change from glass in terms of heat retention.

I am however tempted to try both Zirc and SiC balls. Would I notice much in the way of different performance? I have a very “vapman inspired” heat and sip style, and find that the glass balls can occasionally get some nasty heat spikes and over roast the top of the load relative to the rest of it. It seems the Zirc has a more steady, stable sort of heat curve that may suit me more?

I thought I’d ask here as there seems to be a lot more experimentation and technical detail than in the TA thread.

Admittedly the bowl is physically coupled to the heater on the TA so I’ll also throw a lot of conduction in the mix than you tempest users would be doing with the more isolated bowl. That may influence things in a way that is hard to account for.


Well-Known Member
TA3 user here.

On the subject of ball material -

My OG TA held less balls, which I found myself changing out for Ruby in order to have a bit more heat retention.

The TA3 holds like 40% more or something, and I’ve not felt the need to change from glass in terms of heat retention.

I am however tempted to try both Zirc and SiC balls. Would I notice much in the way of different performance? I have a very “vapman inspired” heat and sip style, and find that the glass balls can occasionally get some nasty heat spikes and over roast the top of the load relative to the rest of it. It seems the Zirc has a more steady, stable sort of heat curve that may suit me more?

I thought I’d ask here as there seems to be a lot more experimentation and technical detail than in the TA thread.

Admittedly the bowl is physically coupled to the heater on the TA so I’ll also throw a lot of conduction in the mix than you tempest users would be doing with the more isolated bowl. That may influence things in a way that is hard to account for.
I think Zirc would suit your style more. It's more stable, slower extraction, with a bigger extraction window.

Boro seems best suited for full DTL rips.


Well-Known Member
I think Zirc would suit your style more. It's more stable, slower extraction, with a bigger extraction window.

Boro seems best suited for full DTL rips.
Thanks @RedZep

I think I’ll order the Zirc then. I am very happy with the Boro but I certainly find the heat spikes frustrating, and would love to smooth out the curve as it were.

Would you say it’s a more complete extraction with Zirc compared to Boro? I’d imagine once it’s up to temp there has been more time for heat conduction to the bowl to occur from the slower heatup, and the more gradual application of heat to the air stream as the balls all come to temp would help flavour and preserve some of the lower temp terps a bit better.

I feel like as these portable ball vapes continue to gain popularity it would be nice to have a separate thread just for comparing ball materials. It’s so cool that you can rebuild the heater on these devices.
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