Nice Kobo bruh
Dang! $30 for shipping. Gonna wait till Wes gets them in I thinkFor those of you looking to get a Flare for the Tempest (just ordered mine)
Absolutely! Not trying to talk down to anyone who purchased. So many things in this vape space are priced surprisingly to those not accustomed to it. I get so many faces, and opinions from combustion buddies about my vapes that are $200, $300, $400+ and know it’s a pretty specific hobby. So I take back any judgement I may have implied about the price. In the world of vape it’s just another item and not too bad especially for it to grant such quick and powerful performance out of many vapes!I think the Forge is probably for power users, who have multiple compatible vapes. @VapingYogi has Tempest, TA's, Anvil and maybe some others for example. So it's quite a sound investment for him.
I'm not tempted myself, as i only have thr Tempest that is compatible. I'm loving the wand, even though there are better experiences out there.
I'm thinking about buying a Madheaters glass Wand adapter to put in the forge so I can go hands free again.
I look forward to your views on the flare. You are definitely the resident IH expert it seems.![]()
The Flare (updated version)
The Flare Experience unparalleled performance with The Flare, an advanced induction heater designed by (sometimes) Battery-Free Ganz and meticulously crafted by YLLVape. Wattage Range: 30 - 120W Power Up: Requires 3 units of 18650 batteries MOLICEL (batteries not included) Compatibility: -
For those of you looking to get a Flare for the Tempest (just ordered mine)
I am addicted to using the Forge so I am a new Induction Heater fan...
I loved the Tempest before I got a beefy IH, but since I got one its been a different animal and I would recommend getting a beefier IH to pair with it
Brilliantly, that's how I use it at home
Oh, good to know! Thanks for the heads upDon't bother.....doesn't fit in the Forge.
I was actually just getting on to ask a similar question. The Tempest preorder page says you can get free boro or zirc balls on preorders. Default is zirc, so the option is either more zirc balls in case you lose any, or boro for a potentially different ball experience that you can switch out.Anyone changed ball type, and found it affected the vape signature?
I just changed to boro 2.5 and I swear the high is different. Same dose, same material. Anyone feel similar?
I've been doing single hit, DTL full lungfulls today. I prefer the experience of that with boro. The high feels more cerebral, and hits faster.I was actually just getting on to ask a similar question. The Tempest preorder page says you can get free boro or zirc balls on preorders. Default is zirc, so the option is either more zirc balls in case you lose any, or boro for a potentially different ball experience that you can switch out.
The website says the following: "Higher density balls (stainless steel/zirc) can store the heat longer and provide a smoother experience due to the slower temperature buildup. Lower density (boro/silicone) balls heat up more quickly and can deliver a punchier hit."
I'm leaning towards getting the extra boro in case it's different, but I'm curious to hear if anyone else has experience with different types of balls.
Yeah I would like to have a Tempest head with boro, on a WPA in my living room. Another with Zirc on the ti stem for portable, and in the garden.Changing the balls is not a really big deal, but it is certainly not something I want to do all the time. I currently take them out to clean them periodically because using a torch seems to be the most effective cleaning method to get the best clean, but I usually soak the head in ISO to clean as it's easier. Getting the ball disk to thread properly is sometimes a challenge, so I wouldn't want this to be a daily or especially a multi times a day habit. I have picked up a second set of zirconium balls, but I haven't had any reason to use them yet. I have been thinking about trying glass or SIC but haven't yet bothered. When I pick up a second head after they're available I will have the opportunity to fill it with a different material and I wont have to swap the balls in and out to A B the materials to evaluate whether I find more value in one or the other. Apparently Brenyo is going to make that easy by offering a second set of balls for the preorder customers (thanks Brenyo). It seems logical to me that the biggest benefits between different ball material may apply best to whether or not one is using the device on a stem or on a piece of glass. It may well be that I prefer one material for my stem when out and about in one material for my glass when sitting at home, and having a second head would make that much easier.
Was wondering that myself but moved to a place without an induction stove so I can’t test! At best it’ll be slow since it’s much smaller than the pans they expect to be used and the cooktop will just be heating the bottom of the device rather than bottom and sides. At worst I’d expect the surface glass to stress or break earlier than expected due to the heat being concentrated into a small point rather than spread across the cooking surface.Stupid question time: for the small amount of humans that own an induction stove top, does anyone know if it’s safe to heat the tempest on low setting and set the head on the burner? Assuming my burner is even recognized a tempest and doesn’t auto shut off.
Mine does not detect anything that small. (Tried with an Anvil, no Tempest yet.)Stupid question time: for the small amount of humans that own an induction stove top, does anyone know if it’s safe to heat the tempest on low setting and set the head on the burner? Assuming my burner is even recognized a tempest and doesn’t auto shut off.
Sorry just to confirm, does this mean the tempest does fit Pipe's IHs? I have the cauldron and wanted to make sure I didn't need to pick up the wand.The Tempest and my Vapcaps are the only vapes that I have that really use induction heating. While the Wand with a decent adapter does a good job with the VCs, I usually use one of my Pipes IHs for them so I don't have to switch adapters. I do still use them. If, like some of the users in here, the Tempest had become my one and only vape to use, it might make sense to spend a lot more money on a higher end IH. Given that the Tempest is only one of the vapes I use, and the Wand works pretty well with it, it's going to be hard to rationalize buying an expensive IH for it (me).
Added: Forgive me. I use IHs for my Tempest, my Vap Caps, and my Revolves, of which I have a couple of both Gens. I tend to think of my Revolves as Vapcaps because they still use the cap and tip.
Was just using the boro for about a week. They get HOT like the sic, but without that distinct taste I get w/sic. Was RTL on the normal 2nd VI mark so had to tone it down. Cleaned up my scorched up zircs and threw them back in .. my preference for this vapeAnyone changed ball type, and found it affected the vape signature?
I just changed to boro 2.5 and I swear the high is different. Same dose, same material. Anyone feel similar?
Interesting thought on the 21700's. They would allow a moderately smaller footprint in the Flare. Since I have a box of Moli 18650 P28A's and 21700 P45B's here, I gave them a quick weighing. Three Moli P28A's weigh 135g; two Moli P45B's weigh 132g. So not much weight savings if they used the bigger batts. Would there be other advantages to using 21700's?I got the Forge on the 420 sale, and its great.... just not 3-4 times the price of the wand great. I would rather have 3 backup wands personally. In my testing I can get more Tempest bowls out of the wand than the forge on one set of batteries. Maybe its because when the Forge is off, I can hear a slight coil buzz, draining my batteries when not in use
Also the wand is a good size for traveling, but the forge + batteries is not. The case that comes with the forge is pretty useless. It doesnt fit my grinders or any typical weed containers, and there is no spot for spare batteries. The case just seems like an after thought.
I think the Flare missed the mark with 3 18650 rather than using 21700 batteries, but I'm definitely curious what the early adopters have to say about it.
Im not an electrical engineer, so idk if 3 18650's provide higher wattage than 21700's. Just from a consumer stand point - I dont want to marry 3 batteries and keep track of multiple sets of 3 pair batteries. It isnt safe to mix and match batteries. All 3 18650's need to be new, married, and kept together for the lifespan of the batteries. If you marry 3 batteries at different life cycles it can cause the batteries to fail in dangerous fashion.Interesting thought on the 21700's. They would allow a moderately smaller footprint in the Flare. Since I have a box of Moli 18650 P28A's and 21700 P45B's here, I gave them a quick weighing. Three Moli P28A's weigh 135g; two Moli P45B's weigh 132g. So not much weight savings if they used the bigger batts. Would there be other advantages to using 21700's?