The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

I got my tempest with reload in Dec and i use it with the wand regularly. I let it run a full cycle and get full extract. Im a little less confident on back to back bowls, but i made a heatsink and it cools very fast. Im waiting for the release so i can get a second head. I think im just as pleased with a dimpled glass tube as i am the full titanium stem performance wise.
When you're not on the go, the glass from for example a BB9 really helps keeping the stem cool - ideal for back to back rips
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@Brenyo The website mentions how much of each oring is included if you buy the extra set but I'm not sure how many are used in total for the Tempest. Is the spare set enough for just 1 spare of each oring? If I wanted at least 2 extras, I'd have to buy 2 sets of spares?
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@Brenyo The website mentions how much of each oring is included if you buy the extra set but I'm not sure how many are used in total for the Tempest. Is the spare set enough for just 1 spare of each oring? If I wanted at least 2 extras, I'd have to buy 2 sets of spares?
I ended up buying bags of replacement high temp orings and screens from amazon although ive only needed to replace screens so far


Well-Known Member
@Brenyo The website mentions how much of each oring is included if you buy the extra set but I'm not sure how many are used in total for the Tempest. Is the spare set enough for just 1 spare of each oring? If I wanted at least 2 extras, I'd have to buy 2 sets of spares?
There's 1 of the 7x1 , 2 pcs 6x1, 4pcs 5x1. 1 set of spare is more than enough I think, normally you shouldn't have to replace any for a long time.


Well-Known Member
I would agree. Although the price of the reload system feels a little bit premium, I feel that its design and function does warrant it. I do think it would be cool to see a slightly more affordable version. Maybe a 2 chamber instead of a 3. But that’s all small potatoes. The function on this accessory seems stellar.

Would you recommend picking up the wand from DynaVap at $89 on the sale that they have? Or am I better off waiting to see if we get something lower for 7/10?

Not sure what price point this thing usually dips to.
Great deal for US customers. $50 shipping to Canada not so much. Rats.


Active Member
I did see that, but the actual launch website has had no updates to it. Still “estimating launch for June” on June 28th. That doesn’t bode well for a product that’s suppose to ship soon.

How is that 7 months treating you as far as the reach test on your tempest?

As far as shipping woes go, I know that Mad is doing all it can to get the Tempests to us. The Tempest is unequivocally the best vape I've ever owned.

Believe me: it is worth the wait. Sure, it's tough to wait for something I want badly (and I DO want another Tempest that way), but I trust Mad. I have known them for a bit longer than a year now (since March of 23), and of all the vaporizer manufactures, I trust them them most. Why? Mad actually communicates when something unforeseen happens (i.e. delays). If you have not been around the vape community for more than a few years, you may not know just how bad a lack of communication can be. Around the same time the (beta) Tempest dropped, S & B dropped their Venty, except there was a massive lack of transparency about shipping, malfunctions, recalls, etc. I am not out to dig S & B, as they did work out the issues, but a lot of that resolution happened AFTER THE FACT.

Mad Heaters at least lets customers know of logistical issues BEFORE we spend our money. That means a lot to me, and I think others, too.

Another reason I can continue to be patient: I know Mad will get their products to us all in good time and all in working order.

Like RedZep, the Tempest is my go-to choice. I sure wish I could just go to a store (like where you trade in gold for cash) to get rid of my DinoVaps. I don't touch them any more.

I would agree. Although the price of the reload system feels a little bit premium, I feel that its design and function does warrant it. I do think it would be cool to see a slightly more affordable version. Maybe a 2 chamber instead of a 3. But that’s all small potatoes. The function on this accessory seems stellar.

Would you recommend picking up the wand from DynaVap at $89 on the sale that they have? Or am I better off waiting to see if we get something lower for 7/10?

Not sure what price point this thing usually dips to.

Personally, I can't classify the Reload as a "premium." Sure, it is premium quality, but I see the Reload as an essential, not as a bonus or something fancy. I need a Reload. Period.

If I received a Tempest without a Reload, I'd be irritated. You pretty much need a Reload, well, to reload your Tempest. I'm sure you could figure out a plan B without a Reload, but I'd not want do it. The ritual of using the Tempest without a Reload would not be as graceful or (time) efficient.
I just timed myself going from emptying ABV to reloading, and it took me 16 seconds. I was going slow on purpose, too. The Tempest/Reload/Wand combo allows me to be super stealthy. I can duck outside the house, have a speedy Tempest session, and return in under about 6 minutes. When I return back inside the house, my head is in the clouds. I have a super high tolerance, too.

To me, one hard-core Tempest session is way more pronounced than a session with any other vape I have owned. Disclaimer: I have not owned a massive rig set up with full-scale ball vapes. I would not want that anyway because I value portability, stealth, and agility over size and clunkiness. From what I have gleaned from users who do have full ball vape set-ups, the Tempest is one of their top choices simply because of its portability.

If the Wand is selling for $89, I think that's a great deal. I recall the price as closer to $100. Personally, I think the Wand gives me the best results because there is no guesswork.

When you're not on the go, the glass from for example a BB9 really helps keeping the stem cool - ideal for back to back rips

I agree with that. The BB9 works wonderfully. It saves time when it's time for a deep clean. In a BB9, however, I find the taste somewhat diminished, especially compared to the shorter Reload glass sleeve.

I tried the Revolve glass sleeve last night (after a month break), and it is awesome for taste. I am bummed that the Tempest won't have a thicker glass sleeve option, at least initially. That (thinner) Revolve sleeve works fine, and I find myself mesmerized every time I get to see the white vapor climb up around the spiral. The Revolve sleeve does get hot, though. You can tolerate it, but you will probably want to set it down to cool right after you have your inhale. I do not do back to back hits on the Revolve glass sleeve. I must let everything cool back to room temp.

Below is an older clip I made from several months back.

With regards to a possible run of thicker glass sleeves for the Tempest, I wonder if there were a way we (users on FC) could help get Mad some feedback about our potential interest in such a sleeve. Could there, for example, be a survey we could create/take so Mad could gauge demand?

I am trying to be a bit silly with this, but I feel like a "Who" in the Dr. Seuss book/movie Horton Hears a Who. "We need every voice!"
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Well-Known Member
Well, I am gutted.
My tempest has been treated pretty hard since I got it, (26th November) it's been tossed about in a rucksack while I've been on my mountain bike.
It's been in my pocket while out and about on a bike.
It's basically done a lot of miles on a bike.

I've been deliberately harsh with it and it's been absolutely on point, every time.

Tonight though, I was leaving a mini golf place with the Mrs, I was in the middle of taking the tempest out the leather sleeve thing I have and I tripped up, and just sort of threw my tempest at the ground....

I picked it up after several hard bounces, had a look, to my surprise there virtually no marks on it whatsoever....
There is a slight rough edge on the very edge of the mouthpiece, can't really see it, but my lips can feel it so that'll need refinishing.
But I'm well impressed, it took a proper tumble and it's damn near perfect.
However, I then unscrewed the head to fill it up, but unknowingly to me, the tumble knocked the ball retaining screen loose, which promptly fell out and rolled away, along with 42 of the balls.

I started the story by saying I am gutted.
I am, but it's first world problems.
I'll see about getting some spares ordered as I don't think the balls are available yet.

I'm just gutted that I'm going to be without it till I get it sorted.
It's my proper go to vape all the time now.

Until this eve, I was only going to buy spares on launch and wait for a 2nd tempest as money is really tough just now.

I think I'll be ordering a 2nd full device on launch day, just so I have a spare.
Gonna be a long few days without it.
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Well-Known Member
@HaggisHunter that sucks!:rant: If you can get some balls and a 1/2 in screen, could hold ya over. Trick is not bending it too much and getting it past the first set of threads. Seems pretty secure and how the TA balls are held.
Thanks, I'll see if I have anything like that about.
My own dumb fault for not checking before opening, I just assumed after all it's been through it would have been fine, which I guess it is, other than one vital bit 😆
How many balls can it take?
Mine had 87


Active Member
@HaggisHunter : oh, man, I feel your pain. Your reasoning for a back-up Tempest is mine as well. The thought of having to vape on something else is a dark thought for sure. I hope you get your Tempest back and running swiftly.

Edit: Sorry. I see a nasty slip up from earlier. I pasted it below. The third to last word should be "Revolve." At least I had the names right elsewhere.
I agree with that. The BB9 works wonderfully. It saves time when it's time for a deep clean. In a BB9, however, I find the taste somewhat diminished, especially compared to the shorter **Reload glass sleeve.
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Well-Known Member
@HaggisHunter : oh, man, I feel your pain. Your reasoning for a back-up Tempest is mine as well. The thought of having to vape on something else is a dark thought for sure. I hope you get your Tempest back and running swiftly.

Edit: Sorry. I see a nasty slip up from earlier. I pasted it below. The third to last word should be "Revolve." At least I had the names right elsewhere.
Me too, brenyo has been in touch. It'll all be right soon 😁 that's why the fan base continues to grow. Help and support are second to none.

It's pretty rare that there are purchases that feel as complete as they do with mad heaters.
I sure wish I could just go to a store (like where you trade in gold for cash) to get rid of my DinoVaps. I don't touch them any more.
I started to get shot of mine a while back.
I had about 25 of them, maybe more. I started getting bad vibes from them and decided not to support anymore.
So I sold them all and spent the money building a custom mountain bike instead 😁

I still have two 5 fin titanium tips that I use on a revolve gen2 stem, and have one of the 7 fin tips but that's it, since the 7 fin is a bit rare, I put it on a timascus revolve I was gifted by mad heaters.
Oh, and the short omnivap my wife bought me, that holds a special wee place since it got me into vaping in 2019 in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see some purpose made j hooks for the tempest.

Anything that fits Dynavap tips, fits Tempest tips.


No thoughts, head empty
Every part is ready now, including the leather case and box. They’re still finishing the assembly of Reloads though. Once that’s done, they’ll work on the Tempests, and it should arrive around mid next month.

So.... @Brenyo apologies if you've said already but I'm losing track. On sale tomorrow?
Based on the last post about this from Monday, probably won’t be available until around the 15th
Edit: or potentially the 11th since shipping is paused until then.
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