The Screwball by Vapvana


Well-Known Member
Bowl handle? The handle likely uses a standard thread pitch. You could take it to a local big box hardware store, find the "thread finder" display, and see what matches. Then you'll have the dimensions you need for buying or making a replacement.

Or do you mean the handle on the heater? That's a slip fit affair, I believe.
Sorry I meant the heater, I just want to look for a nice wood handle and wasn’t too sure how it detached

Grass Yes

Staff member
Sorry I meant the heater, I just want to look for a nice wood handle and wasn’t too sure how it detached
I say upgrade both handles while you are at it.
Here's the old handle and the new one:

Most wood handles for enails have a slit in the bottom to fit the cable. The you slide it over the clamp. I think iDB was the first to use this technique.

Here's a video from Dfreez showing how it is done:


Well-Known Member
I say upgrade both handles while you are at it.
I don't want to go too far off topic, but I had to show what I found at Ed's T&T.

If you look at the picture I like that the coil does not touch the stand. But it makes it more dangerous around kids and pets.
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Grass Yes

Staff member
If you look at the picture I like that the coil does not touch the stand. But it makes it more dangerous around kids and pets.
I think I'd rather have the head securely held, rather than balanced. Although I've never actually used that crappy stand that came with the screwball aside from the photo above. I just use a CH hanger and post. I'd definitely recommend anyone upgrade the stand immediately.


Just ordered a Screwball without PID, I have the Thermal Twist also, reckon the CrossingTech PID from that should do the trick. Really looking forward to this desktop vape, by next week work should be done and holidays should be on, hoping the device will find its way to me by then 🤗🥳

I’m new to ball vapes, I took a complete impulse on the screwball just before our laws in Aus changed recently. it has stopped me combusting completely. Every now and then I used to sneak a pipe in between vapes but this has stopped it completely. Thanks so much for teaching me.

I have the preorder on the hybrid bowls, the glass and the guard.

Can I ask what do I look for when buying a nice wood handle?
Are there certain specs to look for?
if you scroll up a bit there is someone selling handles
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Well-Known Member
I have one paid for and will arrive soon BUT I do not have the money to buy a 14mm to 18mm converter.......

can I use the Ruby Twist bowl and insert it into that or any other suggestions guys?????

sellotape or blue tac perhaps???? (joking)

Oh just noticed it now comes with (now comes with interchangeable 14.4mm and 18.8mm male glass joints)


Well-Known Member
Do screens in our ball vape bowls get to the point that they're no longer cleanable, and they just have to be tossed and replaced?

I clean my Screwball bowl most days, and the screen just isn't getting clean any more. I think I have a couple of spare screens, but given how much I use this thing I'll have to add some more onto a future order if I'm going through them in 2-3 months.
I alternate 3 screens. The 2 that aren't in use sits in a sealed bowl of 91%ISO. When the other gets dirty I just switch them. They should always be able to come clean with and 91% ISO soak. Maybe a little agitation may be needed with a brush perhaps.
Cannabis Connoisseur,
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Rubies are forever ♦️♦️♦️
Do screens in our ball vape bowls get to the point that they're no longer cleanable, and they just have to be tossed and replaced?

I clean my Screwball bowl most days, and the screen just isn't getting clean any more. I think I have a couple of spare screens, but given how much I use this thing I'll have to add some more onto a future order if I'm going through them in 2-3 months.
I just take it out, hold with tweezers then burn it off with an lighter or torch blow off the ash, done 🔥


Well-Known Member
Do screens in our ball vape bowls get to the point that they're no longer cleanable, and they just have to be tossed and replaced?

I clean my Screwball bowl most days, and the screen just isn't getting clean any more. I think I have a couple of spare screens, but given how much I use this thing I'll have to add some more onto a future order if I'm going through them in 2-3 months.

I use one my big flame lighters to clean my screens mostly and it burns off most of the gunk then clean them with ISO soak.

and yes imo the screens do degrade with use but I do not think ti affects things much as long as they are clean and air can get threw.


Well-Known Member
Preorder showed up, first ball vape. Thought the Solo3 had good flavor but with this can tell the nuance between hits much more, very herbal. Loving the 18mm half bowl. After a really long time using the classic Volcano and og Mighty I'm enjoying these upgrades. No more bags or capsules! :lol:



Preorder showed up, first ball vape. Thought the Solo3 had good flavor but with this can tell the nuance between hits much more, very herbal. Loving the 18mm half bowl. After a really long time using the classic Volcano and og Mighty I'm enjoying these upgrades. No more bags or capsules! :lol:

when did you order please, I ordered july 3rd and mine not shipped yet?
@Vapvana did the early pre-order bowls end up being shipped last week? Should I have received tracking?
I don’t think so must of been a delay, I ordered before the 24th and didn’t receive my tracking yet although I am in Australia and also added the coil guard to my order later so not sure if that changes anything for me.
Slimjob Dopamine,

Looks like there was a shipping delay. I ordered bowls on 6-22 and they haven't shipped yet.


I don’t think so must of been a delay, I ordered before the 24th and didn’t receive my tracking yet although I am in Australia and also added the coil guard to my order later so not sure if that changes anything for me.
How confident are you on it getting through customs in Oz? (I'm also in Oz)


Well-Known Member
They've provided an update at

If you haven't received a tracking # yet, your order is expected to ship out by the end of next week.

  • Most US Screwball kits & All Pinch Hitter kits shipped out this week.
    • We are still waiting for the remaining part of our order to arrive next week.
    • The remaining US Screwball kits & all International Screwball kits are expected to ship out by the end of next week
  • ~50 Bowl Bundles shipped out this week.
    • We didn't receive as many bowls as we were expecting this week, which has led to some orders being pushed back until the end of next week.
    • We will continue shipping out the bundles in the order we received them, until all outstanding orders are fulfilled.
  • Coil guards + other accessories will ship early next week.
    • We didn't want to ship the coil guards in bubble mailers because we thought they could get bent / damaged in transit.
    • We ordered smaller boxes to ship these and are expecting them to arrive on Monday
  • Bubblers have been shipped to us via sea, and we are waiting for the tracking to update when they reach the states.
  • If you are international & ordered a bubbler with other items, please note everything will ship together.
Thank you for your patience, we are working hard to get caught up on pre-orders ASAP! -Vapvana Team
How confident are you on it getting through customs in Oz? (I'm also in Oz)
Pretty confident, Cal has said he’s aware of the laws here and try’s to be discreet with packaging. Even if he wasn’t I’m thinking you would have to be pretty unlucky for them not to get through.
Slimjob Dopamine,
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