The Screwball by Vapvana


New Member
Is there a way to remove the o-rings without pinching/puncturing them with a tweezer? All my o-rings have punctures on them and im worried the inside material of the o-ring is in contact with vapor and might be unsafe?
I guess once the glass is squeezed back in there is no chance the vapor can make its way to the o-ring
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Is there a way to remove the o-rings without pinching/puncturing them with a tweezer? All my o-rings have punctures on them and im worried the inside material of the o-ring is in contact with vapor and might be unsafe?
I guess once the glass is squeezed back in there is no chance the vapor can make its way to the o-ring
The interior of an oring is the same material as the outside so other than effecting the structural intregity. As for getting them off I like either rolling them off with a thumb nail or using an Old Head Tamp/Pick tool and rolling under the ring with the tool parallel to the ring. An Elev8 pick tool works well, it's like a hat-pin and slips easily under the ring. There is also a commercial o-ring tool that's made to remove rings without damage but it's probably overkill.
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