well, my Nibbler-xl is screwed. I through on the 3 O-rings, and got zero vape. Air was leaking past the o rings. OK, switch to the thicker ones. Now the mouth piece is stuck in the body and the threads are not strong enough to pull it out. Man this is frustrating...
Using pliers just screwed up the threads. Now the MP is screwed up and stuck in the body. I can't get it out. Only way is to cut it up.
Well it isn't working for me

Not very happy either way it didn't work and its busted.
The first time I used it I just had the MP in the area where its stuck, but after reading this, I thought you installed it all the way to the bottom of the sr-71. It worked better just sticking the mp in not all the way. Well, in material now MP is in pieces.
edit: Damn it, now my brand new nibbler-xl is in pieces on my carpet and my hand is cut up. Screw this.
The top is still stuck in there man. Oh, its broke so I guess it don't matter. Depressed for sure.