Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.


Well-Known Member
PS. I think you are one of the "paid Beta testers" for the INH. That product is so new, there hasn't even really been a chance to really test it.


Portable Vaporist
PS. I think you are one of the "paid Beta testers" for the INH. That product is so new, there hasn't even really been a chance to really test it.

Your certainly welcome to that opinion. I only bought mine after it was tested and vetted by some experienced FC users here whose opinions often line up with mine. The INH has been out for several months now. Long enough for the initial users to find some issues with the dial and the for the manufacturer to address them and issue an updated version (which is what I bought).

BTW: I got one of those 4 way USB chargers with 2 x 2.1 amp ports and 2 x 0.5 amp ports and have been loving that for charging the iphone, ipad, o-phos and the INH as well. cool invention....



Well-Known Member
I still love you RU_Frothy.......

Guys, he is welcome to say whatever he wants. Who cares if he doesn't want a bender?

He has done a lot for us all, have you ever looked at the Vaporpedia? Thank him.....

I'm not mad at him. Everyone has their opinion.

Of course, although an opinion on this product wasn't really got my attention as much as the "really don't have any desire for any more NON temp regulated vapes" part. I think it explained the opinions; I guess I still do? He's quite happy with his new vape and doesn't like the ones in this class as a group. Cool. Seems bent on repeating it over and over, his 'right' too I guess.

But of course, opinions (one or more per customer) all around. I've sure got mine, paid shill for countless makers that I am......or am 'known' to be anyway.



To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Testing has Started for Hercules 3.7v using AW IMR (none charged). using Herb , I didnt care to check voltage on the battery as it was a first run and wanted to see how it performed out of the box. Battery i currently charging and i will begin documenting as soon as its done.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me the difference between the 1701 carts and the Hercules? All I can get is that the 1701 carts are leakproof and just for oil. and the Hercules can be used for herb and oil?? Which is cleanable? Which is clog proof? What voltage are they meant to be run at?


Well-Known Member
They are still in testing. But as I understand the 1701 is the new version of the current cart that addresses the issues with the original (not much info out yet). The Hercules is a leakproof, cleanable oil cart that can possibly also do herbs.

We shall see in the coming weeks if I am right. Or if anyone can chime in who knows more.


Well-Known Member
I'm loving my new INH way too much to care and I really don't have any desire for any more NON temp regulated vapes ala bender, evolution, T1, etc....[/quote]

Can you please tell me what the INH is, and were I can check it out? Always interested in something thats tested and works.
Kevin :cheers:


Well-Known Member
It has it's own thread.

But keep in mind every thread is going to have people trying to convince everyone else their vape is better. It's not just here. It's everywhere


Well-Known Member
It has it's own thread.

But keep in mind every thread is going to have people trying to convince everyone else their vape is better. It's not just here. It's everywhere

Were? And what is it, and what is the full name, I know everybodies vapes are the best in the world or the biggest piece of shit just dependes on who you talk to.


Well-Known Member
But as I understand the 1701 is the new version of the current cart that addresses the issues with the original (not much info out yet). The Hercules is a leakproof, cleanable oil cart that can possibly also do herbs.

That's my understanding as well. 1701 is an expendable improved version of Omicron (probably in the same power ranges in the end), Hercules is intended to be cleaned (boiled?) and reused 'for over a year'. The former will probably cost about ten bucks a copy as before, the latter many times that (since it will last much longer and do more).

And what is it, and what is the full name, I know everybodies vapes are the best in the world or the biggest piece of shit just dependes on who you talk to.

Boy ain't that the simple truth! Worse than commenting on a guy's dog or choice of beer......

Still, I think it's way cool that Capitalism provides us such fine choices to pick from. It must be frustrating to read of such keen stuff in the remote areas of the net where you can't get it shipped to you cheaply and quickly.



Hi everyone! Just got a Persei, very excited! Hopefully have it up and running tomorrow. Has anyone had experience with re-using cartridges after the gram runs out? I gotta start stocking up (and pre-filling) these cartridges...
Hi everyone! Just got a Persei, very excited! Hopefully have it up and running tomorrow. Has anyone had experience with re-using cartridges after the gram runs out? I gotta start stocking up (and pre-filling) these cartridges...
Re-filling is normal operating procedure for many of us and "re-use"ing the cartridge is quite common. The lessons you will need to learn are (my recommendations):

Learn to tell when is the cartridge empty (*USE A SCALE*)?
Become familiar with when is the cartridge clogged?
Any most importantly: "Should I put/risk this concentrate" in an Omi cartridge. (i.e. is the cart shot, or is this "suitable")?

With a bit of experience these questions aren't very difficult, but starting from scratch I _strongly_ recommend reading as much as you can stand of this thread, the Omicron thread and the vaporpedia.

BTW. Be careful "pre-filling" - 'I've found many carts are "slow leak"'rs, so you may not want to fill a cart long before use.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
Once again, sound advice comes from NDA's keyboard. Let me second the 'weigh the empty cart' point. Then add a half gram, more raises the risk of leaks. Put it in service, when you're down to .3 grams left (you've used the first .2), 'keep an eye' on production. The cart will start to 'run dry' with .2 or so left. When it starts to slow up, it's time to top up. Don't push it, heating it up when low on concentrate can wreck the seals faster and end the cart's service life. When it starts to slow, put the other half gram in. After you've vaped that out (used a half gram, back to .2 or so) it's time to add another half gram. Given clean concentrates, several grams can be run through on average. Some guys get 5 or more gram's use by being careful.

If your oil is on the thin side, be sure to draw cool air though it after you shut down until it's cold.

Stick with 2.4 Ohm carts at 3.7 Volts until you've learned to control things or you're sure to come to grief.

Good luck, it's really not all that hard if you take is slow.



Tried out a g-pen today and I must say it works much better for wax in terms of taste. If only the Persei could not ruin the taste.
Tried out a g-pen today and I must say it works much better for wax in terms of taste. If only the Persei could not ruin the taste.
I can't agree, but if it is what you really want then Delta9 offers the (nearly) same eGo-W (it fits the Omicron/Persei 601 threading):
But I should add that I stopped a friend from buying one a couple weeks ago (many better alternatives are available for oil or wax).



Well-Known Member
Tried out a g-pen today and I must say it works much better for wax in terms of taste. If only the Persei could not ruin the taste.

I don't find the taste suffers with Omicron and Persei using 2.4 Ohm carts at 3.7 Volts and some modest caution. It can be done if you really stand on it.

However, I find it almost impossible to avoid with the 'big cloud' carts. Even fairly tame versions (like 4 Ohms at six Volts) can very easily 'cook' the oil before feeding it. In such cases, even the reclaimed concentrate tastes bad in either another Omicron cart or DART.

I assume you're not running 2.4s?



Don't get me wrong I want to wait until the new herc cart comes out. The flavor of the g-pen was good but the unit itself is nowhere near the build quality of the Persei by far. Just frustrated. I will try some 2.4ohm carts.


Well-Known Member
Just frustrated. I will try some 2.4ohm carts.

Understood, you're not the first guy to jump into the deep end before learning to swim. IMO the 'start with 2.4 Ohm carts until you gain the necessary skills' message gets missed (or ignored) all too often. The results are pretty predictable. Such new owner problems were pretty rare before the 'better' carts came out.

Dollars to doughnuts, 2.4s and taking it easy until you can drive them instinctively is the call.

Good luck.

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