The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member

I actually quit last summer for a month and found that certain types of teas were very productive in the vape, and some even had a nice flavour!

I was ripping tea bags and adding them straight to the q (separate bowl) but I'd recommend getting a nice jar of high quality loose tea (David's tea maybe). The berry and citrus flavours worked best for me.

On those berry teas, were you using the ones that have dehydrated pieces of fruit in the mix?

Just wondering of the safety of vaporizing something like that with the fructose content and whatnot. Seems like uncharted territory and I can't find anything on the web about doing this. Can you point me to the exact berry & citrus teas you were using? I have some organic peppermint and lemon balm loose leaves on the way to get started. Stuff is dirt cheap, and if it doesn't work out for vaping I'll have some tea to make out of it. Thx for the info!
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
On those berry teas, were you using the ones that have dehydrated pieces of fruit in the mix?

Just wondering of the safety of vaporizing something like that. I have some organic peppermint and lemon balm loose leaves on the way to get started. Stuff is dirt cheap, and if it doesn't work out for vaping I'll have some tea to make out of it. Thx for the info!
Why wouldn't it be safe to vaporize dried fruit? (just curious ... that's not something that would have occurred to me ... although I was wondering about the types of teas too :))


Well-Known Member
Ons thing I do actually vaporize, is essential oils. I use my Herborizer XL. I use degummed hemp fiber to make a loose but deep bed to drop the oils onto, deep and dense enough to hold the oil for a while, but not too dense or compact, to allow for airflow.

They will drip through into the water piece dye to the suction, but by then sufficient relief is had.
I use peppermint and eucalyptus. It is an alternative to the steam inhalation for clearing my lungs if mucus. You can really see the visible peppermint vapor. It is painful as fuck, but very effective at dealing with lung congestion. Only painful due to the menthol hitting the mucus and forcing it up do rapidly for expellation.

After the peppermint has done its maximum action and the lungs are much clearer, it would nit hurt to do it again.
It is "no pain, no gain", pure and simple. Here is the bowl and hemp fiber:

You could use any oil, Im allergic to lavender essential oil, but that would be good for relaxing.
You only need 2 or 3 drops. The hemp fiber has to be just right though. Best thing to do, stretch the induvidual fibers apart completely, then gently and loosely bundle it all together, not too compressed.

And you need to keep the temp low. All vapes will be different, so start low and rise gently until you get visible but clean tasting vapor.
I keep the Herbo dial at just a smidge over setting 4. 4 is 150°C, 5 is 180°.

So just over 150, but less than 160 works best. It is very easy to burn the oils if you go too high.

strictly vapor

Well-Known Member
Hey man, congrats on making it almost to the end! What is your usage pattern/history? Have you taken breaks before? Age? I'm in middle age now, and I love cannabis and always will, but i'm no longer in denial about it being the pancea without any negative side effects, which alot of people deny. I just don't see what's so natural about inhaling exogenous phytocannabinoids with high heat to disrupt our own endocannabinoid receptors, hour after hour, day after day unless you have no choice for medical reasons. I will always support cannabis over anything chemical or pharma, although it seems like alot of cannabis has alot of pesticides unless you grow your own.

Dr Daniel Amen has some interesting info on cannabis and the brain, and it's not great...spect scans.

I just wanted to offer perspective on Dr. Amen. He's clearly a well accomplished man who has dedicated his research to the human brain and has helped a lot of people. That said, he clearly has a bias against marijuana, and perhaps even an agenda.

9 years ago I started seeing a very accomplished, experienced psychiatrist who had personally worked with Dr. Amen and who had taken the time to become familiar with ALL of his research. He also adopted Dr. Amens philosophy.

This is a medication based pilosphy, where if you are deemed to have an inbalance of any kind, you are prescribed a medication to balance your brain. The problem with this philosophy is it overlooks the fact that many of these patients would be far better off starting a routine which aims to level out inbalances through exercise, diet, cognitive behavioral therapy, supplements etc.

When you have CHILDREN being prescribed addictive stimulants like ritilan and adderal there is something fundamentally wrong with the medical system.

My psychiatrist took an approach where you must take everything he prescribes, or he won't work with you. You must abstain fom alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, or he won't work with you.

I can't speak to who funds Dr. Amens studies, but I would be quite surprised if I learned there was no funding from any of the major drug companies who are manufacturing and aggressively pushing these extremely addictive stimulants.

I acknowledge that Leafly is pro-marijuana, but the following is an interesting read.

Upon further scrutiny it has been revealed that test subjects were hand picked to facilitate the findings which would ultimately discourage use of marijuana. What interests me is that we have a doctor who in one breath slams marijuana and what it does to the brain, but actively promotes addictive stimulants belonging to the meth family.

My problem isn't with those who take a hardline approach to drugs, it is with those who will slam down one drug as being horribly destructive, while promoting others which are every bit as harmful. It is no surprise to me that the drug being slammed is one which is very hard for big pharma to profit on, as anyone can grow their own, and the one being hailed has been synthsized in a lab with the goal of maximizing profits.

I think it's curcial to remain open to both the positive and negative aspects of marijuana, and always strive to learn more about it. Most drugs have pros and cons. I'm sure there's even a lot of good research done by Dr. Amen which could be of serious benefit to a lot of people, but his controversial findings on marijuana coupled with his strong push towards pharmaceuticals does raise concern.

This is really turning into an awesome thread with amazing, forward thinking information and I'd like to thank everyone who's contributed!

Good luck to everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to offer perspective on Dr. Amen. He's clearly a well accomplished man who has dedicated his research to the human brain and has helped a lot of people. That said, he clearly has a bias against marijuana, and perhaps even an agenda.

9 years ago I started seeing a very accomplished, experienced psychiatrist who had personally worked with Dr. Amen and who had taken the time to become familiar with ALL of his research. He also adopted Dr. Amens philosophy.

This is a medication based pilosphy, where if you are deemed to have an inbalance of any kind, you are prescribed a medication to balance your brain. The problem with this philosophy is it overlooks the fact that many of these patients would be far better off starting a routine which aims to level out inbalances through exercise, diet, cognitive behavioral therapy, supplements etc.

When you have CHILDREN being prescribed addictive stimulants like ritilan and adderal there is something fundamentally wrong with the medical system.

My psychiatrist took an approach where you must take everything he prescribes, or he won't work with you. You must abstain fom alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, or he won't work with you.

I can't speak to who funds Dr. Amens studies, but I would be quite surprised if I learned there was no funding from any of the major drug companies who are manufacturing and aggressively pushing these extremely addictive stimulants.

I acknowledge that Leafly is pro-marijuana, but the following is an interesting read.

Upon further scrutiny it has been revealed that test subjects were hand picked to facilitate the findings which would ultimately discourage use of marijuana. What interests me is that we have a doctor who in one breath slams marijuana and what it does to the brain, but actively promotes addictive stimulants belonging to the meth family.

My problem isn't with those who take a hardline approach to drugs, it is with those who will slam down one drug as being horribly destructive, while promoting others which are every bit as harmful. It is no surprise to me that the drug being slammed is one which is very hard for big pharma to profit on, as anyone can grow their own, and the one being hailed has been synthsized in a lab with the goal of maximizing profits.

I think it's curcial to remain open to both the positive and negative aspects of marijuana, and always strive to learn more about it. Most drugs have pros and cons. I'm sure there's even a lot of good research done by Dr. Amen which could be of serious benefit to a lot of people, but his controversial findings on marijuana coupled with his strong push towards pharmaceuticals does raise concern.

This is really turning into an awesome thread with amazing, forward thinking information and I'd like to thank everyone who's contributed!

Good luck to everyone!!!
Thanks to yourself also for another very valid, well thought and relevant contribution. Personally, I have always felt that weed grown with chemical ferts may be responsible for a LOT of the negative aspects of cannabis use.
We all know how bad fertilisers and pesticides are in our food supply. Im sure thee are plenty of people who eat mainly organic but dont even think about the chemicals used in their weed.

I have always said, it isnt just the weed, plus the chemicals. It is something entirely different in terms of effect on consciousness, as a result of the chemicals.

We really need some proper long term studies exporing the differences between people who use only organically grown weed, and chemical weed.
I bet a lot of money this would be highly revealing. I doubt we will see such advanced and well designed and conducted research in our lifetimes, but you never know.

strictly vapor

Well-Known Member
Thanks to yourself also for another very valid, well thought and relevant contribution. Personally, I have always felt that weed grown with chemical ferts may be responsible for a LOT of the negative aspects of cannabis use.
We all know how bad fertilisers and pesticides are in our food supply. Im sure thee are plenty of people who eat mainly organic but dont even think about the chemicals used in their weed.

I have always said, it isnt just the weed, plus the chemicals. It is something entirely different in terms of effect on consciousness, as a result of the chemicals.

We really need some proper long term studies exporing the differences between people who use only organically grown weed, and chemical weed.
I bet a lot of money this would be highly revealing. I doubt we will see such advanced and well designed and conducted research in our lifetimes, but you never know.

My thoughts exactly. I really do think that alot of the negatives we experience with marijuana are due to the pesticides in it, and that thc is unfairly criticized and made the scape goat.

There's no question that marijuana is not the benign harmless substance we all grew up believing it to be, but I strongly feel that common pesticides used in the growing process are causing a lot of the mental issues associated with long term use.

Pyrethin, a well established pestidide in the industry, is a very nasty chemical that when smoked can cause horrible damage to the brain long term. To the point where the guys selling it at the hydroponics store even pointed out it would not be wise to use marijuana that has been sprayed with such poison - and they want the business!

The more I learn what's in some of the weed we've been smoking, the more horrified I become. We can't change what we've already ingested but if there's one thing I can stress it's finding quality marijuana sourced from a health conscious grower, or from a producer who tests their products.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts exactly. I really do think that alot of the negatives we experience with marijuana are due to the pesticides in it, and that thc is unfairly criticized and made the scape goat.

There's no question that marijuana is not the benign harmless substance we all grew up believing it to be, but I strongly feel that common pesticides used in the growing process are causing a lot of the mental issues associated with long term use.

Pyrethin, a well established pestidide in the industry, is a very nasty chemical that when smoked can cause horrible damage to the brain long term. To the point where the guys selling it at the hydroponics store even pointed out it would not be wise to use marijuana that has been sprayed with such poison - and they want the business!

The more I learn what's in some of the weed we've been smoking, the more horrified I become. We can't change what we've already ingested but if there's one thing I can stress it's finding quality marijuana sourced from a health conscious grower, or from a producer who tests their products.
Bring on the day when so many people start to grow their own left, right amd center,,thatbthe law just HAS to change.
Here is Bedford UK, we know a lady whose 2 sons both had a tent in their bedroom. They also had plants in the garden. There was a gunshot in the area, resulting in police entering their garden as they scoured the area. They found the plants in the garden, and insisted on enetring the house. They found bpth tents. Im total they had 24 plants. It all got taken away, but that was the end of the matter!

No court, no charges, no fine, nothing! Up to 24 plants is considered personal.

Also, numerous councils around the UK have been strongly discouraging police forces from busting people for personal usage as they dont have the money to waste like that.

And medical marijuana was recently legalised in Ireland did you all know?
We never heard about thatbon the news though.:argh:

strictly vapor

Well-Known Member
On those berry teas, were you using the ones that have dehydrated pieces of fruit in the mix?

Just wondering of the safety of vaporizing something like that with the fructose content and whatnot. Seems like uncharted territory and I can't find anything on the web about doing this. Can you point me to the exact berry & citrus teas you were using? I have some organic peppermint and lemon balm loose leaves on the way to get started. Stuff is dirt cheap, and if it doesn't work out for vaping I'll have some tea to make out of it. Thx for the info!

Hey I can't seem to find it online right now. I don't drink regular tea and it was actually something I came across at a family member's house, and decided to give it a try. Next time I'm over there I'll take a look at the brand and send you a pm.

I also wonder about the safety of vaporizing such teas, but I was on a break at the time and wasn't particularly fussy. I'm sure some are better than others! The teas I used did have some chunks in it that looked like the fruit chunks in that picture, but the pieces in mine were definitely smaller. It was the fruity teas that produced the most vapor for me, by far!

@Alexis it's nice to hear common sense stories like that! Here in Canada many of our fine police forces have taken the same approach, as they can see first hand the wide reaching harms of marijuana prohibition. Unfortunately though, dispenseries are still being raided and innocent people still being convicted every day, even if it is at a much lower rate than 10 years ago.

I dream of the day where we can enjoy cannabis without compromising our health with tainted product, without compromising our freedom with archaeic laws, without the stigma so often attached to a marijuana user, and without corporate greed and governmental overreach spoiling all the fun.

I have a dream!!


Only in a few threads now, but i've been more glued to FC recently because of all of you guys! I've started threads similar to this one, but usually am chased away for being delusional that i'm actually going through a withdrawal... if you guys are interested I could revive some of them....mostly are in the medical section...there is one on night sweats that is particularly interesting. Interesting reads forsure, but stressful for me because of some attacks.

I honestly am in shock with my withdrawal so far, and how easy it's been! Really, save for the insomnia and feeling exhausted and low energy, and maybe a wonky stomach/appetite, I have nothing like I have had in the past! No chills/shivers throughout the day, brutal mood, nothing like that! Sweet!!! I'm also using completely different meds ( compared to last time (medme/natural order - dude from Dragon's Den Ian Layfield's company). Both BC buds, but obviously grown differently!

So nice to be in the presence of gentlemen here! :rockon: I'll probably come back and quote some of your messages and comment because of all the awesome points made. It's like we all are on the same vibration fellas....regardless of diet, beliefs, etc..... nothing but respect.

I'll tell ya though....i'm starting to feel medicated...hahaha comes and goes in waves...usually after I eat, or drink something hot.


Well-Known Member
Only in a few threads now, but i've been more glued to FC recently because of all of you guys! I've started threads similar to this one, but usually am chased away for being delusional that i'm actually going through a withdrawal... if you guys are interested I could revive some of them....mostly are in the medical section...there is one on night sweats that is particularly interesting. Interesting reads forsure, but stressful for me because of some attacks.

I honestly am in shock with my withdrawal so far, and how easy it's been! Really, save for the insomnia and feeling exhausted and low energy, and maybe a wonky stomach/appetite, I have nothing like I have had in the past! No chills/shivers throughout the day, brutal mood, nothing like that! Sweet!!! I'm also using completely different meds ( compared to last time (medme/natural order - dude from Dragon's Den Ian Layfield's company). Both BC buds, but obviously grown differently!

So nice to be in the presence of gentlemen here! :rockon: I'll probably come back and quote some of your messages and comment because of all the awesome points made. It's like we all are on the same vibration fellas....regardless of diet, beliefs, etc..... nothing but respect.

I'll tell ya though....i'm starting to feel medicated...hahaha comes and goes in waves...usually after I eat, or drink something hot.
Yeah I feel exactly the same. Its really noce to be able to have such a broad and open discussion and (just about) bring it back to the topic in question without anybody seeming to mind.

I am always digressing in all the threads in a philosophical way, just to get ideas out there.
That is very sweet indeed that you are increasingly and pleasantly surprised at how well, this break is going. I had wished this for you actually so Im real pleased, amd thanks fpr sharing it with us all.

I also just had a pm reply from Mark Mccoy. Hes gonna check his spam for my email, so I think we may see him on the VHW thread shortly, he has been checking it all out tonight.
He's an awsome guy so Im excited to have him in our company, and it makes me want to "join the family" even more!

Hopefully good things to come. I have had a very good day actually, with a massive improvement with my infections, both my lungs and stomach especially.

I was suffering like hell from intense die off. I still have another 17 days to go, but the "back has been broken", so Im more than half way through.

Dare I dream of a dream come true and sudden wellness achieved? I dare not, but it is certainly on the cards!:):):)
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Good morning fam! Day 5 today. Another similar night, not complete hell on earth, but not fun either. Same thing, first half soaked in sweat, and then dry but broken sleep, maybe a couple of hours...mostly at the start of the night (when sweating), and then wake up at like 3:30am and can't sleep anymore. Feeling the pressure in my head, and general low mood/fatigue....but it's bearable. I think i'll keep pushing, it's still early, I haven't even had the REM rebound yet....never dream while vaping ever, but always get REM rebound after a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
Good morning fam! Day 5 today. Another similar night, not complete hell on earth, but not fun either. Same thing, first half soaked in sweat, and then dry but broken sleep, maybe a couple of hours...mostly at the start of the night (when sweating), and then wake up at like 3:30am and can't sleep anymore. Feeling the pressure in my head, and general low mood/fatigue....but it's bearable. I think i'll keep pushing, it's still early, I haven't even had the REM rebound yet....never dream while vaping ever, but always get REM rebound after a couple of weeks.
I have to confess, Im actualt a bit envious of all of you out there who, although mostly not exactly choosing to break, are showing the mental strength and will power and making a determined commitment.

I used to have breaks all the time, until the lasy year or just under. In the lasy 12 months I have provably had between 10 and 20 days with no weed at all. This is largely because I have canna-coconut oil in the fridge all year round now, and the stuff is just too damn easy to put in your mouth!

I have lots of days off vapor, but I just cant motivate myself mentally these days to go without weed completely. The injury to my optic nerve is a big factor here, as it has been an enormous challenge since that happened actually keeping my mind comfortably engaged in anything, especially that requires using my eyes.

And I also have major tinnitus following an ear infection 3 years ago. So the 2 together kind of makes me restless and stir crazy. Also, until last years Auto harvest, I never had nearly enough weed to last every day of the year. So I had to take spells off in order to enjoy my weed in sufficient doses.

Now thay I dont HAVE to do that, my willpower and motivation is really shit! My mental state has been really down on terms of looking forward optimistically since the injury.

But it would do me SO much good to take a full break. So big respect to you all whatever your reasons, you still have to be committed. And well done, however long you manage.

So I had my late dinner last night, aftr an amzong turn around with how I was feeling. My stomach suddenyl seemed st start working the first time this year anyway, and I had a load of bowel movements which have been blocked up and trapped for months.

I felt incredible inside my intestines. My "chi" was suddenly back. The digestive tract smooth running is vital to the flow of energy through the body.

My chest also was the best it has been this year, almost as good as it was end of December when I was the most well I have been in 12 years, before the winter setbacks occured.

My chest is still in a very "bothered" state due to the clearing of the infections from the homeopathy. It usually is still really aggravated until a few days aftr the course has finished then, Voila! Sudden improvement.

One huge diffculty I have due to poor brain functiin and fatigue, is actually cooking my food properly. I am very sensitive to undercooked foods, like potatoes and vegetables, and foods cooked with too much or not enough water, like porridge, millet etc.

The number of times I have had complete cooking "disasters", porridge too runny, too hard and rubbery, potatoes and sweet potatoes not cooked long enough.

Every time it causes a massivr digestive upset and blockage that takes days and days to resove. During which time I cant eat enough,,or digest anything, losing sleep and suffering with my chest due to intestines blocked up.

I mean at least a thousand times this has happened. I get so infuriated with myself for being such a useless twit and causing myself so much suffering, cursing "All I had to do was cook the fucking sweet potatot for another 10 minutes, but No, that's too much isnt it?"

And sod"s law, virtually every time I am suddenly feeling great inside, the next thing I cook, I let my guard down and make a stupid mistake.

Like last night. I had white potatoes already cooked which I just warmed in the oven with a tin of tuna (spring water). All I had to do was boil some sweetcorn and warm spices in coconut oil. But I massivley undercooked the sweetcorn, except I didnt even realise until I had eaten half of it. This resulted in major indigestion. I let my guard down!

Hence I decided to run a bowl of Durban Poison through my Omnivap early this smorning. I was already really stoned from the edibles I ate. So that one bowl and I was high as hell!

Got to do my morning (afternoon) steam now before getting back to my homeopathy. No more vapor until it is finished in over 2 weeks. My edibles are practically tun out, but I have saved all my Herborizer avb since August, a full tin. I think I will cook half of it up today. The best thing about it, is afger I strain as much oil as possible from the muslin into the jar, there is always a lot of coconut oil left in the herb. I add sunflower lecithin to it as well for extraction.

So to get the rest out, I put the muslin into a cup, add boiling water and squeeze out the goodness. It makes the most delicious, thick, creamy tea in the world! It is so good for the stomach and really cleanses the bowels. But you can never be sure what dose you are getting. The first cup is always overkill, like a weak dose of acid in effect (literally, I've had trips that were mild compared to these teas!)

I usually get about 3 days buzz from the muslin before I even have to start on the jar.
I just need my stomach to recover nfrom the undercooked sweetcorn now without things getting clogged up again. Should be okay,,but I will need to go most of the day without food, and Im really hungry, because I couldnt digest my dinner so technically havent really had it.

My chest still feels okay, considering I had some vapor after my dinner without doing a steam in between.

Stay strong @biohacker I wish there was something I could do to help you get some better sleep. Just stay positive as best you can. At least you can really look forward to when you are ready to got the vapor again, although I sense that you are making a conscious effort not to be hung on that at all, and living for now as if vapor didnt even exist, which is a really healthy thing for your mind I feel and show some mental development and a renewed perspective.:tup:


Hey Alexis thank you so much my friend. You do much more than you think, and thank you for continuing to share your personal experiences, I find them extremely valuable and hearing what you are personally going through as well puts things in better perspective for me.

That's great news to hear about how well your detox is going!!! :tup: Keep on marching, it sounds like you are on the right track indeed! Maybe a bit of TMI with the bowl movements backed up for months! :lol: I do empathize and know what you mean though.

Tinnitus is horrible...I have it bad too, and it concerns me because it becomes "front and centre" when I go through withdrawal. I must have a fan/white noise on at night or I won't even come close to falling asleep. Years of loud music, car stereos, clubs, bars, and the worst was working for the fire department with constant alarms...some of those hotels have such blistering piercing high dB alarms that ear plugs do nothing to protect. So we have to manage and live with it.... i'm surprised the Tinnitus thread died.

I feel way better after eating some breakfast...5 organic egg yolks lightly fried (still runny) in kiwi gold butter, sunflower and pumpkin seeds raw, hazelnuts raw, and a glass of carrot juice (conventional!). Finished with a nice 90% square of dark chocolate. Zero cold chills or any other negative effects, just completely tired and super weak from not sleeping. All my muscles ache. In another 5 days, i'm expecting a turnaround.

Interestingly enough, my girlfriend has decided not to join me on this break, but started to vape .05g-1g immediately before going to bed. I'm starting to notice some major bags around her eyes, so i'm guessing that the immediate vape and pass out is severely affecting her REM cycles, so I suggested that she join me, otherwise start vaping maybe an hour or two before bed.

I don't know if it's combustion, or potheads in general....but I do notice a correlation with eye bags/dark circles. Look at Marc Emery! :uhoh::lol:

EDIT: Thread now closed, but if you have time, this is a pretty entertaining read from a couple of years back....not some of my finest moments on FC lol

EDIT 2: I think I was too optimistic earlier....I have a feeling my withdrawal is starting to peak, otherwise it could be the lack of sleep. Feel horrible, can't do anything, just want to sleep but can't, and the worst feeling is i'm FROZEN..... i can barely type this my hands are so cold lol
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Well-Known Member
Hey Alexis thank you so much my friend. You do much more than you think, and thank you for continuing to share your personal experiences, I find them extremely valuable and hearing what you are personally going through as well puts things in better perspective for me.

That's great news to hear about how well your detox is going!!! :tup: Keep on marching, it sounds like you are on the right track indeed! Maybe a bit of TMI with the bowl movements backed up for months! :lol: I do empathize and know what you mean though.

Tinnitus is horrible...I have it bad too, and it concerns me because it becomes "front and centre" when I go through withdrawal. I must have a fan/white noise on at night or I won't even come close to falling asleep. Years of loud music, car stereos, clubs, bars, and the worst was working for the fire department with constant alarms...some of those hotels have such blistering piercing high dB alarms that ear plugs do nothing to protect. So we have to manage and live with it.... i'm surprised the Tinnitus thread died.

I feel way better after eating some breakfast...5 organic egg yolks lightly fried (still runny) in kiwi gold butter, sunflower and pumpkin seeds raw, hazelnuts raw, and a glass of carrot juice (conventional!). Finished with a nice 90% square of dark chocolate. Zero cold chills or any other negative effects, just completely tired and super weak from not sleeping. All my muscles ache. In another 5 days, i'm expecting a turnaround.

Interestingly enough, my girlfriend has decided not to join me on this break, but started to vape .05g-1g immediately before going to bed. I'm starting to notice some major bags around her eyes, so i'm guessing that the immediate vape and pass out is severely affecting her REM cycles, so I suggested that she join me, otherwise start vaping maybe an hour or two before bed.

I don't know if it's combustion, or potheads in general....but I do notice a correlation with eye bags/dark circles. Look at Marc Emery! :uhoh::lol:

EDIT: Thread now closed, but if you have time, this is a pretty entertaining read from a couple of years back....not some of my finest moments on FC lol

EDIT 2: I think I was too optimistic earlier....I have a feeling my withdrawal is starting to peak, otherwise it could be the lack of sleep. Feel horrible, can't do anything, just want to sleep but can't, and the worst feeling is i'm FROZEN..... i can barely type this my hands are so cold lol
I know that feeling well, of speaking too soon! Things come in waves, with a "calm before the storm". This may be because your body has to be in a ready state ro undertake a certain task, which would make sense of why you feel better at times and then worse as the cleansing/detox/healing gets underway.

You need to get your circulation going maybe for cold hands- ginger and garlic are good, but the one I really recommend you try is cayenne.

It is a real panacea you know, especially for circulation and heart health.
Did you all know, cayenne wil, literally stop a heart attack in its stride if administered immediately. Anybody at risk of heart attack should know this and have cayenne on standby, either porder to mix in water, or a tincture in oil.

It can even revive people whomhave justbdied of heart attack, pulsing it back to life.

I am very rarely cold these days except during the night (due to low body weight after I get out of bed for the toilet so many times, damn bladder infections :argh:), and I put that down to cayenne. I used to be cold all the time. Ginger tea will warm you, I cant have ginger.

A few ideas anyway. Just do your best to stay strong now. You want to suffer really, because that is when the progress is made and change follows. So try and see it as a good thing.

You are probably ahead of where you think you are, and maybe closer to the home straight due to some things being different this time.
Im sure sleep dep is at least contributing to how you feel. Man I really wish I could think of some brilliant idea to help you get some sleep.
But I will say thank you so much too Biohacker for your warmth and support. Being so well received and accepted by everybody on this thread is really special, a big thanks to all of you.

I have always felt that understanding is just about the most valuable thing when it comes to human relationships, and often so lacking. I always have souht to make myself better understood to others, and to understand others as well as I canq.

If you can achieve this, you can do a whole lot more, and many problems can be resolved bringing a closeness and forgiveness.

I feel really understood here by everyone, and that in itself is a great therapy. I have always been a very misunderstood man as so many people lack the intellectual ability to understand somebody as deep, original and complex as myself.

Being completely misunderstood, or "non"-understood, can be very lonely.

I think that is what Syd Barret, founder of Pink Floyd meant in his song "Arnold Layne", when he said "It takes two to know, two to know.."

Well, I dont feel lonely at all in this thread, and I owe that to you all for simply being so receptive, unassuming and most of all understanding!:tup:

I guess there is a big part of the therapy here. Hang in there Biohacker!

Myself, I really am in a whole new body now. My pathogens are truly on the way out. Im not even half way through the medicine yet and I never feel THIS mich improvement even at the end normally.

I shouldnt take anything for granted, but it is very promising. And I was suffering intensely, I couldnt take any more. It sure has paid off though.

I just wish we knew when this was going to happen, I honestly didnt know if I would be feeling better at any point with my bad luck, either now or any time this year.

If I had known, there would have been so much less anguish!
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Thanks Alexis, you're a good bloke! :lol: I think the chills may have come on due to low blood sugar? As soon as I ate and had a herbal tea I was way better, and then after a quick 15 min power nap I felt like a different person. This is my typical pattern though, I sleep like shit and feel like shit all morning and day long, and then as soon as late after arrives, I feel like I SHOULD in the morning. This sucks, because it's like as soon as I quit, everything is backward and when it's night and time to sleep, i'm wired. All in time, i'm patient, i'm ready for this...i'm already noticing too many positives.

I didn't know that about cayenne! I have always been careful because I know of its health and healing properties but also am careful with hot and spicy foods that can irritate my gut. I do mornings with water, lemon, and a dash of cayenne, sometimes maple syrup kinda the Masters Diet style but without the long term fasting. However these days off of weed I actually get hungry in the mornings and crave protein/fat. I should have carried a bottle cayenne for all those heart attacks i've seen on the job! Lol Can you imagine, fellas...hold the defibrillator pads..... lemme pour some of this red powder in his mouth! :o :lol:

I could not agree with you more about being misunderstood when the world is mostly filled with idiots. Like you, i'm best in the company of other open minded non-judgemental people that actually have some intellect. I really appreciate your support and am hoping that you keep on progressing with your current detox protocol! Sounds like you have it licked buddy! :rockon:


Well-Known Member
Here's a pretty in depth study I just read, stating that daily cannabis use does NOT necessarily cause changes in the brain structure, as previously implied by some other studies. While it doesn't "prove that daily Cannabis use is harmless, it is a well constructed study on the positive side of the spectrum, that isn't from a site like Leafly or High Times.

Click Here For Full Article
Recent research has suggested that marijuana use is associated with volumetric and shape differences in subcortical structures, including the nucleus accumbens and amygdala, in a dose-dependent fashion. Replication of such results in well controlled studies is essential to clarify the effects of marijuana. To that end, this retrospective study examined brain morphology in a sample of adult daily marijuana users (n = 29) versus nonusers (n = 29) and a sample of adolescent daily users (n = 50) versus nonusers (n = 50). Groups were matched on a critical confounding variable, alcohol use, to a far greater degree than in previously published studies. We acquired high-resolution MRI scans, and investigated group differences in gray matter using voxel-based morphometry, surface-based morphometry, and shape analysis in structures suggested to be associated with marijuana use, as follows: the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, hippocampus, and cerebellum. No statistically significant differences were found between daily users and nonusers on volume or shape in the regions of interest. Effect sizes suggest that the failure to find differences was not due to a lack of statistical power, but rather was due to the lack of even a modest effect. In sum, the results indicate that, when carefully controlling for alcohol use, gender, age, and other variables, there is no association between marijuana use and standard volumetric or shape measurements of subcortical structures.

Hey man, congrats on making it almost to the end! What is your usage pattern/history? Have you taken breaks before? Age? I'm in middle age now, and I love cannabis and always will, but i'm no longer in denial about it being the pancea without any negative side effects, which alot of people deny. I just don't see what's so natural about inhaling exogenous phytocannabinoids with high heat to disrupt our own endocannabinoid receptors, hour after hour, day after day unless you have no choice for medical reasons. I will always support cannabis over anything chemical or pharma, although it seems like alot of cannabis has alot of pesticides unless you grow your own.

Dr Daniel Amen has some interesting info on cannabis and the brain, and it's not great...spect scans.
Thanks, man! I have no cravings for Cannabis, just extreme boredom and then irritability that comes partially as a result of that. It's the first break longer than 60hrs, in over 3 years!

I tend to be very uninterested in things, and the things I am interested in don't keep my attention for very long. As a result, days feel extremely long, and most of what I do is just for the sake of passing the time as quickly as possible. It's been like this for a long time, not just since using Cannabis. Cannabis tends to take away the feeling of time, and also make everything I enjoy much more interesting for much longer. As much as I like listening to music while studying my hobbies online, I can't bring myself to do that for more than a few minutes at a time when I'm completely sober. It gets boring way too quickly.

I had multiple reasons for taking a break. I wanted to see if my apathy/amotivation was caused by Cannabis use, and also, I don't like to feel controlled by anything, so I wanted to assure myself that, if I truly wanted to, I really could stop at any time. Everyone always says "I can stop whenever I want", about their addictions, be it food, drugs, working out, or anything else that might be potentially negative at the extent it's being done, but those same people also seem to never "want to". That seems to me like the person might just not being able to as easily as they thought.

I also feel like lowering my tolerance can help allow for using much less for the same effects, which can help mitigate the negative side effects.

Morning fellas.... day 4! Major night sweat for the first half of the night, then dry for the latter half. I'm wondering if the sweating is due to some sort of anxiety that occurs when i'm trying to sleep. Sleep is broken right through the night, constantly being aroused, toss and turn, but tolerance. Feel like complete shit from the lack of sleep, yet i've been through way worse in the past. It's weird, i've heard that withdrawals just get more severe every time you go through them, but this is the easiest time i've had with it in years. Still focussing on nutrition, had some amazing wild pacific salmon for dinner with these tiny little sweet potatoes which were the sweetest i've ever tasted. Continuing to pound the water, magnesium, and trying to eat as much as my stomach will allow because the weight keeps on dropping. But unlike before, i'm not constantly urinating all the time, but more than usual. I can literally start seeing the definition in abs now which is nice because they have been in hibernation since last summer! lol

I also really took some time to check out the Dr. Amen stuff and i'm not completely convinced. Although I do believe in some of the long term damage, I think it's not balanced whatsoever and almost seems like a prohibition agenda. I'm not sure what these spect scans are really about, but I think some studies that show how any long term effects can be reversed would be beneficial, because they are out there.
Congrats on your current success! I've read in your posts before, that you've suffered some difficulty in abstaining, so it's nice to see you having an easier go at it this time around.

As for the Amen site/studies...I AM concerned about long term brain damage, but I feel it's difficult to get fair assessments, given the illegality of Cannabis in so many regions. Hopefully, that will change soon. I didn't really like how they called Cannabis "insidious", as if were evil. I don't believe it's completely harmless, but I don't think it's so horrible, either. I'd like to have concrete proof of how much is too much, as well as how much damage it can actually cause, so the decision to use or abstain can be made based on facts,rather than on fear of the unknown.
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Respect Hazy for digging up the study, and thank you for posting and sharing your experience. You are an asset to this community.

Although I did not read the study, I skipped to the end, so if i'm being ignorant please call me out.

While the literature clearly supports a deleterious short-term effect of marijuana on learning and memory (Ranganathan and D'Souza, 2006; Crane et al., 2013), it seems unlikely that marijuana use has the same level of long-term deleterious effects on brain morphology as other drugs like alcohol. It is imperative that rigorous research accurately identifies the harms associated with marijuana use to better inform policy and perception, especially with respect to harm reduction strategies in the face of increasing use.

It certainly is refreshing for me to hear that there is no long term harm, or at least it can be reversed. I have been blissfully ignorant about most negative effects due to my love for vaping the past decade and weed the past 20 years. However now that I realize my present life is the result of decisions made over the past 20 years, so I want to make sure i'm making the best choices now so that when I am 60, i'll be much better off mentally. This is why I try to keep an open mind, and think as critically as possible.

I probably should of read the entire study, but my attention span just isn't there right now. It concludes that cannabis doesn't have the serious effects long term on the brain as other drugs like alcohol, which is fine - however I don't care about those other poisons, I want to know what the harm is compared to not using at all. It's clear that we basically have fuck all for quality proper studies, which surely will be changing soon. This means that we basically have to make all our own informed decisions. Just visiting this thread on one of my other support sites, completely opens up my eyes....the other i've been frequenting is Reddit Leaves.

I've posted this link in another thread does have ads for shit to help quit, but the point is the hundreds of pages full of people going through hell on earth. Another great one is the uncommonforum.

It literally scares the fucking shit out of me reading the anecdotes of taking 1-2 years, sometimes even 3 to get back to completely "normal" if it's even possible. I've lost myself years ago, and part of this journey is to find that old motivated and happy person again, that I know exists deep down.

I could not agree more with you about feeling of control, as well as all the other points you have made. It surely makes being bored impossible IMO. However, it also changes my baseline and lowers my standards for many things. And it's the vicious cycle that gets to me.

Thanks for the kind words bro....every other withdrawal i've experienced could have been described as hell on earth. My last time around was incredible.....moods and fighting with my girlfriend like I can't even imagine now, it was like I turned into a fucking monster. Horrible decision making too. However, extreme sleep deprivation can do that, and that's where my withdrawal hits the hardest as it does for most people who have been using heavy long term, and especially to be able to sleep. No different than when I was addicting to sleeping pills and just stopped. Gotta give the brain time to do it's neuroplasticity.

The good news is that i'm at a loss....I don't know WTF is going on this time?? It's a different environment (house), and I have way less stress on my plate presently as I work through some health issues, more uncertainty about the future, but i'm also older now, perhaps my meds are the rest, choice of extraction device? Does conduction cause some "nasties" due to greater pyrolysis compared to convection? How important are temperatures, etc? There are so many factors I will never know. But I don't care, because the important thing is that I made it to day 6! And I fucking slept last night!!! I think maybe about 5 hours, still no REM rebound.....still sweating but it's way better, no more cold chills although I wake up feeling cold.

I just can't believe it....and this is really making me think about it! I have been using hardcore without missing a single day for the past year (since my last break which was 7 weeks) and I just stopped, and that was i'm finding myself in the camp that says "it sucks for a few days, can't sleep, but after a week or two it's smooth sailing". Now I don't wanna start sucking my own dick quite yet, because I know that REM rebound is about a week away, which can make sleep interesting, but also make you feel amazing. And i'm not even close to being in the clear, so I will keep marching on, and hopefully this thread will help people in the future. Especially those 20 year old know it alls that have no life experiences. :peace:


choice of extraction device? Does conduction cause some "nasties" due to greater pyrolysis compared to convection? How important are temperatures, etc? There are so many factors I will never know.

I don't know, but it's interesting that with concentrates, much of those nasties are removed, despite conduction vaporization off a nail, or my ceramic donut atomizer. Honestly I think temperatures are important, and I think they will find lower temperatures to be better but I could be wrong, this chart shows a whole spectrum of healing properties across different temperatures. This is why I like an accurate digital vaporizer,for the tuning ability, and my key complaint with a manual device, like a Vapcap.

Some even do "ghost hitting" already, where they vaporize below visible vapor temperature, and claim to feel the effects still. I might actually try that today on my DTV3... see what happens.


Good point Inverted, there are definitely some advantages to concentrates! (if they are clean, i'm thinking Rosin!)

So since I didn't wanna miss out on some awesome outdoor that I was able to sample, I just picked up two oz of C-weed for my return after my CannaBreak! The stuff is amazing, and dirt cheap! Smells like citrus and oranges! After it's cut, they hang it in trees for 3 weeks to cure perfectly?

I feel that a strain like this will be much healthier for me to vape regularly as opposed to the hardcore hydro fake light strains i'm used to and my brain is craving!


Well-Known Member
Good point Inverted, there are definitely some advantages to concentrates! (if they are clean, i'm thinking Rosin!)

So since I didn't wanna miss out on some awesome outdoor that I was able to sample, I just picked up two oz of C-weed for my return after my CannaBreak! The stuff is amazing, and dirt cheap! Smells like citrus and oranges! After it's cut, they hang it in trees for 3 weeks to cure perfectly?

I feel that a strain like this will be much healthier for me to vape regularly as opposed to the hardcore hydro fake light strains i'm used to and my brain is craving!
Right on man that will be a huge step forward. The oitdoor weed has a diiferent quality and effect and can be a lot healthier for the mind. I find it is more of an "experience" than a buzz, the way weed is intended to be.
So pleased you got this weed in, and you can work on looking forward with renewed optimism and hope!:)


Well-Known Member
Respect Hazy for digging up the study, and thank you for posting and sharing your experience. You are an asset to this community.
Thank you for the kind words, man!

I'm glad to hear you've been having success with your current break, and that this thread has provided you with some support.

Good point Inverted, there are definitely some advantages to concentrates! (if they are clean, i'm thinking Rosin!)

So since I didn't wanna miss out on some awesome outdoor that I was able to sample, I just picked up two oz of C-weed for my return after my CannaBreak! The stuff is amazing, and dirt cheap! Smells like citrus and oranges! After it's cut, they hang it in trees for 3 weeks to cure perfectly?

I feel that a strain like this will be much healthier for me to vape regularly as opposed to the hardcore hydro fake light strains i'm used to and my brain is craving!
Right on man that will be a huge step forward. The oitdoor weed has a diiferent quality and effect and can be a lot healthier for the mind. I find it is more of an "experience" than a buzz, the way weed is intended to be.
So pleased you got this weed in, and you can work on looking forward with renewed optimism and hope!:)
I'm curious why you guys think outdoor weed is better or different than indoor stuff. The only thing I'd be worried about is any remaining chemicals left over from the grow, especially with hydro grows, where using multiple bottles of chemicals seems to be the norm. If you grow the stuff organically, I'd be surprised to see it test any differently just because of the lights.

Have you ever compared two buds from the same batch of clones, grown both indoor and outdoor, and noticed a difference? That would be a pretty fun test. If anyone has that kind of access, I'd be interested in hearing your results.

Either way, @biohacker, that sounds like a delicious smelling strain. I hope you enjoy it on your day back! Let us know how it is.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the kind words, man!

I'm glad to hear you've been having success with your current break, and that this thread has provided you with some support.

I'm curious why you guys think outdoor weed is better or different than indoor stuff. The only thing I'd be worried about is any remaining chemicals left over from the grow, especially with hydro grows, where using multiple bottles of chemicals seems to be the norm. If you grow the stuff organically, I'd be surprised to see it test any differently just because of the lights.

Have you ever compared two buds from the same batch of clones, grown both indoor and outdoor, and noticed a difference? That would be a pretty fun test. If anyone has that kind of access, I'd be interested in hearing your results.

Either way, @biohacker, that sounds like a delicious smelling strain. I hope you enjoy it on your day back! Let us know how it is.
You make very valid and relevant points Hazy. And this is a very good question.
Now I may have given the wrong impression with my comments regarding indoor/outdoor.
I do actually agree with you. If I could grow my weed indoors I happily would. Except of course I would do it exactly the same as I do outdoors, all organic and clean.
Usualy indoor hydro weed is very chemically laden. It will also likely be far higher in thc levels.
Our outdoor weed is absolutely nowhere near 20% thc. We just dont get enough sun.

In hotter countries that will be different of course.
But there may be a subtle quality difference for all we know, between indoor and outdoor.
Thc production is a sunlight protection mechanism. So there may some sort of difference between natural and artificial light, and how the weed affects the consciousness for all we know.
Although our outdoor weed lacks the high thc levels and is surely less potent, it has a different quality to do with the sun's energy.
I expect that Biohacker's outdoor weed will be lower in thc for a start, and I really think he needs to avoid excessively high thc strains. Im hoping it will also be less laden in bad chemicals.
But as I say, I would much rather I could grow indoor, any time of the year. There is so much anxuety about producing enough meds each summer with such unpredictable UK weather and dampness.

We get frequent damp spells during the summer. We can only do autos so they finish early, and we basically cannot let thenplants get wet at all, they are thick with buds and rain on them without plenty of sun the next day means bud rot is a sure thing. So we have to rush out every time rain starts and get them all under a fishing umbrella, in very precise arrangement to fit, not pushed against each other. They are heavy and awkward. Then when the rain goes, put them all out agin. For the last 4 or 5 weeks of flower.

If we dont do this, we will lose a great lot of it to rot.

I still beilieve outdoor sunshine weed will have a different effect on consciousness, due to then sun's energy. But we dont really know.

Thanks for your open and valid thoughts on this matter. You demonstrate a very balanced view indeed which is yet another refreshing addtiin to this thread, and I am inclined to agree with your rational thinking.:tup:
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Thanks so much for explaining Alexis! Sun vs artificial light isn't just huge for plants, but also humans! We live indoor lifestyles with dim artificial lighting exposing ourselves to a few hundred lux, over the long term, when we should be out basking in the sun (when it's there lol) with 10's of thousands of lux. It's a requirement for life, and anything exposed to fake light suffers somehow IMO. I too believe there are less chemicals in the meds I get that are grown outdoor. Where are the outdoor strains coming from though at this time of year? I mean, they are from British Columbia, so they were harvested last autumn, and just in "storage" until now?

The outdoor C-weed that I have, and that my girl vaped last night (.05 X 2) and with my BRAND NEW glass pieces from dhgate lol blew her away.....she was really baked. So in comparison to my indoor strains, the outdoor is very effective indeed. It smells sooooo fruity! I found another MOM that has the Lola outdoor strain for even cheaper (120cdn/oz) so i'll be ordering some of that today too. I need a stockpile of natural meds! lol

Hazy, not related to weed, but if you're interested in incredible discussion on light and the electromagnetic spectrum check out He doesn't advertise it, but he's also pro cannabis. This guy can explain why shit like MS happens, and basically every disease process... light is the greatest determinant of health, with water and magnetism.... blue light kills. So i'm sure it messes with plants as well. Ever eat a hydroponically grown strawberry from Costco? Grown in the side of a mountain in a metal shack in Mexico, it takes like nothing....LOOKS incredibly perfect...the size of a small lemon even, bright flavour. Now, in the summer, strawberries grow outside in the sun...they are TINY, DARK red, and super sweet and flavourful....kinda like my C-weed!

I used to look down on girlfriend's brother grew it and it was gross ditchweed that smelled like hay and caused me hayfever. But it was super cheap nearly free but not the most potent. I have always been searching for the highest potency boutique indoor strains since, but I think that was a mistake. After a decade of hardcore vaping, i'm coming around and opening up my mind and expanding my consciousness!

I'm starting to think my brutal past withdrawals have alot to do with the actually meds now. I feel that the supplier was maybe spraying something on them or some shit, because this withdrawal is a CAKE WALK!

I actually slept last night! I had my first dream in forever! And she was HOT!!!! Giggity! lmao

Sweats were minimal, although it's weird because they start at the same time every night, and it's even before I fall asleep, so i'm sure still anxiety related. But it stops, and although I still wake up a bunch of times and toss and turn, I DO get some sleep that is restorative. I'm getting there!

It has to be cleaner meds, otherwise who knows....I doubt it's due to not grinding for the past month with my supreme? Not working shifts....I dunno, but it doesn't matter, what matters is that for a hardcore user, withdrawals can be manageable!

Could still be all the magnesium i'm pounding back, veggie juices, diet, water, and/or a combination (with the right attitude) of all the above AND all your brothers' support! Thanks fellas!

Alexis i'll get to your PM today! ;) Either you type really fast or use voice to text lol
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Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for explaining Alexis! Sun vs artificial light isn't just huge for plants, but also humans! We live indoor lifestyles with dim artificial lighting exposing ourselves to a few hundred lux, over the long term, when we should be out basking in the sun (when it's there lol) with 10's of thousands of lux. It's a requirement for life, and anything exposed to fake light suffers somehow IMO. I too believe there are less chemicals in the meds I get that are grown outdoor. Where are the outdoor strains coming from though at this time of year? I mean, they are from British Columbia, so they were harvested last autumn, and just in "storage" until now?

The outdoor C-weed that I have, and that my girl vaped last night (.05 X 2) and with my BRAND NEW glass pieces from dhgate lol blew her away.....she was really baked. So in comparison to my indoor strains, the outdoor is very effective indeed. It smells sooooo fruity! I found another MOM that has the Lola outdoor strain for even cheaper (120cdn/oz) so i'll be ordering some of that today too. I need a stockpile of natural meds! lol

Hazy, not related to weed, but if you're interested in incredible discussion on light and the electromagnetic spectrum check out He doesn't advertise it, but he's also pro cannabis. This guy can explain why shit like MS happens, and basically every disease process... light is the greatest determinant of health, with water and magnetism.... blue light kills. So i'm sure it messes with plants as well. Ever eat a hydroponically grown strawberry from Costco? Grown in the side of a mountain in a metal shack in Mexico, it takes like nothing....LOOKS incredibly perfect...the size of a small lemon even, bright flavour. Now, in the summer, strawberries grow outside in the sun...they are TINY, DARK red, and super sweet and flavourful....kinda like my C-weed!

I used to look down on girlfriend's brother grew it and it was gross ditchweed that smelled like hay and caused me hayfever. But it was super cheap nearly free but not the most potent. I have always been searching for the highest potency boutique indoor strains since, but I think that was a mistake. After a decade of hardcore vaping, i'm coming around and opening up my mind and expanding my consciousness!

I'm starting to think my brutal past withdrawals have alot to do with the actually meds now. I feel that the supplier was maybe spraying something on them or some shit, because this withdrawal is a CAKE WALK!

I actually slept last night! I had my first dream in forever! And she was HOT!!!! Giggity! lmao

Sweats were minimal, although it's weird because they start at the same time every night, and it's even before I fall asleep, so i'm sure still anxiety related. But it stops, and although I still wake up a bunch of times and toss and turn, I DO get some sleep that is restorative. I'm getting there!

It has to be cleaner meds, otherwise who knows....I doubt it's due to not grinding for the past month with my supreme? Not working shifts....I dunno, but it doesn't matter, what matters is that for a hardcore user, withdrawals can be manageable!

Could still be all the magnesium i'm pounding back, veggie juices, diet, water, and/or a combination (with the right attitude) of all the above AND all your brothers' support! Thanks fellas!

Alexis i'll get to your PM today! ;) Either you type really fast or use voice to text lol
Thats really good sounding bro. You must be feeling so much better about life at present, well done!
No Im not that fast a typer, but I have to try and be cos Im a really fast thinker. WhenI speak, in a split second, I have about 3 or 4 articulate sentences formed to try and catch up with my thought trails.
Like the chess player 3 or 4 moves ahead Lol!
So thats another reaon for all my typos, trying to keep up with the thought process,,as well as minisisng hand strain and the optic nerve issue,,and shitty on screen tabket keypad with its pain in the arse after key flash!:argh:

Hey you dont need to reply to my pm buddy. I just react with thought to everything that is thrown at me, so please dont ever feel obliged. Im totally cool with hitting a ball that doesnt come back, and I dont want to take your time and energy away from all you valuable contributiins across this forum.

I just had my second cup of tea strained from my abv I cooked up night. It is a great intestinal cleanser like that. Heading out now. Heavilt sleep deprived myself due to digestive problens and not being able to eat when I need to cos it takes so many hours to deal with respiratory symltoms first, vy which time Im too tired to cook properly, mess it up, getting even more indigestion, plus I get severely anxious these days whenever I have food in front of me,,due to the consequences of eating the food and the burden of dealing with the mucus again.

I got my heart set on the VHW though big time. I really want to make it happen soon, I practuaclly have the money but cant justify it right now when it would be wiser to use it for health costs. If I can sell my Aromed, I think I will be ready, except I still dont know what water tool yet.


Thanks bro, I will definitely get to your PM... and OMG seriously on a tablet screen? I couldn't have the patience for that! lol I use a 2013 macbook pro 15" just keeps on working. I know exactly what you mean about thinking fast though lol. Unfortunately, this crushes me for having the patience to deal with "slow" people, but i'm working on it.

I honestly cannot even believe how good I feel today and about life in general! I'm actually optimistic about the future! I feel that starting to dream again my REM cycles must be coming back more, and this will give me alot of mental health benefits......i dug up my post from nov. 2014 in the bipolar thread when I was in really rough shape health wise.

I was convinced that I had some form of bipolar/mood/anxiety disorder, by a psychiatrist back in the summer, and subsequently convinced myself that vaping regularily helped me live a normal life without the mental anguish. I went through some pretty shitty times, which caused me a bunch of time off of work. My GP gave me the blessing of using weed on a regular basis to keep the cannabinoid levels high in my system, so after a two week break, and shitty withdrawal symptoms (and the resulting lack of sleep) I started micro dosing every few hours which made me feel great. This only lasted for so long until the negative effects started to creep up, destroying my sleep quality and health. I've now abstained completely for a month, and feel like a completely different human. My sleep is incredible, lots of REM rebound and dreaming, and wake up feeling so refreshed and happy every day now. I'm much more productive and have absolutely no signs of mood/anxiety disorder and have made some great accomplishments in both my personal and work life. I'll always vape and enjoy the hobby, just not several times per day or week like before. Just wanted to offer a different perspective and this is just my experience only.

I wish I actually listened to myself and took my own advice! :doh::bang:

But, better now than never again....
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