The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


My Mind Is Free
Genetics and growth strategy had entirely to do with the quality or lack thereof with any outdoor weed. Grown the same cultivars both indoor and outdoor settings for two years straight now, going into a third, and their profiles do not differ... just the size of the colas. I keep my outdoor in a greenhouse, but without fear of rain/wind damage. Nothing extra otherwise. Just saying guys.


Thanks dude, I still feel that artificial light causes cancer in humans, so will always go for the natural sun kissed product over indoor fake light indoor whenever I have the option. I'm a purist though and strive to live as close to nature as possible. With that said, i'm off of this blue light emitting led screen, even though I have the flux program to mitigate the blue light exposure. It's cloudy and overcast, but i'll still get a few thousand lux compared to being inside under these artificial mini suns.


I just found an incredible supplier with multiple low cost outdoor strains as well as organic indoor. What's the best way to store the outdoor for 2-3 months? It's already going to be quite dry i'm sure, so is boveda in glass mason ok, or should I be freezing? I can open and burp anytime, even daily as I love the smell of the terpenes.


Well-Known Member
I just found an incredible supplier with multiple low cost outdoor strains as well as organic indoor. What's the best way to store the outdoor for 2-3 months? It's already going to be quite dry i'm sure, so is boveda in glass mason ok, or should I be freezing? I can open and burp anytime, even daily as I love the smell of the terpenes.
Yes maybe the boveda will be okay. Not sure though really. We have always just cured in jars. Last year I jarred up too early and had a bitch of a time burping 30 odd jars to get them below 65%, when the humidity in the house was barely ever below 68%.

Better to let them dry a bit more. I think actually it may be better to jar them up so that they just stay at 60%, with no need to burp.
I was aiming to start the cure at 65% in the jar and slowly bring down.
They are all at 62% now, but a few jars they dried more and have never needed burping, been at 60% solidly. And they have the best aroma too.


Thanks Alexis, i'm not too concerned about it...i'll just use the boveda and glass jars, or black plastic? I have all these containers from tweed, but they are plastic.

My girlfriend is now officially joining me and on day 1 today so i'm a week ahead of her. She has problems with ferritin (iron stores) and after a million doctors, cancer clinic, full on blood testing, etc. we still can't fix it. She's thinking it may be due to vaping as iron and o2 are linked, as well as potential fertilizers that could fuck with our own mineral levels? Dietary changes have done nothing, been trying for years now. Dr said it's something she will have to deal with for the rest of her life, but at one point she was able to boost it significantly but she wasn't vaping at the time (only started a couple of years ago).

I know you are joining us next Invertedisdead! Common, come drink the koolaid....

I've lost 8lbs of water in the past week and look like a holocaust victim! Same thing happened last time.... i haven't been this light in a long time. Same weight now at 41 as when I was 21, 185lbs.

Aaaaand here come the

I still have pure kush coming outta my pits! Dank!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Alexis, i'm not too concerned about it...i'll just use the boveda and glass jars, or black plastic? I have all these containers from tweed, but they are plastic.

My girlfriend is now officially joining me and on day 1 today so i'm a week ahead of her. She has problems with ferritin (iron stores) and after a million doctors, cancer clinic, full on blood testing, etc. we still can't fix it. She's thinking it may be due to vaping as iron and o2 are linked, as well as potential fertilizers that could fuck with our own mineral levels? Dietary changes have done nothing, been trying for years now. Dr said it's something she will have to deal with for the rest of her life, but at one point she was able to boost it significantly but she wasn't vaping at the time (only started a couple of years ago).

I know you are joining us next Invertedisdead! Common, come drink the koolaid....

I've lost 8lbs of water in the past week and look like a holocaust victim! Same thing happened last time.... i haven't been this light in a long time. Same weight now at 41 as when I was 21, 185lbs.

Aaaaand here come the

I still have pure kush coming outta my pits! Dank!
Just in case you havent heard of it, there is an amazing all natural uron supplement called "spatone", simply iron rich water from springs. You only need 1 sachet per day, you have to take it with a form of vitamin c for absortption.

Synthetic Iron supplements are bad shit and best avoided. I dont know if the spatone will help her but it might be worth a try. Check ebay and amazon for the best deal. If I was her I would take 2 sachets a day for a month, then keep, taking one daily. When you start taking it, if younare deficient in iron, you will taste the iron strong, a sure sign of deficienct. My and my mum take 1 sachet every day and we nevef taste it anymore at all, unless I stop for a while.


Thanks bro, yeah she's been on all sorts of natural supplements, but something tells me something else is up. I will look into that spatone forsure, but this dr is a great biohacker and points to other issues, like TOO MUCH synthetic iron from food.

he's all about the magnesium too...and copper.... and i think i'll join her on the protocol.

Always value and appreciate your help and input Alexis! She's gotta fix her ferritin, I gotta fix my insomnia, and you gotta fix your infections! We will fucking persevere!
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Iron from spring water is inorganic, juicing greens is a great way to source organic iron which the plant has converted to liquid form.

I need to jump in and test my resilience, I'm not good at taking breaks and want to overcome it as it used to be no big deal. I just overdose, my body prefers a mild buzz, something creative if not thoughtfully introspective, nothing too stoney and couch lock-y. I need to mess with lower temperature hits again, my body seems to like that and small clouds. I'm also feeling like much of the healing is in the terpenes! After I vape the flavor away after the first hit, I feel less interested in the rest of the medicine lately.
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Well-Known Member
Do we have any resident long or very long term users 10-40+ years, who have gotten any brain scans or memory/brain function testing done on themselves? I'm looking to get some done on myself, but I'm not even as old as some this forum's members' usage histories. Lol


Iron from spring water is inorganic, juicing greens is a great way to source organic iron which the plant has converted to liquid form.

She's been on green juices for a while now, and her iron actually went DOWN.

I need to jump in and test my resilience, I'm not good at taking breaks and want to overcome it as it used to be no big deal.

So weird how it used to be a big deal for me, but now isn't.... tonight zero chills, but feeling too warm? Think the hormones and thyroid rebalancing.... SO different than my usual chills and freezing hands.

Koolaid? :cheers:

Do we have any resident long or very long term users 10-40+ years, who have gotten any brain scans or memory/brain function testing done on themselves? I'm looking to get some done on myself, but I'm not even as old as some this forum's members' usage histories. Lol

I'd LOVE to get a brain scan, but have no idea where or the cost? Where do you do that? The Amen clinic? :lol:


Hard to say with this much info, many people have nutrient absorption issues. Could also be eating other food that is buffering the iron absorbed from the juice unless she is on a strict juicing regiment. You might also try juicing herbs instead of bitter greens, less mono cropped and hybridized. I assume you're already using a proper cold press slow juicer, high speed juicers can oxidize the nutrients and render them void.

Do you think you might take regular breaks in the future? Congrats on another day nearly in the books!


Thanks so much for the encouragement... journaling the process is helping tremendously I do believe. I'm definitely relying on FC alot more these days to get through them. I'm already one week in?? WTF?? Where did the week go!? I will 100% NEED to take MORE frequent breaks in the goal is to never exceed .25g on average per day, or .5g on a binge day, however need to take 24-72hr breaks every week, and try to keep my brain guessing. I feel tolerance is a non issue this way, although anything will be better than my constant 2g/day without a break, ever lol.

Agreed that it can be an absorption issue, perhaps in the gut, and need to work on a probiotic protocol. Got some raw kraut in her with dinner tonight! That didn't sound good. Not editing though lol.

The juicer is The used to be the bomb back in the day, i'm not sure if it's slow, but i'm not that concerned. Doesn't kale and spinach have shit that can't be absorbed when raw though? I gotta read BulletProof again lol


Our body cannot break down cellulose at all, but when juiced we can access those vitamins and minerals. Champion is good! I was just making sure it's not one that juices at 10,000 RPM like a centrifugal model as those clearly oxidize juice and the yield is significantly reduced compared to a slow juicer so you get less for your money than a proper auger style system.


Well-Known Member
I'd LOVE to get a brain scan, but have no idea where or the cost? Where do you do that? The Amen clinic? :lol:
Haha! I'm considering going to a neurologist and trying to get an MRI, and then possibly doing one yearly to see if there are any noticeable adverse effects.

My only serious concern with daily or otherwise frequent use, would be regretting it in the future, due to feeling mentally slower or having memory issues. It's very annoying to see so many complete contrasting study results.


My only serious concern with daily or otherwise frequent use, would be regretting it in the future, due to feeling mentally slower or having memory issues. It's very annoying to see so many complete contrasting study results.

I feel like this is hard to verify though considering how many people feel mentally slow or have memory issues who don't use cannabis at all.


Our body cannot break down cellulose at all, but when juiced we can access those vitamins and minerals. Champion is good! I was just making sure it's not one that juices at 10,000 RPM like a centrifugal model as those clearly oxidize juice and the yield is significantly reduced compared to a slow juicer so you get less for your money than a proper auger style system.

I still have mixed feelings about this. Apparently that cellulose is good fibre and good for our gut microbiome? I've read that it's a good practice to also "dilute" the juice? Especially fruit juice since fibre is the natural control rod so you don't get a huge surge of insulin? I can't see juicing really being "natural" but an effective tool indeed. Furthermore, in my case anyway, it's probably a good way to get a nice concentrated dose of pesticides :lol:

Haha! I'm considering going to a neurologist and trying to get an MRI, and then possibly doing one yearly to see if there are any noticeable adverse effects.

My only serious concern with daily or otherwise frequent use, would be regretting it in the future, due to feeling mentally slower or having memory issues. It's very annoying to see so many complete contrasting study results.

Wow, is that out of pocket? It would be impossible for me to get an MRI for my brain just by asking my doctor, and don't really feel like shelling out $1k+ or whatever it costs for an MRI. I guess if i jump over the border to Buffalo I can save some cash lol I also kinda fear whatever "effects" that could have on me...i've already had 2 MRI's on my neck, and I know they are supposed to be safe, but I don't trust anyone or anything lol Must be all the paranoia from decades of abuse :D

I feel like this is hard to verify though considering how many people feel mentally slow or have memory issues who don't use cannabis at all.

Good point, but if we are mindful and open minded without denial, we can reflect and assess on ourselves and figure things out I think. I personally feel that at this point, I wish I haven't abused it as much and for as long as I have. I could feel this innate sensation that I NEEDED to stop...i've had this in the past, but never as strong as the present, and my life situation pretty much forced me to stop for a while.

It's weird, because things are just....well, pretty much the same without being high all the time. I think i'm over the worst, i'm still in complete disbelief.... I can fall asleep, but was up before 4am which blows. Night sweats have greatly diminished, but have them around 10-10:30 right around bed time, and I can feel anxiety creeping up so I know it's related to that. I actually think i'm having less problems with sweat in the night now, then when I was hitting the hardcore THC% strains!

We'll see how the girlfriend made out when she gets up. Because of her low ferritin levels, she gets restless leg syndrome, which vaping helped with. I also think vaping messes with her hormones, and with the amount of water i've lost, I can see how it's possible. Binge vaping makes me retain water like crazy for some reason.


Well-Known Member
@biohacker , im just curious, you said you werebeating raw nuts last week, including hazelnuts. Hazelnuts are one of the only nuts I wont evercactually eat raw. I know thatbboth almond skins and hazelnut skins irritate the lining of the digestive tract, and ideally should be removed.

Also, ayurveda swears strongly that almonds should nevervbe blanched to remove the skins, but instead soaked overnight and peeled in the morning. They recommend 10 almonds. When I do saok and eat raw almonds, I just soak 10 and add some walnuts or sinflower seeds as well (soaked).

I did this yesterady coincidentally. It gave me a REALLY bad chest. But also, relative to my infevtions and mucus, amd very specifically to whatbI eat, I haveba serious speech problem. The mucus gets in my vocal chors and causes what appeas to be a really bad stammer. It is more like a trumpet withnwaterbin, blocked,,or the cogs of a wheel unable to turn.

Aftr the raw nuts yesterday I just couldnt manage a conversation atvall last night, barely a sentence. I had this speech problem very severe for years and years, it was so bad I had to isolate myself and it was so uncomfortable for myself and others to be trying to communicate.

Since late 2015, I practically completely overcame this and was have been living virtually a normalmlife, speach wise, due tommaking good progress with various infections,,amd devising ways to manage my respiratory symptoms more effectively.

However, when infections getvreally bad problems can occur. Also vaporizring regularly during spells og heightened infection causes a lot ofmprovlems woth fluency of speech.

And when I take the homeopathy, that also can oftennmake speech practically impossible due to so much muucs being produced and cleared. This always calms down a lot though as soon as the medicine course is over.

The last 10 days of my treatment, speech has been very difficult, but varies wildly from hour to hour, day to day, depending on food intake, amount of medicine drunk at the time, and completeness of symptom management. Last night, afterveating raw nuts in afternoon, it was the worst it has been in a long time.

A combo of the raw nuts which cause much more mucus than cooked nuts, and the homeopathy programme, but also the fact that I suddenly picked up another viral infection yesterday, which made it impossible for me to manage and clear the muucs properly.

New viruses always hit me really hard at the beginning for the first 3 days until I start to get them down. But NO WAY do I want to eat any raw soaked nuts or seeds again soon!

You cant imagine what it feels like to not be able to get a senntence oit,,especially when I have so much articulate thought to express, and the people I am talking tomwhomare totally thick, think I am retarded or just anxious, nervous, when it is purely a physical problem.

Most foods I have to strictly avoid are much worse, like all types of fruit,,even lemons/limes, and tomato I love but had to give up completely 4 years ago in order to be able to communicate.

The samemfor my favorite yeast free breads, sourdough rye, sprouted breads. Also butter, even ghee! I love my home made organic grass fed ghee. That is what you realy want. Ayurveda is right about the magic of ghee!

And the same goes for practically all supplements and herbs I cant tolerate. Even if I could live with the extra respiratory mucus and bad chest, I would NEVER be able to speak!
My speech has just gotten bad the past 10 days or so die tomthe homeopathy. It will be fine in the morning, thenas Im taking the medicine it becomes impossible. Aftr dealing with the mucus it is okay again. Comes and goes all day long, but will improve after it is finished, as long as I stick to my diertary restrictions to keep mucus manageable.

Sorry, this is all off point. Back to the nuts. Just a coincidence I had raw almonds and walnuts yesterday. So almonds I dont eat unless soaked and peeled. They contain natural cyanide, which soaking breaks down and blanchimg doesnt. And we arent supposed to eat the skins which are a digestive tract irritant. The same for hazelnuts, but the only way I can get the skins off the hazelnuts is to roast the first , then rub in between my palms until skins fall off.

Have you ever made homemade hazelnut butter? Delicious, especially if you melt cocoa powder with ghee/coconut oil, and mix in with a teaspoon of xylitol! Put that in a jar on the suoermarket shelf, advertising its health properties, and you will have a winner! Like a healthy guilt free version of Nutella, which is good for your teeth (xylitoL) and sugar level. Just send me royalties!;)

So HERE is my point- do you and your girlfriend eat raw, unsoaked nuts regularly? And wholegrains like brown rice, oats, millet, quinoa etc? Unsoaked I mean?

If so, this will certainly be causing a problem with nutrient absorption. Im sure you know all of this well, but have perhaps underestimated the importance of it for an easier life.
The phytates in raw nuts/seeds, and wholegrains, that have not been soaked for at least 7 hours in lukewarm water, basically are enzyme inhibitors that weaken gut function over time, but CRUCIALLY, the phytates bind to minerals in the gut and block their absorption.

Ideally you would also add an acidic medium to soak. Like lemon juice, kefir, buttermilk, or vinegar. I cant tolerate any of those- really bad chest and speech problems. So I just add salt amd a dash of ascorbic acid, just in case that type of acidity can have SOME effect (although ascorbic acid is acidic, and "acidifying", but lemon juice, vinegar etc are acidic and "alkalising"
(not sure about buttetmilk.)

I am very disciplined about pre soaking. I est porridge most days. Of all meals, plain porridge with water, is the only meal I can eat and not need to do a steam inhalation afterwards before I can go about my day, or carry on drinking my homeopathu for instance.

But I will NEVER even think ablut eating porridge of it hasnt beem soaked at least 7 hours. The same for brown rice, millet, amaranth, teff, quinoa (quinoa can be soaked for a shorter time than the others though).

So jusy have a look at this anyway. Sorry guys for the long post! This was important tomshare, and I got sidetracked due to my complicated and crazy life!


@biohacker , im just curious, you said you werebeating raw nuts last week, including hazelnuts. Hazelnuts are one of the only nuts I wont evercactually eat raw. I know thatbboth almond skins and hazelnut skins irritate the lining of the digestive tract, and ideally should be removed.

I did not know this, and am double thinking the role of nuts in our diet (meaning my girl and I).

Also, ayurveda swears strongly that almonds should nevervbe blanched to remove the skins, but instead soaked overnight and peeled in the morning. They recommend 10 almonds. When I do saok and eat raw almonds, I just soak 10 and add some walnuts or sinflower seeds as well (soaked).

We eat ALOT more than 10! Raw with peels! That's going to change now though.

Also butter, even ghee! I love my home made organic grass fed ghee. That is what you realy want. Ayurveda is right about the magic of ghee!

We're tossing out all dairy save for organic butter, ghee, and some quality raw cheeses. NO MORE MILK. Other than maybe the odd haagan daaz ;) Dairy is a strong iron inhibitor.

They contain natural cyanide, which soaking breaks down and blanchimg doesnt. And we arent supposed to eat the skins which are a digestive tract irritant. The same for hazelnuts, but the only way I can get the skins off the hazelnuts is to roast the first , then rub in between my palms until skins fall off.

I'm still confused because roasting is suppose to make the oil rancid? I think we'll perhaps just avoid nuts for a while as part of the protocol.

As much as I know it's one of the safer sugar alcohols, I still avoid them all. Stevia causes me insane insomnia.

So HERE is my point- do you and your girlfriend eat raw, unsoaked nuts regularly? And wholegrains like brown rice, oats, millet, quinoa etc? Unsoaked I mean?

Yes, we do eat raw unsoaked nuts frequently which will change now so thanks for refreshing my memory bro. I can't believe I forgot about the enzyme inhibitors in nuts when not soaked! I think soaked nuts are gross though lol We do eat some rice, sometimes white sometimes wild sometimes brown, but it's only maybe once a week. Never oats, millet, or quinoa, not for us soaked or unsoaked lol

The phytates in raw nuts/seeds, and wholegrains, that have not been soaked for at least 7 hours in lukewarm water, basically are enzyme inhibitors that weaken gut function over time, but CRUCIALLY, the phytates bind to minerals in the gut and block their absorption.

I just hope her gut is repairable because her lack of absorption is now chronic. I'm sure we all have issues with permeability from lifelong eating grains and gluten. Everyone has a threshold or tolerance, and then WHAM leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune diseases. She never really took health seriously until recently.

But I will NEVER even think ablut eating porridge of it hasnt beem soaked at least 7 hours. The same for brown rice, millet, amaranth, teff, quinoa (quinoa can be soaked for a shorter time than the others though).

Hmmmm, so i'm supposed to soak brown rice? Truthfully, I don't even like eating rice due to all the reports of extremely high levels of arsenic, and I thought white rice was healthier than brown due to lack of phytates??

Dude, again, I can't even fathom what you live through with your health issues, but i'm super happy you're around here because you are very helpful! :tup:

She's up...couldn't fall asleep and broken sleep through the time for the chat about nuts (giggity!) :lol:


Well-Known Member
I did not know this, and am double thinking the role of nuts in our diet (meaning my girl and I).

We eat ALOT more than 10! Raw with peels! That's going to change now though.

We're tossing out all dairy save for organic butter, ghee, and some quality raw cheeses. NO MORE MILK. Other than maybe the odd haagan daaz ;) Dairy is a strong iron inhibitor.

I'm still confused because roasting is suppose to make the oil rancid? I think we'll perhaps just avoid nuts for a while as part of the protocol.

As much as I know it's one of the safer sugar alcohols, I still avoid them all. Stevia causes me insane insomnia.

Yes, we do eat raw unsoaked nuts frequently which will change now so thanks for refreshing my memory bro. I can't believe I forgot about the enzyme inhibitors in nuts when not soaked! I think soaked nuts are gross though lol We do eat some rice, sometimes white sometimes wild sometimes brown, but it's only maybe once a week. Never oats, millet, or quinoa, not for us soaked or unsoaked lol

I just hope her gut is repairable because her lack of absorption is now chronic. I'm sure we all have issues with permeability from lifelong eating grains and gluten. Everyone has a threshold or tolerance, and then WHAM leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune diseases. She never really took health seriously until recently.

Hmmmm, so i'm supposed to soak brown rice? Truthfully, I don't even like eating rice due to all the reports of extremely high levels of arsenic, and I thought white rice was healthier than brown due to lack of phytates??

Dude, again, I can't even fathom what you live through with your health issues, but i'm super happy you're around here because you are very helpful! :tup:

She's up...couldn't fall asleep and broken sleep through the time for the chat about nuts (giggity!) :lol:
Well I am pretty sure the impropwrly "prepared" food will have alot to do woth your girlfriend's absorprtion issues, so jush correctt that and be altra disciplned form now o it really pays.

Nuts soaked areba very good food though. You can blend them up into raw nut butter, they may be much more enjoyable that way. I think you need a varied diet.
White rice is definietely not healthier. Except for hulled sesame seed tahini, white basmati rice is the only "technically" refined food I allow into my body, simply beacuse it is so quick to cook amd no need to think ahead, but not even once a week. It is stripped of all nutrients. Brown rice is way sulerioir, just soak it overnight. It is a lot nicer as well, and cook for long enough. We always cook it for at least 40-45 mins, longer depending on boil rate, until squishy and tender.

Regarding arsenic, its another case of the world being toxic no matter waht we do, vut soakong and cooking in a greater water volume and rinsing with boiled watr after, will reduce a lot of the arsenic. You have been eating rice for eons, I would encourage you to be disciplined and at least include it occasionally, brown and soaked. Just think ahead.

There is an excellent book on food gacts, history,,and especially food preparation techniquies that you may benefit from called "Nourishing traditions" by Sally Falon. It is a real eye opener and gives fascinating facts on all foods.

You can also soak nuts, and then dry them in a dehydrator to restore crispiness. They can then be kept for a time as well, ready to go. I think this will be a very good idea for you both to consider, seriously. A great idea in fact!

Thanks so much for being so open to all my suggestions. I make it my business and passion to try and help others.
I do feel a good bit better today. I slept 7 hours of pretty good sleep kast night. My speech is a lot better at the moment. Luckily, my other infections are so much bettet, that underneath this new virus it isnt too bad, so it should get better quickly. Just a bad day yesterday.

I have a good idea for starting a t-break. (@invertedisdead & co) Save your abv, with a bit of colour in it. Cook it in coconut oil. And use that for a few days when you stop vaping. It is a very light high, very c,ear headed with hardly any thc, but relaxing and calmimg.

2 days on that since my proper edibles ran out, and I feel very refeshed and more positive about life, like I have already had a few days off weed, without siffering in depression. From here I would feel less daunted about starting a full break.

Honestly, I really believe this could work for people to get the ball rolling more smoothly, transition wise. More to come soon!


Well I am pretty sure the impropwrly "prepared" food will have alot to do woth your girlfriend's absorprtion issues, so jush correctt that and be altra disciplned form now o it really pays.

I hope you're right, but at least it's a start, especially since the supplements have all failed, same with changing diet to include more iron. It's not a lack of iron that's the issue here, it's the lack of absorption into ferritin stores. Her blood iron is fine, it's the bank that needs filling. She does bruise easily.

It is stripped of all nutrients. Brown rice is way sulerioir

I'm not sure I agree here. Wouldn't soaking and cooking brown rice for an hour kinda ruin any nutrition? I wouldn't be eating GRAINS for nutrition anyways, just for the carb content. Have you ever heard of a researcher named Anthony Colpo? The guy is an academic, wrote books like The Great Cholesterol Con, and he says brown rice has way too many anti-nutrients, and uses white rice for carbs since he's an athlete. I believe pretty much everything he says. He is extremely anti-vegan, as am I.

There is an excellent book on food gacts, history,,and especially food preparation techniquies that you may benefit from called "Nourishing traditions" by Sally Falon. It is a real eye opener and gives fascinating facts on all foods.

Yep well versed with it! You know i'm a huge Weston A. Price foundation fan! This is the diet and lifestyle I want to live.

Save your abv, with a bit of colour in it. Cook it in coconut oil. And use that for a few days when you stop vaping. It is a very light high, very c,ear headed with hardly any thc, but relaxing and calmimg.

GROSS!!!!! As Ataxian would say, ABV is like DUMPSTER DIVING!!!! ;) Just our opinion ofcourse :peace:
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Well-Known Member
Well there's nothing wrong with my abv coconut oil I brewed 2 days ago. But actually, Im sure that chemical weed abv is totally different, amd pretty nasty smelling.
My abv smells really nice, and tastes delicious as well. I didnt think about this, so this wil only apply to organic weed, but Im dead certain about this.

Soakong the brown rice is the way to reduce and break down the anti-nutrients. As long as it is not overcooked, then the nutrients should be avaliable. It just takes a longer time to cook. Im open to what you say though. Im very lazy about soaking brown ricd these days so rately eat it, but I lnow from how I feel aftr I do that it is a way superior food.

Basmati rice has a lower glycemic index than other white rice, like in the 50's compared to 80's or 90's, so we only use white basmati rice.


I didn't know that about basmati! Truthfully, other than for a desired glucose load (like after doing heavy squats or deadlifts that deplete glycogen) I don't even feel that rice is really healthy, but just my opinion. And as you very well know, it all comes down to who you believe. After all this nuts soaking talk, my girl told me she read about the Dr Morley Robbins protocol, and told me he goes against alot of what I have been preaching lol It's so hard, I mean he suggest nuts/seeds and mentions nothing about soaking, and same with spinach and greens, which have been known to bind minerals like iron as well. I'm going to do some more research into whether he's a quack or not lol. In the end, if all of us had to just pick ONE guru/biohacker/dr/expert.... WHO would it be? For me it's Dr Jack Kruse without hesitation.

I also forgot to mention a couple of supplements i'm taking presently...AOR Ashwaganda and NAC. Maybe they are helping, maybe not lol

As I mentioned in the PM, I think the lack of EMF's are helping me sleep, and most of my past withdrawals have been more to do with dealing with the effects of the insomnia. It's just my theory, and i'll never know forsure, but I know something is VERY different this time around, and I think ENVIRONMENT is huge. I'm more of a believer in environment than genetics due to the strong influence of epigenetic signalling. Dr Bruce Lipton is the guru on epigenetics, fascinating stuff!

Breakfast: 3 organic eggs lightly fried in organic butter, 1 cup carrot juice w/ 4 horse pills (dessicated liver from pasture cows), and 1 conventional golden delicious apple.

Thinking brisling sardines in olive oil for lunch! Dinner plans are beef tenderloin stir fry with sweet peppers!

Gonna keep on keepin on, because this break has essential been a BREEZE! I still don't feel myself quite yet, but then again it's been so long i'm not even sure I know who that is.
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I didn't know that about basmati! Truthfully, other than for a desired glucose load (like after doing heavy squats or deadlifts that deplete glycogen) I don't even feel that rice is really healthy, but just my opinion. And as you very well know, it all comes down to who you believe. After all this nuts soaking talk, my girl told me she read about the Dr Morley Robbins protocol, and told me he goes against alot of what I have been preaching lol It's so hard, I mean he suggest nuts/seeds and mentions nothing about soaking, and same with spinach and greens, which have been known to bind minerals like iron as well. I'm going to do some more research into whether he's a quack or not lol. In the end, if all of us had to just pick ONE guru/biohacker/dr/expert.... WHO would it be? For me it's Dr Jack Kruse without hesitation.

I also forgot to mention a couple of supplements i'm taking presently...AOR Ashwaganda and NAC. Maybe they are helping, maybe not lol

As I mentioned in the PM, I think the lack of EMF's are helping me sleep, and most of my past withdrawals have been more to do with dealing with the effects of the insomnia. It's just my theory, and i'll never know forsure, but I know something is VERY different this time around, and I think ENVIRONMENT is huge. I'm more of a believer in environment than genetics due to the strong influence of epigenetic signalling. Dr Bruce Lipton is the guru on epigenetics, fascinating stuff!

Breakfast: 3 organic eggs lightly fried in organic butter, 1 cup carrot juice w/ 4 horse pills (dessicated liver from pasture cows), and 1 conventional golden delicious apple.

Thinking brisling sardines in olive oil for lunch! Dinner plans are beef tenderloin stir fry with sweet peppers!

Gonna keep on keepin on, because this break has essential been a BREEZE! I still don't feel myself quite yet, but then again it's been so long i'm not even sure I know who that is.
This is so true not knowing who and what to believe. When it comes to soakong nuts though, I honestly have no doubt about this being very important for long term digestive health and absorption.
I often come across gurus who preach like they have all the answers, with yet no mention or awareness of basic food prep necessities, especialy the practise of earing raw nuts.

This on particular always makes me angry. People should know this, it is so true. I feel it is irresponsible for them to be leading so many people, like they are bang on about everything, when there are so many essential "holes."

We have to be so dilligent and discerning and really listen to our gut and find our own answers. I honestly never pretend to "know", but there are certain things I will bet my life and good money on amd strongly encourage as important. The nuts and seeds and unsoaked whole grains is without doubt one of them.

But so many people preach without reference to this. People with strong digestion can go without noticing adverse effects, but they are creeping up. Others like myself, are immediately affected. I jave discerned from all I have taken in and personally experienced that soaked nuts are the most digestible, nutritious and gut friendly, followed by lightly roasted, then raw unsoaked.

Not that I think I am nearly competent, or have enough actual knowledge, but I dont think I could ever write a book, because I just dont have the answers. The biggest problem I jave with all of these gurus (nobody in particular) is they seem to have everything in a "nut"shell.

I know spinach has oxalic acid, which hinders iron absorption, and the myth of spinach as a source of iron was based on a decimal miscalculation.

I dont think we could ever pick just one source of info. Nothing is complete, fully correct, or appropriate all round. I dont mean that to question or discount anybody in particular. Im sure all these guys know so much more than me. But then they have bot had their health, life and brain power destroyed by illness, plus I did an excellent job of that myself as a foolish youth abusing halluciongens for nearly a decade.

Wow, you are getting plenty of protein today! My breakfast has just been plain porridge cooked in water (soaked). Nice amd easy to digest, to allow for a follow up lunch shortly.

Lunch is raw carrot and courgette, with sauerkrauet, plus a good 70 grams of organic peanut butter (one of my few food addcitions, that may not actually be allowed in my "perfect world".)
But my diet is so restrictive and I love peanut butter. I will mix a good 20 grams or more coconut oil into the peanut butter with a teaspoon each of turmeric, cinnamon and cayenne, to accompany the raw veg, which can be very refresning when most of my food is cooked.

Dinner, not certain about yet. Im thinking sweet potatoes, maybe boiled, and either some organic chicken, or some beans maybe and chicken tommorrow. I would add some red canbage to that but may not as it will be too late and so will keep the meal size smaller. I need to get enough macronutrients for weight and energy as a priority right now, so I dont get as much veg as I would like.

But that is the great thing about sweet potato. They are more of a "vegetable" than white potato, yet higher in carbs and nutrients, and much lower in glycemic index.

White potato,,especially skinless, is very high glycemic index. Not the best for diabetics!

When my current turmoil has dampened down, we will have to get that meal thread running!

Thanks for all your thoughts in pm. I have some good responses and ideas to get back to you with real soon.:tup:


Thanks Alexis, all great points as always! You really get it dude. One thing I forgot to mention recently is the personality changes i've been experiencing since my break started. All for the better, and even though it's only day 2 for my girl, she is already stating that she feels like she's thinking much more clearly. I can relate, it's like an entire new mental clarity and fog lifting, and a much more positive outlook on everything.

I am also feeling that my digestion is much improved, it's not as "lazy".

Alexis, do you think that vaping could affect ferritin? I mean, THC obviously affects hormones but what i'm wondering about are fertilizers or pesticides that contain heavy metals, etc. I did a home test on myself a while back and I think I tested high for like mercury and another metal. Not sure how accurate this test was though.

I guess I really need to find better cleaner natural organic meds!
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