The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Thanks Alexis, all great points as always! You really get it dude. One thing I forgot to mention recently is the personality changes i've been experiencing since my break started. All for the better, and even though it's only day 2 for my girl, she is already stating that she feels like she's thinking much more clearly. I can relate, it's like an entire new mental clarity and fog lifting, and a much more positive outlook on everything.

I am also feeling that my digestion is much improved, it's not as "lazy".

Alexis, do you think that vaping could affect ferritin? I mean, THC obviously affects hormones but what i'm wondering about are fertilizers or pesticides that contain heavy metals, etc. I did a home test on myself a while back and I think I tested high for like mercury and another metal. Not sure how accurate this test was though.

I guess I really need to find better cleaner natural organic meds!
Its certainly worth considering about the heavy metals in the chem ferts. If vaping has negative effects on ferritin, then it may be entirelt due to these chemicals and their disrupting effcets. It is bound to have some negative effects, so it is certainly possible.

I dont think I would be too concerend abour such negative effects from using oure clean wewd though, although Im sure there are schools of thought (it rings a bell), saying that cannabis use basically means your body requires more nutrition, which may stem from old school propaganda, but there could be some truth in it.

If so, we could consider that a downside to the good thing that cannabis is.
I think it is really healthy that we are all honestly exploring the idea that weed use does have a downside, and trying to identify and appraise it, to weigh it up, subjectively, rather than being in denial and seeing only the undoubted good.

It seems thay all things in life have at least some negatives. Like sunlight and oxygen for 2 examples of the top of my murky head.

And I feel many of us are accepting that regardless of cannabis' pros and cons as a whole, vaping hardcore into oblivion is not the most mentally healthy way to live.

I have to say, I can actually see how you are feeling different and more positive in yourself. I feel like you are less likely to let anybody on this forum irritate you or get you down. You seem to be on a higher wavelength, whereas I feel you can be a sensitive soul when you feel misunderstood or misinterpreted, and this can upset you at times, but not curently.

I dont mean to be presumptious, i often go by my unconscious/subxonscious gut feelings and the images/feelings that come to me that is all, which makes me a great advisor for friends.

I am certainly feeling under it with my new virus. Very tired and fatigued. But i have had a surprisingly good day. My chest has been pretty good. All my food was prepared perfectly and digested really well. My bowels are moving very well. Stomach good.

Im about to do one off Mercola's techniques for treating new born viral, infections- 3 drops of 3% H2O2 in each ear. It can knock out a cold if you catch it early while still in your head.

I should be doing it every day really to stop new viruses geting in there. But it makes a big difference to the virus when it feels bad in my head and sinuses. It isnt too bad in my throat or chest actually, but I can feel it in my head.

Then I will have my first dose of abv edibles today. I made it 2 nights ago. I had one cup of strained tea from the muslin on wednesday, 2 cups yesterday, and at least one more cup to strain out of it, maybe 2. I havent even started on the jar yet!


Well-Known Member
I feel like this is hard to verify though considering how many people feel mentally slow or have memory issues who don't use cannabis at all.
Yea, the feeling would be hard to measure, especially without tracking a bunch of identical twins (one who uses and one who doesn't), but the causes of such feelings (lower brain volume or brain activity) could be more easily verified.

If there is a daily dose that is small enough to prevent those negative effects, that is something that would be extremely useful to have published by a peer reviewed scientific journal. If daily usage of any kind is harmful, and the negative effects are dose-dependent, those who use 3-5g a day should show very clear changes in their brain, using 3-100+ times the dose many people on here take in daily.


cannabis use basically means your body requires more nutrition, which may stem from old school propaganda, but there could be some truth in it.

There must be truth in it....especially magnesium depletion.... i'm sure there are alot of others. I think there is significant down regulation of endogenous melatonin as well. Not sure about testosterone, but I don't think that cannabis boosts it. I think cannabis is related to hops? And hops/beer are estrogenic?

I think it is really healthy that we are all honestly exploring the idea that weed use does have a downside, and trying to identify and appraise it, to weigh it up, subjectively, rather than being in denial and seeing only the undoubted good.

Completely agree, and feel safe here....I dare not mention that on other parts of the forum! lol But, one can deny all they want, it's still a DRUG and will have effects both positive and negative, much like everything in life.

And I feel many of us are accepting that regardless of cannabis' pros and cons as a whole, vaping hardcore into oblivion is not the most mentally healthy way to live.

I could not agree more! But damn, it's taken a while for me to realize this lol

I have to say, I can actually see how you are feeling different and more positive in yourself. I feel like you are less likely to let anybody on this forum irritate you or get you down. You seem to be on a higher wavelength, whereas I feel you can be a sensitive soul when you feel misunderstood or misinterpreted, and this can upset you at times, but not curently.

Thanks man! And wow talk about being perceptive! It's awesome to get feedback because I think in the short time that we've known eachother and exhanged PM's, you have really become familiar with my personality online and my posting style. I typically lack a "filter" because I hate BS, and just like to speak from the heart, it's also a symptom of my ADD. lol Seriously though, your words are very important because what you are perceiving online on this forum, is actually happening in real life as well! I have felt this change every time i've quit, except this time I don't feel like such an asshole because i'm actually getting some sleep.

Im about to do one off Mercola's techniques for treating new born viral, infections- 3 drops of 3% H2O2 in each ear. It can knock out a cold if you catch it early while still in your head.

That's awesome! Mercola is pretty awesome, although can be an extremist. I will be picking up his new book forsure once released.

Do you use apple cider vinegar in your protocol? I was thinking of taking a shot daily maybe before dinner for increased hydrochloric acid production to aid digestion. Supposed to be a miracle food?


Well-Known Member
There must be truth in it....especially magnesium depletion.... i'm sure there are alot of others. I think there is significant down regulation of endogenous melatonin as well. Not sure about testosterone, but I don't think that cannabis boosts it. I think cannabis is related to hops? And hops/beer are estrogenic?

Completely agree, and feel safe here....I dare not mention that on other parts of the forum! lol But, one can deny all they want, it's still a DRUG and will have effects both positive and negative, much like everything in life.

I could not agree more! But damn, it's taken a while for me to realize this lol

Thanks man! And wow talk about being perceptive! It's awesome to get feedback because I think in the short time that we've known eachother and exhanged PM's, you have really become familiar with my personality online and my posting style. I typically lack a "filter" because I hate BS, and just like to speak from the heart, it's also a symptom of my ADD. lol Seriously though, your words are very important because what you are perceiving online on this forum, is actually happening in real life as well! I have felt this change every time i've quit, except this time I don't feel like such an asshole because i'm actually getting some sleep.

That's awesome! Mercola is pretty awesome, although can be an extremist. I will be picking up his new book forsure once released.

Do you use apple cider vinegar in your protocol? I was thinking of taking a shot daily maybe before dinner for increased hydrochloric acid production to aid digestion. Supposed to be a miracle food?
Cider vinegar is indeed a great thing for so many different purposes. It is certainly on the table in my ideal world. Ideally you want to get it raw. However, I cant go near it myself, severe mucus and speech problems big time. I do encourage it for others though. If not before bed, then in the morning. But any time I imagine is fine.

Thanks so much man for being so receptive to my views and impressions. I have an excellent intuition that is not just rational, but a bit psychic or visionary. And I always use it tomtry and help others see things more clearly and be more self accepting,,so it always gives me great pleasure when it is received with warmth and openess.:tup: again!

Going to cook my dinner now. Very tired but starving. Ive decided on bolied sweet potato, brocoli, green olives and wild salmon, with a simple curry sauce from coconut oil, spices and water, plus olive oil, garlic and him salt. Nice shit, and good feel good food. Very alkaline, good balance as well. Chicken tomorrow now!


Thanks so much man for being so receptive to my views and impressions. I have an excellent intuition that is not just rational, but a bit psychic or visionary. And I always use it tomtry and help others see things more clearly and be more self accepting,,so it always gives me great pleasure when it is received with warmth and openess.:tup: again!

Are you part of the illuminati??? How else would you have these psychic senses? lol I should be thanking you, you have a very good way of communicating your points! And most of all, I appreciate your compassion and empathy. Although i'm way to guilty of judging, i'm working on it to improve myself and be more accepting of others. Funny, how we met in the the Supreme thread under less than idea circumstances lol

Going to cook my dinner now. Very tired but starving. Ive decided on bolied sweet potato, brocoli, green olives and wild salmon, with a simple curry sauce from coconut oil, spices and water, plus olive oil, garlic and him salt. Nice shit, and good feel good food. Very alkaline, good balance as well. Chicken tomorrow now!

I feel for you bro, tired and hungry is NOT a good mood tanks FAST in that state! But your dinner sounds delicious! I had salmon last night but overcooked the damn thing! Be careful! Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Are you part of the illuminati??? How else would you have these psychic senses? lol I should be thanking you, you have a very good way of communicating your points! And most of all, I appreciate your compassion and empathy. Although i'm way to guilty of judging, i'm working on it to improve myself and be more accepting of others. Funny, how we met in the the Supreme thread under less than idea circumstances lol

I feel for you bro, tired and hungry is NOT a good mood tanks FAST in that state! But your dinner sounds delicious! I had salmon last night but overcooked the damn thing! Be careful! Enjoy!
Thanks pal. Just tucking in now, cooked it perfect. I do it in the oven on 170 (fan assisted), in a dish, water half way up the fish, cover with foil, check it after 17 minutes. Its rarely ever done by then, but stick a fork in the middle and you know if it needs another minute, 2 mins, 5, 10. Then just keep checking it. It is one of the ONLY things I can cook perfectly this way every time.

Its only frozen wild salmon by the way, fresh is so pricey! Gotta cut corners. And hey, after all, we are lucky just to have food. Got to be thankful really.:nod:


Always frozen....way more cost effective, and sometimes fresh isn't even as fresh as freshly thawed :)

Thanks for the tips, I will have to try adding a bit of water and cover, so I guess it steams itself? I usually just bake it the way it is for about 20 mins or so, but sometimes use the toaster oven and get carried away with stuff and then it's oops, rubbery! Tonight was epic..... beef tenderloin (local farm) stir fry with carrots, celery, sweet peppers, onion, garlic, salt pepper chilli peppers and basil and a touch of Bragg soy sauce on a bed of white basmati! Kicked absolute ass! The meat literally could melt in your mouth it was so tender! Nice iron injection indeed!

I'm noticing major changes in my sweating patterns.... I am never cold nor get chills anymore, like ever, and when I exert myself (giggity!) I also don't sweat and stamina is through the roof. Nothing but positives so far, and I got 2 1/2oz coming in the mail! :o

I am also able to get ORGANIC flowers now!

POW!!! :nod:


Slept bomb from about 11-4 so getting about 5 hours, maybe a little dreams, sweats subsiding, just wake up early and that's that....must be not getting the early morning REM cycles yet, but i'm sure it's around the corner as today is day 9. Head feels a little weird this morning, almost like i'm a little sleep deprived and strung out at the same time, but it's suppose to be a really nice sunny day, which will be perfect for soaking up the rays on a nice long walk with the pup at the beach!

Appetite is getting pretty good, still wonky at times, like a hunger feeling but the next second stomach feels full.... but I wake up and crave breakfast. Body must be doing alot of repairing at night!


Well-Known Member
Slept bomb from about 11-4 so getting about 5 hours, maybe a little dreams, sweats subsiding, just wake up early and that's that....must be not getting the early morning REM cycles yet, but i'm sure it's around the corner as today is day 9. Head feels a little weird this morning, almost like i'm a little sleep deprived and strung out at the same time, but it's suppose to be a really nice sunny day, which will be perfect for soaking up the rays on a nice long walk with the pup at the beach!

Appetite is getting pretty good, still wonky at times, like a hunger feeling but the next second stomach feels full.... but I wake up and crave breakfast. Body must be doing alot of repairing at night!
Wow you have a nearby beach! I would love to live by the sea, I went to university by the seaside and loved it! If you are sleepiing 5 hours straight, that is good. Due to my bladder infections, I never sleep even 3 hours straight, if that.
Had a shit sleep myslef. Was too tired ro digest my dinner, which was too late due to the ongoing routine of steam inhalations etc all day as usual.

Im gonna get back to your pm soon, this new virus has wiped my energy, and you asked some deep Q's which I need to be in fresh spirit to answer, not thatbI actually have any "answers", but I will need to search within to see what my thoughts are on it "at the moment. "

Still, underneath this new virus, things are pretty good I feel. The food thing is, Im sure it is one of the 2 coxsavkie viruses I already have. I just keep gettimg the same viruses over and over. This is my problem, I get rid of all my infections, vut I always keep geting more due to such long running sleep deprivation and compromised immunity.

It didnt used to be like that. Before my ill advised long fast in 2012, when I didnt eevn know I had Lyme Disease back then, viruses would come and go.

It has now been 4 1/2 years since I didnt have at least one virus in my nervous system and lungs. It is really hard getting out of this ditch, and with all the complications and restrcitions it is hard to find a way. I reslly need some luck but am really down mentally due to never having any.

I do look a LOT beter the last few days, the past 3 months I havent looked very well. Suddenly I look 5 or 10 years younher again, so that is a good sign.

Edit- what I mean about the virus being one I already have, is thatbthe homeopathy is going tombe treating it, with nearly half a course to go, so it will surely come down a lot faster.


Wow you have a nearby beach! I would love to live by the sea, I went to university by the seaside and loved it! If you are sleepiing 5 hours straight, that is good. Due to my bladder infections, I never sleep even 3 hours straight, if that.
Had a shit sleep myslef. Was too tired ro digest my dinner, which was too late due to the ongoing routine of steam inhalations etc all day as usual.

I live near some of the Great Lakes in Canada, so it's less than an hour drive to a very nice beach (Long Point). Today is going to be a day of sunshine and grounding to recharge!

When I say 5 hours, it's not really the best sleep, it's like i'm "conscious" through some of it. I mean, in the middle of the night I notice things like nocturnal erection, sounds in the house, etc. But i'm also not fully awake either. It's like i'm "inbetween" sleeping and being awake, but at this point i'll take what I can get! Because I do remember much too clearly how it's been in the past, it was much much worse.

Sorry to hear about your crappy night, it makes for such a crappy fragmented next day. Don't underestimate the importance of naps, crucial for health IMO. Same with just unplugging, and meditating for 20 mins or so.

Im gonna get back to your pm soon, this new virus has wiped my energy, and you asked some deep Q's which I need to be in fresh spirit to answer, not thatbI actually have any "answers", but I will need to search within to see what my thoughts are on it "at the moment. "

No worries dude, no rush....take your time bro.

I reslly need some luck but am really down mentally due to never having any.

I wish you the best of luck! I can relate man.... things always change when we least expect them to though I have found.


Well-Known Member
I live near some of the Great Lakes in Canada, so it's less than an hour drive to a very nice beach (Long Point). Today is going to be a day of sunshine and grounding to recharge!

When I say 5 hours, it's not really the best sleep, it's like i'm "conscious" through some of it. I mean, in the middle of the night I notice things like nocturnal erection, sounds in the house, etc. But i'm also not fully awake either. It's like i'm "inbetween" sleeping and being awake, but at this point i'll take what I can get! Because I do remember much too clearly how it's been in the past, it was much much worse.

Sorry to hear about your crappy night, it makes for such a crappy fragmented next day. Don't underestimate the importance of naps, crucial for health IMO. Same with just unplugging, and meditating for 20 mins or so.

No worries dude, no rush....take your time bro.

I wish you the best of luck! I can relate man.... things always change when we least expect them to though I have found.
I am unable to ever nap. Due to sleep apnea, I cant get to sleep on my back or else I instantly wake up,with my throat and sinuse closed, and unless I have thouroughly managed my mucus, there is a real danger of choking.

I can only sleep on my side, but only when there is no food in my stomach and no constipation, which is very rare due to such sluggish digestion.

Also, when I am .aying on my back, I can actually drift off to sleep no problem, even with noises around, but when Im on my side, I feel wide awake and noise stios me drifting off. I have been using earplugs for years, just popped into the ear exposed as I feel sleepy. Bit also, although I dont get cold during the day, I have serious issues being to cold to get to sleep, especially when on my side.

This is due to nervous system body teml regulation issues since having Lyme, amd low vody weight. My back is always too cold on my side. You would not believe how thousand hours sleep I have lost purely as a result of being cold on my back, and eslewhere.

I have no choice but to wear multiple layers, with double duvet and at least 1 blanket, plus hat and scarf in bed virtually all year round.

I lnow all aboit the skin breathing etc, but it really is the only way I will get any sleep. I spent years trying to sleep with as little clothing and layers as possible, but just never got any sleep, so it winds me up when people try and lecture me about wearing clothes in bed etc and what I should do.:argh:

At better times, when I can eat food and digest it earlier in the day, I could go to sleep late afternoon for a few nice hours, food well digested, amd get up refrshed in time to wake up and eat again.

But these days, the only time I can sleep is at least 2 or 3 hours after i have finished my second and final meal of the day, which is always ridiculously late no matter how I try and go about it , and from wherever I start.
Its really crazy, the list of unusual complications. Many peole cant relate or unerstand,,and will imagine it is hypochondria or fussiness etc, but they should try living with a dysregulated immune and nervous system.

Please dont feel bad for me pal. It helps to share, I have to be honest and to the point, but I never want anybody to feel down or sorry for me as that helps nobody.:D


I'm just empathetic bro, because I honestly do not know what it's like to be going through what you are.

I'm just curious, what was the longest time you have abstained from cannabis (any form)? I sometimes feel that symptoms are the result of withdrawal. Kind of like coffee, where you feel better, but sometimes people think it "helps them" when in reality they are just avoiding withdrawal symptoms.

I'm not saying this could be a problem, i'm just curious because i'm a firm believer that many people are dependent/addicted and think it's helping them, when in reality on the long run it's the opposite. This seems to be my case anyway, but as you know i'm a special case and overvaped much more than I should have.

EDIT: Why am I starting to feel medicated? :D

I swear I feel baked! Breakfast was leftover beef and veggie stirfry, 2 eggs, and some 90% dark chocolate. Hmmmmmm, anandamide???
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I'm just empathetic bro, because I honestly do not know what it's like to be going through what you are.

I'm just curious, what was the longest time you have abstained from cannabis (any form)? I sometimes feel that symptoms are the result of withdrawal. Kind of like coffee, where you feel better, but sometimes people think it "helps them" when in reality they are just avoiding withdrawal symptoms.

I'm not saying this could be a problem, i'm just curious because i'm a firm believer that many people are dependent/addicted and think it's helping them, when in reality on the long run it's the opposite. This seems to be my case anyway, but as you know i'm a special case and overvaped much more than I should have.

EDIT: Why am I starting to feel medicated? :D

I swear I feel baked! Breakfast was leftover beef and veggie stirfry, 2 eggs, and some 90% dark chocolate. Hmmmmmm, anandamide???
I am definitely aware and in no denial that my cannabis use causes me problems, and that there are advantages to be had if I could motivate myself to abstain.
The longest I ever went without was 3 months. I got more amd more depresed though, which honestly had nothing to do with withdrawals amd my past weed use.

It is like a form of mental,illness, where I can see how wrong itmis how im feeling and behaving (like a cut your nose off to spite face, kamakazi, self piteous thing), but I juat cant seem to help it.

It honestly gets worse and worse the longer I dont use weed, and again I ak certain this is actually unrelated to my cannabis use and phsychological dependance.

Its hard to explain right now, my brain is very murky. My past misuse of ecstasy is a big factor.
My mum was an old schol hippy, and so were al her friends. I grew up in a hippy pot head environment but was never at all interested in weed (although it was all nice clean hash back then).

When I was 16 I began taking LSD and ecstasy. I had some cross reactions between additional substances in pills and microdots, and literally suffered some brain damage and "alterations".

I was at a top private school on a free education, and was always just about keeping myself from being expelled. I was depressed before I ever took drugs, due to being so much more aware and conscious than other people my age, like a whole other level.

I "woke up" suddenly to the big fat lie of the world when I was 16, I remember coming home from school one day saying over and over in an outrage "everything's a con". I have no idea what drew me to that conclusion at the time, as I cant really have known anything back then.

So my depression was part of my deep, philosophical and sensitive nature to the ugly world around. My initial experiences with drugs, especially my first uses of LSD where I made an honest mistake and nearly got myself into some serious trouble, resulting in bad trips, plus the chemical reaction atva later date, caused more severe depression.

I was never into schoolwork. Did my homewok on the bus at last monute, somehiw got good grades right through school. I was on the verge of being expelled when I began using cannabis aged 17. It saved my life. Perfect medicine for the nightmare I was in.

I was instantly smoking 3 big bucket bongs of clean old school hash every morning after getting up at 8.45 am, then riding my bike through town atbfull throttle to get to form period by 9 am in order to not be expelled from school! It was over 3 miles through town centre rush hour up steep hills, coming up on the bucket bongs which also refreshed the hallucinogen highs.

I was high as a daisy!:whoa: but nobody ever knew. None of the teachers ever had a suspicion, only close friends.

My schol reports improved dramatically as well. I was happy amd motivated.
I also used to eat hash every day for years, in all my jobs I went on to get (dustman, fast food places, building site etc).

That is where my cannabis use began. So obviously a lot of issues to begin with. I went on to hammer ecstasy in huge quantities, on and off, until aged 25. I rearranged my brain many times, chipped bits off, but cricially, impaired my serotonin and dopamine etc.

And then I got the Lyme in 2005, which itslef is as much a mental illness as it is physical. It destroys serotonin receptors.

Back to my 3 month break from weed, in 2010. I havevhad similar breaks but not quite as long. Each time is exactly the same, the longer I go, the more seriously depressed and unmotivated I get, to the point where it is dangerously unhealthy. There is much more to this than withdrawal from weed.

Only when I use weed does everything become clear. I can suddenly see how wrong and bad I have been feeling. But I couldnt help it honestly. Like a bipolar disorder. .
The weed use is the only "medicine" thatbhad worked for my condition since getting Lyme.

With all the physical problems not being comfortable in life, and mental issues, especially the speech problems due to mucus and the isolation, no friends, no holiday, hobbies, or enjoyment in life- weed use is the lesser evil.

The only problem I have that stips me from making ,y life work with moderate and beneficial weed use is my allergy to it.
I now I could use weed moderately for the right reaons to live happily and comfortably, enjoying everything I do, and being active, motivated, sociable- except for the physical but very severe respiratory allergy.

So my life already has to revolve arpund managing symptoms night and day, with or withotut cannabis, and much, much more so with.

But when I can use weed and more comfortably cope with the symptoms, I enjoy everything I do, amd am totally different mentally.

I live with my mum as I am unable to afford life and health costs otherwise. When .i go without weed, my depression is so severe it affects the home life badly. I would easily reach suicide but that just isnt an option. No way back from that, and besides, Im a reap whimp anyway!:lol: (gotta see the funny side of life!;))

If I wasnt allergic to weed I would have no issue at all coping with my illness. I would eat well, sleep well, exercise, have friends and so on, I have no doubt. And Im sure I could be happy with moderate use that works and does not hinder.

Im really not kidding myself on this either. Im not in denial here, but in a very broken situation, a less than ideal solution can still work as a perfect remedy.

If I was to recover fully and be able to live a normal amd full life, with a relationship and vocation, such as my "life' calling", then I actually feel confident that I could stop using weed quite easily. But if there is some advantage, say, on a physical level, and it isnt necessary to stop completely, then I dont see a problem with that.

But that is a bridge for a later date.
So you see there is a lot of factors invloved here. I am totally open to the idea that I am very mistaken or delusional about anything I believe. (Disclaimer;)).

But as I hope you will see, it is far more complicated than the usual matter of withdrawal.

I share all of this openly, with anybody. I have no shame. No secrets. Cards on the table. Let's all be honest and move forward, my motto, and I know you respect and appreciate that.

This openness does not make me vulnerable, but stronger. I am too strong and pure in spirit for others to try amd exploit and attack me. They will come unstuck first, believe me. Tney are the ones on shaky ground!:nod:

Thanks so much for all yout continued support and rare high level of understanding Biohacker, it really means a lot!:tup::tup::tup:


Thanks for pouring that out Alexis, as we were taught in the military to acknowledge that we fully understood, "SEEN"! Or "HUA"! I completely empathize with your health conditions and history; we all have a different path to walk in life. You are one tough motherfucker for your ability to keep on marching on.

Today is day 10, and last night was my worst yet. I was able to fall asleep ok, had a long day with alot of walking and sunshine, nice curry goat roti for dinner from the best shop in town. But I woke up after maybe 2-3 hours, and my mind fired up and that was it. Shitty restless tossing and turning. As usual, soaked t-shirt for the first half of the night. When I wake up and realize it's soaked, and take it off, that's when I can't sleep again.

I've been doing some more research and some people actually get peak withdrawal around day 7-10, so i'm wondering if i've been doing better for the first week because of slow release of metabolites from fat tissues, which could explain why I was feeling medicated. Well, the same thing happened yesterday, several times, and way more intense! I get like waves of being high! It's kinda awesome, but also kinda annoying at times.
Perhaps now that most of those are gone, and down to trace amounts, my brain is starting to freak out a little as it returns to homeostasis and rebalances neurotransmitters, etc. I also had a tonne of stress yesterday due to my girlfriend's ill health, she's now on a major elimination diet (grains, dairy, basically ANYTHING that can inhibit iron absorption). Iron intake is not the issue, it's the lack of absorption, so probably in the gut. I awesome whey protein would not be wise Alexis? Every morning she would start with whey and milk! Fack! It's changed now to over easy eggs, and today we're going to the health store to pickup some quality whole food multis. She's super anemic, she's fainted twice (over a year ago), and just doesn't prioritize her health like I would want her to. She also suffers from some mental illness (anxiety, ptsd) which is also linked to low ferritin as is her restless legs. I digress...

Feeling like complete shit this morning, as i'm sure you can relate from not sleeping.. feels like coming home from a night shift, and i'd hit up the vaporizer right away and everything would be great again. I can't wait until I have a few months behind me so I can see how my sleep is, and realize how much cannabis helps me or not. I may even go farther, IF the benefits are there....but if they aren't, and like you I become more sleep deprived and depressed, then fuck it I will admit defeat, and continue to use cannabis as a supplement, at least to be able to sleep properly. I do believe I may have fucked up my brain with my excessive usage over the past decade. However also believe it's probably more the chemicals in the nutrients and pesticides than the actual sacred plant.

Life is short....we gotta do what we love and makes us happiest.....sleep affects my mental and overall health more than anything, so whatever gives me the best QUALITY of sleep, that's what I will do, whether it's abstaining or vaping a dab before bed!

Another sunny 18c day here today (and all week!) Spring is here, so at least that beats the cold, dark, crappy winter (not that we actually had one this year lol). Thanks for listening! I'll get to your PM when I can bro, and thanks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for pouring that out Alexis, as we were taught in the military to acknowledge that we fully understood, "SEEN"! Or "HUA"! I completely empathize with your health conditions and history; we all have a different path to walk in life. You are one tough motherfucker for your ability to keep on marching on.

Today is day 10, and last night was my worst yet. I was able to fall asleep ok, had a long day with alot of walking and sunshine, nice curry goat roti for dinner from the best shop in town. But I woke up after maybe 2-3 hours, and my mind fired up and that was it. Shitty restless tossing and turning. As usual, soaked t-shirt for the first half of the night. When I wake up and realize it's soaked, and take it off, that's when I can't sleep again.

I've been doing some more research and some people actually get peak withdrawal around day 7-10, so i'm wondering if i've been doing better for the first week because of slow release of metabolites from fat tissues, which could explain why I was feeling medicated. Well, the same thing happened yesterday, several times, and way more intense! I get like waves of being high! It's kinda awesome, but also kinda annoying at times.
Perhaps now that most of those are gone, and down to trace amounts, my brain is starting to freak out a little as it returns to homeostasis and rebalances neurotransmitters, etc. I also had a tonne of stress yesterday due to my girlfriend's ill health, she's now on a major elimination diet (grains, dairy, basically ANYTHING that can inhibit iron absorption). Iron intake is not the issue, it's the lack of absorption, so probably in the gut. I awesome whey protein would not be wise Alexis? Every morning she would start with whey and milk! Fack! It's changed now to over easy eggs, and today we're going to the health store to pickup some quality whole food multis. She's super anemic, she's fainted twice (over a year ago), and just doesn't prioritize her health like I would want her to. She also suffers from some mental illness (anxiety, ptsd) which is also linked to low ferritin as is her restless legs. I digress...

Feeling like complete shit this morning, as i'm sure you can relate from not sleeping.. feels like coming home from a night shift, and i'd hit up the vaporizer right away and everything would be great again. I can't wait until I have a few months behind me so I can see how my sleep is, and realize how much cannabis helps me or not. I may even go farther, IF the benefits are there....but if they aren't, and like you I become more sleep deprived and depressed, then fuck it I will admit defeat, and continue to use cannabis as a supplement, at least to be able to sleep properly. I do believe I may have fucked up my brain with my excessive usage over the past decade. However also believe it's probably more the chemicals in the nutrients and pesticides than the actual sacred plant.

Life is short....we gotta do what we love and makes us happiest.....sleep affects my mental and overall health more than anything, so whatever gives me the best QUALITY of sleep, that's what I will do, whether it's abstaining or vaping a dab before bed!

Another sunny 18c day here today (and all week!) Spring is here, so at least that beats the cold, dark, crappy winter (not that we actually had one this year lol). Thanks for listening! I'll get to your PM when I can bro, and thanks.
Cheers for the update we are both in a rough state arent we? Mine has climaxed. You can only take so much and then- Bang! Repercussions!

I am not a believernin whey protein shakes etc. I dont actually know anything about it but to me our bodies arent designed for it and it must mess with our balanxe in some way.

Just be strong and positive for your girl right now. She needs to acknowledge that she needs to be more dedicated tomher body's needs and be willing to make a commitment. So just encourage her, best not to be in fear or hopelessness.

You have to, okay,,there is a problem,,and there is a reason for it. It hasnt been corrected yet, so lets just focus on the solution and be patient.
If our way of living is not conducive to our well being, then we cant expect an immediate fix.
But stay positive though. Go to nature. Natural, whole, nutritious foods, and properly prepared really is key I strongly believe!

With your withdrawal, I wonder if you might be better not setting such a long target. Maybe a more gradual, less austere, over ambitious, possibly undealistic apporach might actually be better?

Like a sort of happy medium weaning? Less pressure and long targets, unceratain anticipation?
I know you are all or nothing. I am also with many things. But you are committed to change, so that could be in ways not usual for you.

I dont mean abandon your t break, vut if the suffering and sleep dep goes on too intensely, it may do more harm in the long run.
Maybe you might do better to vape moderately for amday or 2 next weekend, fully comitted to having another 2 week break afterwards? I think I would do this in your situation, with confidencemabout beingnin a much better position and frame of mind to go back on a break, playing it by ear?

This might surprise you at how much easier you can cope when you do abstain again.
Im sure you will know what is best, but this may require a different tact, target, expectation and goal.

With your girlfriend, one trouble with being heavily medicated al the time, it can cover up issues that we need to address on a physical level, being neglected.

Take the morphine away and it is a shock to see how we really feel. So it can seem worse than it really is, we just havent been listening to the signals to correct the cause.

So just be strong for her, and for yourself.

I had a poor sleep again, but I have (half) of my brain back! God was it shot last night!?
This damn new virus has really messed me up and my emotions. Hey no need honestly for you to get "back" to my pm. Any time you wanna share anything is cool Im always open. I had a load more stuff I wanted to say, but my brain has totally crashed. I just have to get some thoughts out sometimes rather than leave them in there on the conveyer belt.

We really need to focus on ourselves right now.

On the breaking strategy, I did used ro break all the time heavier use than I am accustomed ro these days. And from chemical,weed as well. It would be brutal, night sweats and all. But I definitelt found that actually using again for a day or 2, then breaking again changed everything. I would feel really good when I left it again. I felt myself, refreshed and energized, like pit stop.

But I didnt set any particular long term targets, the goal was just to feel better and to improve my life, and this seemed to work better in steps.

It wasnf like I lost my progress and had to start again. It helped. The suffering on the initial break was "in the bank". And I drew a bit out then started saving again in a much better frame of mind and bodily condition.


Hey bro, thanks for the quick response. Whey protein is supposed to be the most bioavailable form of protein out there, and extremely high in glutathione, the bodies master antioxidant. It's highly absorbable, so if from a super clean source that is a concentrate, not isolate (like many people think), it has alot of immune boosting properties. However, with that said, I understand that it's a processed food, and too much protein isn't a good thing. But, for her with so little muscle (5'8 125lbs) she needs all the protein she can get. She's dutch, so very into dairy but that has all now changed. All dairy is out save for butter, and that goes for myself as well, ok maybe with the exception of a little raw cheese. Stopping the whey, saving money for real whole food. Also pounding back all the super food sea vegetables every morning, and focussing on omega 3's.

I appreciate your wise words, she's very receptive now as the Cancer Clinic scared her (where she had specialist, blood labs etc) sucks that sometimes it takes something serious to open the eyes and change habits. She's motivated now and on her way.

I completely 100% agree with you about my extremist approach to my break. I would take your advice, believe me, but I can't because of the time pressure I have on my plate. I have some blood labs coming up soon (don't know EXACTLY when), that I would love to piss clean for. If I don't it's not the end of the world, however since i'm now 10 days in and doing better than I ever have on a past break, I feel that I should just keep on pushing at this point. I know things will get better, they always have, but i'm not even really dreaming yet, so looking forward to that (I think, as long as it's not nightmares lol). If i'm not sleeping better than ever in a couple of months from now, I know I will be vaping up again sooner than later!

Many experts say for medicinal users it's a very smart idea to take a month off for every 3 that you use daily, IF YOU CAN. Or i'm guessing at least a week out of every month or three.. makes sense from a therapeutic and tolerance perspective.

Can you imagine how hard it is for people to give up smoking? Coffee? Junk food? TV? Internet?

I would probably go into full withdrawal without internet for a week! LOL

My homework for the day:


After some further reflection, i've had the "ah ha!" moment. This time withdrawal has been easier from the get-do due to my body fat composition. During my past withdrawals I was extremely lean in the single digits BF%, so I feel that there weren't many metabolites available and my brain freaked out rapidly. It will take time for the hormones, melatonin, etc to reach baseline again.

This time around, since i'm not as active and physically fit as the last go arounds due to ill health, my body fat is higher, maybe 12-13% or so. So I think there has been this lag/delay for effects to kick in, but now that i'm under 10% BF again, i'm starting to have similar withdrawal effects with the insomnia.

Just a theory, but makes sense to me at least lol Could explain all the tingling sensations i've been experiencing from time to time.

Absolutely ravenous this morning!

It works, I've tried old jarred herb and it knocked me out

How old? I'm jarring with boveda for a few months, and hoping my meds don't just turn into sleep induction meds. Will my buds change in only a few months?
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Well-Known Member
Hey bro, thanks for the quick response. Whey protein is supposed to be the most bioavailable form of protein out there, and extremely high in glutathione, the bodies master antioxidant. It's highly absorbable, so if from a super clean source that is a concentrate, not isolate (like many people think), it has alot of immune boosting properties. However, with that said, I understand that it's a processed food, and too much protein isn't a good thing. But, for her with so little muscle (5'8 125lbs) she needs all the protein she can get. She's dutch, so very into dairy but that has all now changed. All dairy is out save for butter, and that goes for myself as well, ok maybe with the exception of a little raw cheese. Stopping the whey, saving money for real whole food. Also pounding back all the super food sea vegetables every morning, and focussing on omega 3's.

I appreciate your wise words, she's very receptive now as the Cancer Clinic scared her (where she had specialist, blood labs etc) sucks that sometimes it takes something serious to open the eyes and change habits. She's motivated now and on her way.

I completely 100% agree with you about my extremist approach to my break. I would take your advice, believe me, but I can't because of the time pressure I have on my plate. I have some blood labs coming up soon (don't know EXACTLY when), that I would love to piss clean for. If I don't it's not the end of the world, however since i'm now 10 days in and doing better than I ever have on a past break, I feel that I should just keep on pushing at this point. I know things will get better, they always have, but i'm not even really dreaming yet, so looking forward to that (I think, as long as it's not nightmares lol). If i'm not sleeping better than ever in a couple of months from now, I know I will be vaping up again sooner than later!

Many experts say for medicinal users it's a very smart idea to take a month off for every 3 that you use daily, IF YOU CAN. Or i'm guessing at least a week out of every month or three.. makes sense from a therapeutic and tolerance perspective.

Can you imagine how hard it is for people to give up smoking? Coffee? Junk food? TV? Internet?

I would probably go into full withdrawal without internet for a week! LOL

My homework for the day:


After some further reflection, i've had the "ah ha!" moment. This time withdrawal has been easier from the get-do due to my body fat composition. During my past withdrawals I was extremely lean in the single digits BF%, so I feel that there weren't many metabolites available and my brain freaked out rapidly. It will take time for the hormones, melatonin, etc to reach baseline again.

This time around, since i'm not as active and physically fit as the last go arounds due to ill health, my body fat is higher, maybe 12-13% or so. So I think there has been this lag/delay for effects to kick in, but now that i'm under 10% BF again, i'm starting to have similar withdrawal effects with the insomnia.

Just a theory, but makes sense to me at least lol Could explain all the tingling sensations i've been experiencing from time to time.

Absolutely ravenous this morning!

How old? I'm jarring with boveda for a few months, and hoping my meds don't just turn into sleep induction meds. Will my buds change in only a few months?
Thanks for clarifying your particular circumstances. On the whey, I remember now it is recommended in the Nourishing Traditions and is in fact natural. I just remember seeing someones chocolate whey prorein stuff years ago, and it stank of pure un-nature.
But as you say it is processed, and maybe not the right source of fuel for the moment.

And it sounds like you just have to ride out your t break. You are actually choosing,,for good reason, so just be tough. What you need most of all is a positive mindset, both you and your girl.

Just curious, will cbd oil not help at all? Will it possibly interfere with your test results due to containing SOME thc?
And on that, if cbd oil is deemed acceptable, on medical grounds, if a trace of thc is detected when you are tested, is there any way you could say it is due to high intake of cbd?

No need to answer, just some thoughts. If there is no reason why you cant take it right now, surely it would be a good thing to do, to get those health preserving cannabinoids, even if there seems to be no conscious benefit?
Again, no need to answer, just what I would naturally advise somebody with my limited knowledge on these matters.

I really dont like the idea of the suggested necessity to abstain that frequently! If my allergies get better, I wont be too keen on any sort of routine break procedure that austere!

Now some very news :clap:- as I told you in pm,(Biohacker), yesterday my chest suddenly got VERY much worse, due to tiredness and stress. I mean, a really bad infection developed in my lungs. It was hell, red raw, and in my throat as well. Really acidy burning.

My chest was unbearable suddenly. So hard to breathe, feeling reallt dizzy and faint. Impossible to even drink water due to throat and lung inflammation and mucus.

I did my steam last night at 7 pm. God was it painful. And when it is like that, a fresh infection, its impossible to get the mucus out of my lungs. So no relief to be had.
I had to walk over an hour to get some organic garlic from Tesco, somehow managed it, so weak and exhausetd after (and before).

I was in misery, I have been here before with fresh viral infections and suffered for months unbearably. It want looking good.

So at 9.30 pm, I put my zapper on my chest for about 20 minutes. I normally justvdo a few mins many times a day, at select times when the channels are clear. Usually after steam inhalation. It is such a vital part of my symptom management, NO WAY could I live without ,y zapper. It always brings instant relief and keeps infections under control, knocking them down.

It cost me £100 5 years ago. If I ever lose it, Im buying anothet one ASAP! I dread to be without it for even 1 day!

Anyway, I could feel it workinh big time on my lungs last night, and an absolite load of the THICKEST DENSEST mucus came up for expelling. I was coughing for a good half hour after. My chest was still feeling raw, but infinitely better and easier to breathe.

I did another shorter treatment again before my dinner (baked organic white potatoe, green olives and a delicious home madd bread from chickpea flour,,water, coconut oil and curry powder).

I then managed to do my steam inhalation at 3 am befroe going to bed, instead of having to do it in morning which I really hate.

Most of the time, I a, so weak and tired after my dinner at night, amd my chest is so bad, Imcan barely even move. Not last night!
Today, has been a really good day. My chest has been really good. Im back on track for making excellent progress and finishing my homeopathy in good shape to get back to some vapor.

I really thought all was lost. Now its all looking good, thanks to the longer zapper treatment.
No guarantee what's up ahead, but I wanted to share that good news!:):):)

Edit- my late lunch today: purple sprouting brocoli, raw carrot, sauerkraur, and chicken.
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Well-Known Member
31 Days Complete!

The first two weeks were far more difficult than the last two, but it is definitely doable, and I'm glad to have stuck to my plan without any exceptions. It definitely feels good to know that it's possible.

Still kinda upset at the prospect of daily usage having long-term negative effects on the brain, though. Micro-dosing should help a bit with that, but as nice as it is to relax with some vapor and not be bored, it's not worth decreased brain function in middle/old age.


I remember now it is recommended in the Nourishing Traditions and is in fact natural. I just remember seeing someones chocolate whey prorein stuff years ago, and it stank of pure un-nature.
But as you say it is processed, and maybe not the right source of fuel for the moment.

Yep, Weston Price is very much for natural whole animal products. The Whey I get is only processed through cold filtration so retains all its immunoglobulins because it's not ultra processed like isolates, hydrolyzed, etc. However, i'm still suspect of it, as processing can create Glutamate and my brain is already flooded with that. I need to increase my GABA naturally. I would never buy a sweetened or flavoured whey ever.

I then managed to do my steam inhalation at 3 am befroe going to bed, instead of having to do it in morning which I really hate.

3am? Is that your normal bedtime? Are you aware of the circadian clock and how different organs cleanse at different times? 3am is liver cleansing IIRC. I strive for 10pm without exception. I used to be a "night hawk" but retrained my diurnal rhythm to become a morning lark years ago.

Today, has been a really good day. My chest has been really good. Im back on track for making excellent progress and finishing my homeopathy in good shape to get back to some vapor.

I really thought all was lost. Now its all looking good, thanks to the longer zapper treatment.
No guarantee what's up ahead, but I wanted to share that good news!:):):)

That's awesome news buddy! Congrats! :clap:

Still kinda upset at the prospect of daily usage having long-term negative effects on the brain, though. Micro-dosing should help a bit with that, but as nice as it is to relax with some vapor and not be bored, it's not worth decreased brain function in middle/old age.

CONGRATS BRO!!!! :rockon: You made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I can just imagine your first micro dose hit back! :whoa:

I know you are concerned and I plan on posting some studies in your other thread, but I really do believe the poison is in the dose, and there are so many other lifestyle factors that come into play here. I am a long term user, 20+ years, and hardcore vaporizing exclusively for the past 10, and i'm pretty sure there are many negative effects, however I haven't really abstained long enough to see if they can be actually reversed. I also know there are many, many positive effects as well.

I know i'm starting to get concerned with brain health now that i'm in my 40's. Before 40 I thought I was invincible and didn't care too much about this stuff.



Well-Known Member
3am? Is that your normal bedtime? Are you aware of the circadian clock and how different organs cleanse at different times? 3am is liver cleansing IIRC. I strive for 10pm without exception. I used to be a "night hawk" but retrained my diurnal rhythm to become a morning lark years ago
My whole life routine and clock schedule is ridiculously far from ideal. It is an impossible jigsaw puzzle due to the symptoms and how it makes it impossible to eat what I need, when I need it. And the time it takes just to eat a meal. I lnow all about the right way to live but just cant practise it, unless I only eat once per day. Until there is some revolutionary change enabling me to eat food more easily, quickly (instead of up to 1.7 hours per meal) and not have to spend so many hours managing symptoms before, during after, it is impossible to eat even neatly enough by any sort of sensible time in the day.
Maybe once here and there if I do nothing but mange symptoms, cook, eat,,mange symptoms, etc, and nothing else, with a tiny bit of rest between. But it just isnt sustainable and slips back into a vicious circle.

For example, most days when I get up, it is 2 or 3 hours by the time I have done my steam inhalation. Im exhausted by then. Too much so to cook food. And if i do then it is another 3 hours to cook, eat and do another steam inhalation, before I can do anyhting else like go out.

I usually have a shower after the morning steam, because if I eat first, it is so long before the after meal steam before I can then get washed, and im not exactly comfotable until then.

If Imdidnt need to do another steam after the food, I could be more flexible with the first meal time. Showering is a hard task due to fatigue and takes me ages, hence more exhastion.
And the truth is by then I just dont want to eat. After going through the hell to clear my lungs of all the mucus just to be able to breathe and relax, to then be right back there, thats no enjoyment. I put it off to just feel okay, maybe get a little sunshine or just rest for a bit.

And while Im taking the homeopathy, I have to fit it in conveniently with the symptom management. It just doesnt work to have a proper meal early in the day. I will have to stop taking the medicine before eating, and cant return to it until after the steam after eating, many hours later.
Or not even start the medicine until after food and steam, many hours into the day, having done nothing but steam, shower, food, steam. Until late afternoon. I also cant do any of this outdoors, and will miss all the sun.

Its really an impossible puzzle. Much more complications than I can explain. Take awaynthe mucus and need to keep clearing it, enable me to eat food any time and get on with anything imediately after, and no need to spend hours first thing, last thing, and so on, clearimg mucus, amd it will all fall into place.
Until then, I just cant help but live innapropriately. Catch 22!


Found this kinda interesting....

Cannabis can take anywhere from a few days to a few months to completely abstain from. After ~24 hours from the last THC dose, you have 0% THC in your body. The withdrawal is not because of the presence of small amounts of THC in the body - it's a result of long term changes caused in brain structure because of repetitive THC dosing (in this case, Cannabinoid Type 1 receptor downregulation).

The amount of time taken to fully withdraw is made up from many factors, and the main one is the CB1 receptor density of the person trying to quit Cannabis. It also depends on genetics - some people's brains are just more flexible and regulate neurons better than others' brains.

I'm fucked! :lol:
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hotboxing the cockpit
I hate to be that guy but yo please cite sources (or at least post links for the curious)

:bowdown:thank u kindly


It was something I grabbed off of a forum, just someone's opinion, but I don't think there is anything super scientific or anything stated. We all know about CB1/CB2 receptor down regulation, tolerance, withdrawal, and neuroplasticity. What exactly do you want proof of?

Slept 10-3 last night..... good deep sleep (SUPER exhausted from the shit sleep night before), but at 3am that was that. Storey of my life....reminding me of my last break a year ago. Upon research, many people can't sleep more than 5 hours/night for MONTHS after cessation of chronic daily hardcore use. It's all about how long you can tough it out before you relapse or go insane from sleep deprivation.

Today is day 11, and i think i'm going to start doing more research and spend more time in @EverythingsHazy thread on long term brain health, as i'm starting to get somewhat concerned about long term daily usage more and more. Brain health is something I have neglected pretty much my entire life always focussing on my physical health (body) forgetting that the brain is a part of my body too. I think alot of damage can be mitigated by a proper diet (quality omega 3 especially) with an avoidance of inflammation (doesn't cannabis suppress it?) and clean lifestyle.

If anyone is going through this, here is a great resource. It's from real people going through all the different stages of withdrawal and PAWS, from only a week to years post last use. It really scares the shit out of me how it can take over a year to recover, and some people are never themselves again.
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Things are going south, sleep sucked.... sweats are getting less and less, but I feel like my mind is awake even though i'm sleeping if that makes sense? Feel absolutely horrible today, impossible to function... ahh, just a little hit would change everything, but i'll keep pushing as it's my health and life on the line.

I've notice my girlfriend is much calmer now on day 5 or 6 I think, and she said she started dreaming last night, but it wasn't fun dreams (her mom passed away tragically on vacation with her several years back this month).

Much water under the bridge, but alot of hard times ahead still.
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Well-Known Member
Things are going south, sleep sucked.... sweats are getting less and less, but I feel like my mind is awake even though i'm sleeping if that makes sense? Feel absolutely horrible today, impossible to function... ahh, just a little hit would change everything, but i'll keep pushing as it's my health and life on the line.

I've notice my girlfriend is much calmer now on day 5 or 6 I think, and she said she started dreaming last night, but it wasn't fun dreams (her mom passed away tragically on vacation with her several years back this month).

Much water under the bridge, but alot of hard times ahead still.
Keep going buddy, I do admire your strength and positive spirit.
Im up and down like hell from day to day. Yesterday I plunged into total despair. My anxiety has suddenly gone through the roof.
I was so depressed I had just had enough of life. I almost felt like abandining this place completely as well, feeling like a shoe that just doesnt fit.
Partly due to various members with less sensitive natures and a total lack of understanding and empathy, but really owing to my own emotional sensitivity right now dealing with this intense die off.

This homeopathy is killing me. I need it over with. About 10 days now maybe.
Getting it together again today. Feeling better all round, for now!

Here is my meal number 1 today:

Basmati rice, red cabbage, raw carrot, cod and salmon, with coconut oil. (Spices added on top next).
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