The Nomad From Morwood


Microbe minion
@fangorn every coloured Boro glass rod is doped with an additional element, usually a metal. Yellows for example generally have cadmium in it. Some of those elements react to different lights (UV, fluorescent, sunlight) in different ways. Below is a link to one very reputable coloured Boro supplier. It shows their range of light reactive glass and how it changes under what conditions 👍



Well-Known Member
@fangorn every coloured Boro glass rod is doped with an additional element, usually a metal. Yellows for example generally have cadmium in it. Some of those elements react to different lights (UV, fluorescent, sunlight) in different ways. Below is a link to one very reputable coloured Boro supplier. It shows their range of light reactive glass and how it changes under what conditions 👍

Thanks @Cheebsy !! 👌
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Chronic vapaholic
@fangorn every coloured Boro glass rod is doped with an additional element, usually a metal. Yellows for example generally have cadmium in it. Some of those elements react to different lights (UV, fluorescent, sunlight) in different ways. Below is a link to one very reputable coloured Boro supplier. It shows their range of light reactive glass and how it changes under what conditions 👍

But if leaded glass is known to leach lead into wine relatively rapidly, shouldn't we be concerned that highly toxic elements are present in our glass?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
But if leaded glass is known to leach lead into wine relatively rapidly, shouldn't we be concerned that highly toxic elements are present in our glass?

A little off topic I suppose, but yes that can be a concern with some types, so must be careful especially considering sources
Shit Snacks,
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No thoughts, head empty
Dan provided a new update as of yesterday. Sorry too old and lazy to post link. I am batch 2 and that is good.
Go Dan!
How’s he doing? Got an email a week ago on the toad list about a medical emergency.
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Well-Known Member
hey @KeroZen

I would have preferred that you not raise my awareness about this problem!!

This leads me to other questions (what does "relatively quickly" mean? and is neodymium "highly toxic?")


we can also stay there...

but that's good to know, thank you...

have a great weekend everyone!


Chronic vapaholic
I gather that you are French so you are probably aware of the old aristocratic habit of using crystal wine decanters? Well apparently, even when not used for storage, just drinking from leaded-glass can cause significant leaching. You can find some interesting figures in the "Safety" section of that wikipedia article:

Interestingly they state that it's correlated to the liquid acidity. So to get back to our use cases, I wouldn't be too concerned if the glassware is used dry, as I don't think a passing particle stream can cause any leaching at all, but using them with water would be getting us much closer to the region of concern...

As for Neodymium I don't know, but the Cadmium cited above definitely has very high toxicity and in minute quantities.


Well-Known Member

thanks for the links and technical information, as usual!
we are lucky to have several curious and scientific members!!

i did some research, superficially too...
i agree that you can't compare an acidic liquid and a gas, but it's very interesting to consider!
my conclusion is that a possible contamination would be minor, but above all... i accept the risk!!
that said, i will stay away from fluorescent models!!

i'm back to my stems then 😁
here is my updated collection.
i hope they don't offer black soon or worse, brown... and that i will learn to resist!!
the last one, the orange-red one was made by High Artisan.

Well... I just paid for my last order from Dan 🎄🎅
I was missing a case for my last purchase... it's going to be sublime!
and I fell for wooden stems... 3 new friends are arriving😁
I'm pretty excited! well... terribly excited!!!

I thank Dan because he managed to keep my VAS contained to his craft... that considerably reduces the possibilities of purchase!! 😂

(and of course I hope that all those who have been waiting for too long will be able to let their joy explode soon!! and that we will be overwhelmed with delighted opinions and delicious photos!!!)
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Well-Known Member

thanks for the links and technical information, as usual!
we are lucky to have several curious and scientific members!!

i did some research, superficially too...
i agree that you can't compare an acidic liquid and a gas, but it's very interesting to consider!
my conclusion is that a possible contamination would be minor, but above all... i accept the risk!!
that said, i will stay away from fluorescent models!!

i'm back to my stems then 😁
here is my updated collection.
i hope they don't offer black soon or worse, brown... and that i will learn to resist!!
the last one, the orange-red one was made by High Artisan.

Well... I just paid for my last order from Dan 🎄🎅
I was missing a case for my last purchase... it's going to be sublime!
and I fell for wooden stems... 3 new friends are arriving😁
I'm pretty excited! well... terribly excited!!!

I thank Dan because he managed to keep my VAS contained to his craft... that considerably reduces the possibilities of purchase!! 😂

(and of course I hope that all those who have been waiting for too long will be able to let their joy explode soon!! and that we will be overwhelmed with delighted opinions and delicious photos!!!)

Do you only vape with your two Toads?
I was told it was better than a Milaana 3... so I signed up for the list.
I know I will have to be very patient but I want to own this work of art which is ultimately so rare.

I know that some people collect them but without really using them often, from a performance point of view is it effective?


Well-Known Member
Do you only vape with your two Toads?
I was told it was better than a Milaana 3... so I signed up for the list.
I know I will have to be very patient but I want to own this work of art which is ultimately so rare.

I know that some people collect them but without really using them often, from a performance point of view is it effective?

yes I vape almost exclusively on Dan Morrison's devices. I have Vapman, Lotus and a few other unregulated vapes, but Dan's vape represents 95% of my consumption...

we are not supposed to compare vaporizers in specific threads and I have never tested a milaana... but for information, I have resold Tinymight, Tp80, tafee bowl, firewood 7, firewood 8...

I know that some people collect them but without really using them often, from a performance point of view is it effective?"...
what is this sad story?? I know this thread by heart and I have never heard of a user who collects Toads without using them...

as for the performances... I am absolutely not objective... but we are talking about one of the very best pure convection radiators on the market... for me, it is clearly the best...

you will have to be really patient, but if you take the time to learn how to use it (because it is not regulated), you will have a great time!!!

welcome to the waiting list 😁


Well-Known Member
yes I vape almost exclusively on Dan Morrison's devices. I have Vapman, Lotus and a few other unregulated vapes, but Dan's vape represents 95% of my consumption...

we are not supposed to compare vaporizers in specific threads and I have never tested a milaana... but for information, I have resold Tinymight, Tp80, tafee bowl, firewood 7, firewood 8...

I know that some people collect them but without really using them often, from a performance point of view is it effective?"...
what is this sad story?? I know this thread by heart and I have never heard of a user who collects Toads without using them...

as for the performances... I am absolutely not objective... but we are talking about one of the very best pure convection radiators on the market... for me, it is clearly the best...

you will have to be really patient, but if you take the time to learn how to use it (because it is not regulated), you will have a great time!!!

welcome to the waiting list 😁

I'm not going to make a comparison of course, but you're separated from a nice number of nice vapes lol.
That means a lot about this magnificent Toad, from Dan!
I've talked to a few people who own one, and they tell me that they don't use it enough compared to the rest of what portable vaporizers they have.
Also Troy told me that he very rarely uses his Nomad II.
But no matter what, we are all different!
And today, before writing this message, I saw a web friend who received his Toad.
And he made a cool video where he uses his Toad, and I must admit that this work of art amazed me. Nice vapor production, with many milky hits. And it looks like it fits so well in one hand in this small size.
I'm sure it will be a wonderful everyday companion when I eventually get my own.

From now on, as you say, I will have to be patient, although I have been on the Nomad II list since 2020 😂.
I had stopped following this thread and missed getting on the Toad's list in 2021.
It doesn't matter, it will make the moment even more magical when I have mine.

And maybe I'll have the chance to buy one before my turn during the lotteries 🤟🏻
And have two like you lol


Well-Known Member

yeah... giving the list of devices I got rid of gives an idea of where I place the Nomad/Toad on my podium... without making any comparison 😉
but it's personal and I went fanboy so...

I still think that a device with conduction is nice to have as a complement, to have a device that's a bit punchier!

I discussed it a bit with another user here, and we were saying that the lack of use promotes the lack of use...

if you don't use your device for a few months, or even a few weeks... a more or less visible layer of patina forms. and this layer of patina really reduces the performance of the device...
this will not promote the pleasure of use and people may think that the performance is bad, because of them or because of the device...

I think that because of this, several Nomads remain at the bottom of a drawer... which is really sad!! (I can PM my address if needed 😁)

the three devices I got second-hand were not really usable when I opened the package... the performance was poor and a major cleaning of the metal parts was essential!

I don't know about Troy -even if I have my idea- but I saw a video of both, and I know that Jerry's Nomad 1 has not been maintained and is unusable when he takes it out of its drawer... he could put a new battery in, the performance would still be poor.

so if we forgot or underestimated the importance of real maintenance.... we don't even get half the pleasure we should have with a Nomad or a Toad...

I've been vaping almost exclusively on Dan's devices for over two years now... I can feel the disturbances in the force at the slightest quiver... and sometimes 10 days of non-use are enough to reduce performance. it's certainly not noticeable to a less regular user than me...

in short... don't forget to maintain Dan's devices, friends!

Ps: we're on the Nomad thread, but I hope you catch a Toad soon!!


Well-Known Member

yeah... giving the list of devices I got rid of gives an idea of where I place the Nomad/Toad on my podium... without making any comparison 😉
but it's personal and I went fanboy so...

I still think that a device with conduction is nice to have as a complement, to have a device that's a bit punchier!

I discussed it a bit with another user here, and we were saying that the lack of use promotes the lack of use...

if you don't use your device for a few months, or even a few weeks... a more or less visible layer of patina forms. and this layer of patina really reduces the performance of the device...
this will not promote the pleasure of use and people may think that the performance is bad, because of them or because of the device...

I think that because of this, several Nomads remain at the bottom of a drawer... which is really sad!! (I can PM my address if needed 😁)

the three devices I got second-hand were not really usable when I opened the package... the performance was poor and a major cleaning of the metal parts was essential!

I don't know about Troy -even if I have my idea- but I saw a video of both, and I know that Jerry's Nomad 1 has not been maintained and is unusable when he takes it out of its drawer... he could put a new battery in, the performance would still be poor.

so if we forgot or underestimated the importance of real maintenance.... we don't even get half the pleasure we should have with a Nomad or a Toad...

I've been vaping almost exclusively on Dan's devices for over two years now... I can feel the disturbances in the force at the slightest quiver... and sometimes 10 days of non-use are enough to reduce performance. it's certainly not noticeable to a less regular user than me...

in short... don't forget to maintain Dan's devices, friends!

Ps: we're on the Nomad thread, but I hope you catch a Toad soon!!

Oh damn when I sent my message I thought I was in the Toad thread 😅
I was probably high lol

Thank you for this information 😳
This will allow me not to make this mistake because I didn't know about this patina layer thing.
Personally I love maintaining my equipment and keeping it clean.
But I also take long breaks, so at the end of each break I should clean my future Toad so as not to simply have a lack of performance.

This is very important information.
Thank you very much sir 👍🏻

For your information, Troy sometimes thinks about selling his Nomad 2 because he doesn't use it enough.
He has already received offers of $1500 which he refused.
He won't part with it for less than 2k if you're interested
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Well-Known Member

ahah... we're all stoned on Fc I think... you're excused 😁

and thanks for the info on Troy's Nomad 2... I guess he'll get a few messages in the coming days 😂

there's only one Nomad 2 that could make me pay this crazy amount... and it's not this one 😁🤤😍
it's this one:

but I think I know whoever owns this beauty uses it every day...

ps: if the lucky man who owns this beauty ever wants to part with it... I've been thinking about his Nomad 2 regularly for months!!! 😁

Hagbard Celine

Well-Known Member

ahah... we're all stoned on Fc I think... you're excused 😁

and thanks for the info on Troy's Nomad 2... I guess he'll get a few messages in the coming days 😂

there's only one Nomad 2 that could make me pay this crazy amount... and it's not this one 😁🤤😍
it's this one:

but I think I know whoever owns this beauty uses it every day...

ps: if the lucky man who owns this beauty ever wants to part with it... I've been thinking about his Nomad 2 regularly for months!!! 😁

That is a beautiful Nomad there… do you know the woods used in that one?
Hagbard Celine,
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Well-Known Member
if I'm not mistaken, and I associate the right owner with the right Nomad 2 then:

I am somewhat photo handicapped , sorry. If you go to Dan's Instagram's Acct., @morwoodco , It's the 13th photo between the Spalted & the Briarwood as of 5/23/22. It's Afzelia Xylay with canary wood and lichen. I highly recommend his meticulous carrying case, it's a bespoke suit for your Nomad II .


Well-Known Member
@Hagbard Celine

that's not it at all I think in terms of the woods used...
I think I didn't associate the right owner with the right device!

I think it's more like Turkish walnut... and maybe an olive burl, but I'm not at all sure!!!

Edit :
I know what it is : Turkish walnut and amboyna burl!!
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Wait Goodbye GIF by Silicon Valley


Well-Known Member

yeah... giving the list of devices I got rid of gives an idea of where I place the Nomad/Toad on my podium... without making any comparison 😉
but it's personal and I went fanboy so...

I still think that a device with conduction is nice to have as a complement, to have a device that's a bit punchier!

I discussed it a bit with another user here, and we were saying that the lack of use promotes the lack of use...

if you don't use your device for a few months, or even a few weeks... a more or less visible layer of patina forms. and this layer of patina really reduces the performance of the device...
this will not promote the pleasure of use and people may think that the performance is bad, because of them or because of the device...

I think that because of this, several Nomads remain at the bottom of a drawer... which is really sad!! (I can PM my address if needed 😁)

the three devices I got second-hand were not really usable when I opened the package... the performance was poor and a major cleaning of the metal parts was essential!

I don't know about Troy -even if I have my idea- but I saw a video of both, and I know that Jerry's Nomad 1 has not been maintained and is unusable when he takes it out of its drawer... he could put a new battery in, the performance would still be poor.

so if we forgot or underestimated the importance of real maintenance.... we don't even get half the pleasure we should have with a Nomad or a Toad...

I've been vaping almost exclusively on Dan's devices for over two years now... I can feel the disturbances in the force at the slightest quiver... and sometimes 10 days of non-use are enough to reduce performance. it's certainly not noticeable to a less regular user than me...

in short... don't forget to maintain Dan's devices, friends!

Ps: we're on the Nomad thread, but I hope you catch a Toad soon!!

Thanks for your post, I have a Toad and my Nomad batch 2 is getting close!!

What maintenance do you recommend to keep this vapes working beautifully?


Day Vaper

Well-Known Member
Is there any hope of batch 2 Nomads shipping out this year? It feels like this year is just passing us by and there's not much to show for it once again...

I was hopefuly back in january and february, but now I'm disconcerted again.


Well-Known Member
It's been a long wait for sure. I won't say I'm annoyed because in the end I just feel absolutely lucky to even be receiving one.

But if I were to divide 100% into 12 months, I would say we have about a 33% chance of receiving them this year ha.

I'm so ready for it though as well - I've gone back to using my mflb 99% of the time and I know once the Nomad comes in, it's taking that spot.
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