The Nomad From Morwood

I just hope we see them before the end of the calendar year. I’ll be honest, so much time has passed since I paid for this thing that I’m not even super excited for it anymore. I kinda just forget it exists for the most part.

If I were Dan, I would probably stop doing the Nomads. It clearly takes way too long to make these things. Waiting four years after paying for something is just not very tenable IMO.

Hagbard Celine

Well-Known Member
Paid 3.5 years ago and in Batch 3… still hoping he keeps building a little bit longer… just saying’

I hold out hope still that Dan decides to work more exclusively on the Nomad II for a while to at least take care of waiting customers who have paid. Can’t say I have an idea of how long it would take… but I have to think it would be a huge relief to finish those and start fresh
Hagbard Celine,


Well-Known Member
I just hope we see them before the end of the calendar year. I’ll be honest, so much time has passed since I paid for this thing that I’m not even super excited for it anymore. I kinda just forget it exists for the most part.

If I were Dan, I would probably stop doing the Nomads. It clearly takes way too long to make these things. Waiting four years after paying for something is just not very tenable IMO.
Really, we’ve waited this long, it’s not like I want it right now. I do wish that we would occasionally get an heads up at least, even just a “hi.” As things stand now, with Feb being the last completion date we had heard having come and gone, and Toads seeming to be in active production, it’s the silence that bothers me. I don’t think some communication, even telling us it’s going to take even longer, is too much to ask. I’ve been very supportive of Dan.
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Charles Mingus
I paid back in June 2021 for a batch three unit. Number 123 . I know for a fact that the block of woo is sitting on his shop. I know for a fact that this piece will get made and I think I'm the very last nomad ii order that paid. That being said, I received an update in March saying he was finishing up with batch 2 etc. I do agree that it seems unfair that toads keep coming out but the mama gotta make money. And the raids don't have convex sides making it MUCH easier to machine both the metal and wood parts. He's said countess times how much easier the toad design is to make. So that explains the consistency of toad production.

As for us nomads, I think he bit off more than he can chew and that's ok. If you paid, don't worry. I believe you are getting your vape. Maybe in 2028 but you'll get it. If you haven't paid, consider a toad before complaining about the expected wait times. It's functionally the same, much more available, and cheaper too. I wouldn't be surprised if he transitions to only working on toads once he clears out his backlog.


Well-Known Member
I do agree that it seems unfair that toads keep coming out but the mama gotta make money. And the raids don't have convex sides making it MUCH easier to machine both the metal and wood parts. He's said countess times how much easier the toad design is to make. So that explains the consistency of toad production.
I’m not upset about wait times. I’m not even upset about continued Toad production, which, however easier to produce it may be, of necessity takes time that could be spent finishing batch 2. And I understand, as people have said, he’s got to eat. I also understand that the Toads are more fun to make. What I am upset about is the lack of transparency and communication regarding the status of Nomad production. Dates are missed in silence, email updates are few and far between, and maybe the device needs to be renamed the Albatross.
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Day Vaper

Hi guys,

With the lack of news over the past months, does anyone else think we will never see this Batch 2 come to fruition? I'm starting to doubt this batch will ever be made and shipped out.

Do we know if Dan is still alive?
Day Vaper,
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Well-Known Member
I emailed a few weeks ago asking about my toad order and I heard he had a nasty fall recently and hurt his right shoulder. Sounds like everything is delayed since he’s having to slow down during the recovery

thank you for the news from the Creator!

if that's true, well, @Dan Morrison , I wish you a good recovery. It must be so frustrating not to have all your physical means when you are nearing your goal...

good luck and take care of yourself!


Well-Known Member
Bored Wait GIF by FirstAndMonday

But seriously, at least we know FOR SURE we're getting a Nomad II.

I guess batch 3 did pay...but at this point we could very well be the last; at least for a LONG while.

Hope Dan recovers quickly.
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