Just discovered, that my Aegis Solo mod features s/thing called VPC mode. Allows to set a simple wattage curve manually, defining how the heater behaves over a period of a ten second draw.
Say, 30w is your preferred setting/temp, where you get good vapor. The max draw length is fixed at 10 secs, before the safety cutoff kicks in. You tell the heater for the first two seconds after firing up, to ramp it up fast and go to 40w, so that you can get down to business! As the heater would now usually only get hotter after that initial burst, ye longer it is engaged at 40w, you set the following values to form a gently descending curve, from that 40w max you just defined, down to the preferred vaping temp of 30w, for the remainder of the 10 sec draw, which will taper out naturally anyway, when you eventually overpower the heater. Goes also well with the natural breathing pattern, where you probably tend to draw faster at the beginning, than towards the end of a long draw.
Then simply take the next draw, which starts at 40w again
The Aegis allows for 5 wattage settings (P1 to P5), which define the wattage value over the first 4 seconds of a 10 sec cycle, while P5 defines the value for the remaining 6 secs. Sat it to 40,40,35,35,30 (w) respectively.
That way, you can now take as many satisfying 10 sec draws as you like w/out need for pulsing or fear of combustion. Just so

No further tricky fiddling or technique required

First hit is a bit slow, till the heat build up in the bowl;
Second hit gets things going
... and then it's hit after hit nice vapor
Nice feature

Much simpler to set up, than all the tricky TC/R & TC stuff or even custom software with cruise mode.
But doesn't seem so common, that power curve feature, if I understand that correctly? First mod, in which I stumbled across that