I also got a Mighty+ last week. What a device...I LOVE IT! I've had a Mighty since 2017, a little bit over 4 years now. Lately my old trusted Mighty started to fall apart. Some of the top plastic parts keeping the CU in place were gone, lots of cosmetic damage here and there, maybe the device would need to be opened and deep-cleaned to give it a full maintenance but I'm a blind user and not sure if I would succeed alone...And alone I definitely would be since the herbs I use in mine are mostly illegal here and the usual help I get for these matters come from people who don't need to know

Still, despite this all, my old device works almost like new. This reliability is something I really appreciate in vape products.
I feel the price of the Og. Mighty is "high-ish" but OK...The price of Mighty+ is imo a bit too much considering it's the same unit up-to-date. Then again, I still paid the price and would do it again if I had to. With MIghty+ I have this "cheap procuts are not for the poor"-feeling. I paid for a product that is of best quality and most likely will last longer than many of the competitors...
Well comparing + and Og:
I never thought faster heat-up time would mean anything to me...When using my old Mighty it doesn't...I'm used to waiting the heat-up...Then again, now that it happens faster, it doesn't hurt and I notice that I'm enjoying this feature much more I thought I would.
The same goes for the Mighty vibrating sounds. The old ones were kind of "unneccessarily loud". The sounds (vibrations) in Mighty+ are lower in volume and feel more "personal" and discreet. The vibrations still tell me when the Mighty is ready even among a crowd of shouting people.
- I have a feeling that the ceramic bowl in + is a little bit easier to keep clean.
- The only real downside is charging...It's great to finally have USB support but charging without a decent charger (which imo is the real benefit of USB) takes ages. I don't have a USB-c charger yet but it's something I'm gonna get even though it raises the price tag even higher. I feel that the price would be fair (whateer that means, haha) if the fast charger was included in €398 I paid for mine.
I've read most of this thread but not everything...Sorry if this has been discussed already but has anyone had luck using a 3rd party USB-c charger with Mighty+? What's the best option?
The vape shops here in Finland don't yet have the Mighty+ fast charger and they tell me they're not gonna get them very soon...Any tips for this?
-- M