Did you remove it? If not, you can use the orange tool, dental pick, or similar to loosen the edges and pull it out. Then an iso soak or a very careful torch/lighter so as not to damage the screen.Anyone know a good way to clean bottom screen?
Hey everyone, i purchased a mighty on 420 but i haven't been satisfied with the size or amount of hits ive been getting especially after reading about other peoples experiences. i usually fill up a dosing capsule about 3/4 of the way, put a screen on top, and vape it starting at around 365F, increasing the temp gradually as i go. I would say I only get 4-5 alright hits then it peters out. Any tips for optimal technique?
You grind your herb, yes?
Is that 3/4 packed firm or loose? It should be firm, not floating around.
When you say putting a screen on top, do you mean in addition to the top of the capsule?
S&B recommends starting at 356F, going to 374 (180-190c)
Did you remove it? If not, you can use the orange tool, dental pick, or similar to loosen the edges and pull it out. Then an iso soak or a very careful torch/lighter so as not to damage the screen.
Vote 1 for the Muzz modDIY Muzzmod is the way to go IMO! However my girlfriend prefers the CU even when she uses it through water for that "extra" filtration/cooling effect, so she likes the SonG. All depends on your needs, muzzmod soils your glass alot more obviously.
Does anyone have experience with this ?
Hey everyone, i purchased a mighty on 420 but i haven't been satisfied with the size or amount of hits ive been getting especially after reading about other peoples experiences. i usually fill up a dosing capsule about 3/4 of the way, put a screen on top, and vape it starting at around 365F, increasing the temp gradually as i go. I would say I only get 4-5 alright hits then it peters out. Any tips for optimal technique?
Get a stand for Mighty. Delta3d (@Ratchett makes nice stuff!) has an inexpensive one, 3d printed in assorted colors. I got the 'glow in the dark'.Got the wpa on the list, any other accessories that might be useful ?
It can depend a lot on the herb itself. Good and dry is better.Hey everyone, i purchased a mighty on 420 but i haven't been satisfied with the size or amount of hits ive been getting especially after reading about other peoples experiences. i usually fill up a dosing capsule about 3/4 of the way, put a screen on top, and vape it starting at around 365F, increasing the temp gradually as i go. I would say I only get 4-5 alright hits then it peters out. Any tips for optimal technique?
It sits by itself with the pick/plastic sitting tool inserted backwards ? Anyone know what tbh e standard shipping is like on S&B website ? 2nd day air isn't much more , I'm guessing ups if they are using phrases like 2nd day airGet a stand for Mighty. Delta3d (@Ratchett makes nice stuff!) has an inexpensive one, 3d printed in assorted colors. I got the 'glow in the dark'.
It can depend a lot on the herb itself. Good and dry is better.
Also, after first temp is reached, let it simmer (heat soak, I think some call it) for another minute before your first hit.
Maybe try going straight to higher temperatures without stepping? But you should be getting some satisfying hits at the 365...
It does, but not very well.It sits by itself with the pick/plastic sitting tool inserted backwards ?
It does, but not very well.
Mine has a broken housing piece thanks to a simple face-plant type fall on a table. If you want it to stand up, a stand will be indispensable.
ts packed pretty firm, but i could try tamping it down more. and yes ive experimented with putting a screen under the top of the dosing cap when i dont fill it all of the way. What is the best draw technique? I also have a Da Buddha and Arizer Solo for comparison.
The Mighty doesn't require any specific technique, it just works! Not sure what the problem is...
A question for anyone who recently ordered a mighty from puffitup. Do they come with capsules ?
You must have missed some of the comments above. The problem IMO is the dosing capsule. However, as mentioned load size, density, temperature all play a factor. Performance isn't the same with the capsules.. for massive clouds, full bowl slightly tamped, finer grind, and upper temps is the way to go....and hit it hard!