I have my mighty for more than a year and I have always liked

, but with the arrival of new vapes has fallen to the back of the closet

... although I have it present in my head.. I doubt if it woulding be better to sell it or not

, than say guys??
...I would regret selling it ?? ....I rarely use it.. I do not need money, I prefer to enjoy steam that I crave whim...
thank you very much
I wouldn't sell it. No, not the brand new thing on the block, but aside from heat up time, what function or performance is being offered out there by other portables that the Mighty doesn't have.
To me, its solid build, S&B reliable and consistent extraction, easy to operate, no technique needed, and it will eat up just about anything you put in it.
I have been using dosing capsules and making small herb/concentrate sandwiches and vaping it in the Mighty. Fully extracts and when I'm done the AVB is a nice dark coffee color.
There are smaller vapes out there, there are ones that operate perhaps better as a one hitter or with very small loads, but even though its not some startling new vape tech, its still rock solid and does the job.
There are only two things I would wish for the Mighty 2; replaceable batteries and heat to 365 in 20 seconds.
Just my thoughts