Vapes R Great
Is there anyone from Canada who has successfully done a crafty to mighty upgrade during RMA return? If so what way did you pay them? Did you ask them for it just in the RMA form, or did you have a email conversation with them first? I usually just send my crafty in without emails when it errors. I put all info on the RMA form. I think I want to upgrade if it messes up again.
I sent in a crafty with cracked housing over Christmas time for a friend. I had no idea when or where it was purchased. I just made up a date and said it was a gift. In the notes on the bottom of the RMA I wrote "cracked housing would like to upgrade to Mighty"
Got a reply when it was ready for a invoice of $60usd
Whole process took almost a month during the busy holiday season.
I own a Mighty that is used on average 8 times per day every day for about 16 months now as a serious medical user. Still going strong. I use the capsules all the time now. I will send it in for a battery change and maintenance right before the 2 year warranty is up.