I think i'm getting better performance using the Mighty plugged in. Like the Crafty, it charges on and off as you use it. I'm now starting to wonder, instead of hurting the battery, perhaps the a/c power takes some strain off of the battery?
I would like to know as well. Only used it plugged in once since I'm still not sure if it wears the battery down.
It doesn't charge the battery while the heater is reaching temps, but after its stable it will (or should) resume charging. I use mine plugged in whenever it's dead and I wish to use it
Personally I avoid to charge while using. I do anyways if I'm in need or the battery died in the middle of a session, too. But I prefer to use one of my other vapes, like the (always fully charged) crafty, or hopefully soon the MV or even the herbalizer in near future. Thx to a few PM's I have VAS for some new desktop vapes.
Not saying you won't feel the power drop as soon as if you wouldn't charge while using. But it has to wear down the batteries faster if you (ab-)use them more. There was a long discussion about this somewhere in the thread. But since we aren't sure if there is a true power management or not, I guess it's only a thing of believe or not believe, until somebody comes up with more detailed information about this from s&b. Some members here elaborated very good on "charge-through" and what this means for battery life cycle, even if this still isn't a proof for charge while in use could harm (or not). Since I'm a heavy user I have to charge several times a day to not run unexpected out of batterie. The last 2 battery bars are my biggest fear when not at home!

An interesting question could be: should I better drain my batts to zero when the battery is just about to die in the middle of a session or better use it plugged in for the last few puffs (although the "best" way is simply stop vaping and let it charge at least half full)
@biohacker my heat up times are pretty much the same than yours with both devices.
@fatbiker , better do the exact opposite. Don't charge while in use and don't be concerned to let it plugged in for a few hours after its fully charged.