Thought I'd finally check back in on FC, give you all an update on my experience with this little masterpiece. By pure coincidence it's been two months - to the day - since I received it in the mail from the other side of the world! I still remember opening the box and staring in wonderment at its walnut glory. I didn't have any of the good stuff on me that day but I vaped some oregano just to sample it. (v. delicious by the way

In short, it's a wonderful device that quickly transformed me from a casual cannabis smoker to a daily cannabis vaper, before settling somewhere in between (only vaping, of course). From the first draw, I knew I wouldn't be going back to smoking. Mainly because I never truly liked bongs and I couldn't roll joints all that well, but still...
My first vape lasted about 8 seconds on a surprisingly nice winter's day. The taste came on straight away, a bit strong if I'm honest, but something that I have grown accustomed to and now enjoy. I was overly cautious of combusting for probably the first week of having it, taking very short draws, although I immediately got a hang of the soft inhale necessary for the device. From there it was
I love everything about it; the size, the shape, the craftsmanship, the way the cover clicks in place, the vague smell of an empty trench, the inviting smell of a full one, the portability, the technique required, the trial and error required to master that technique, pushing the battery in and watching the light turn on, seeing the first wisp of vapour before putting it up to my mouth and breathing ever so lightly, the gentle burn on my bottom lip when it reaches the right temperature, breathing in faster to capture all the vapour at the end, the feeling my lungs get when they're at capacity, the subtle but insant buzz as I exhale, removing the battery and then shaking and firmly tapping it against my right palm. The entire process is always a joy, secondary to the high but pleasurable in its own right.

The high is definitely more sativa-like in nature than combusting, which is preferable because it enables me to carry out normal tasks with a gentle buzz rather than a couch-locked overload. I did miss the body-high initially, although I figured out how to get that if I want it. One time I took about a 30-35 second draw and exhaled, and immediately felt unconscionably baked as a cake and cooked as a chook. Another great bonus is if I did it before sleep I'd wake up with an anti-hangover, feeling a little bit sharper than usual in the morning.
I have taken and used it in almost every place I've been. My room adjacent to my blissfully unaware, non-smoking housemate's. At work. Outside, less than 5 metres away from policemen, although that was an accident! Places I never thought imaginable before discovering vaping. I've introduced it to a few friends and managed to convert most of them at least partially, convincing seven by my last count to purchase one. Most of them still combust though when they want to get super stoned, and view the LB as a daily device.
I started doing it too regularly for my liking, at least once a day for purely recreational purposes. I started to lose motivation, my mind became the slightest bit hazy and most importantly, I think I was beginning to get addicted (if I wasn't already). Towards the end of my most recent stash I slowed it down to 3 or 4 times a week, and since finishing about 2 weeks ago, have gone cold turkey and will keep doing so until the end of October. I had two hits of a bong a week ago though and actually didn't mind it (it was definitely the most up-market bong I'd ever tried however, loaded with attachments; that made it easier).
All in all, I've had a great time with my MFLB, but for my own sake I've needed to take a little break. I truly love it, and once I control my usage to a manageable level I'll have truly mastered it
