I have been using the LB for a few hours and wanted to leave a few quick thoughts (would like to use it for a few days before commenting much):
- this fucking thing is tiny!
- this fucking thing is efficient! I have been loading it by measuring the herb with wdz stems. One stem per trench is almost just as effective as the wdz. as a reference point to the 'extent of the stone' i get from one wdz stem: my first session with the wdz is two stems, then a stem or two every hour or hour and a half keeps me going usually.. i believe loading the LB with herb measured to 1 wdz stem would give me similar results. I've only had 3 trenches yet though, so let's see if this trend continues. but for now this point alone has made me love the device despite the few things about it that do interfere with my comfort/convenience levels. i did not expect this efficiency, was surprised by it, and impressed by it and very much welcome it, i hope this turns out to be consistently true in the long run, we'll see i guess
- ok, this is something I do NOT like about this thing: when i turn and shake etc. often bits of the herb (which is really fine with tiny particles) is going to go into the groove where the pin sits (that holds the plastic cover to the unit). I guess folks are gonna call me a stingy bastard

but that bothers me, I lose herb there, small bits fall off the box through there.
- re the whole does it uniform uniformly thing: no, it does not. i do drop the duff in my head after half of it has browned lightly and then crush and reload, this helps a lot like Wolf (IIRC-- too vaked to go back and check who it was

) advised earlier, this does help uniform heating for sure, but still, the toast is not uniform. Am I bothered by this: we'll see, i dunno yet, if the LB ABV makes decent qwiso, then yeah, i got a problem with this. but before i try the qwiso, i want to try see if i can work on this with technique
- it takes LONG to finish a trench. that is a pain and takes away from its portability i think. perhaps this is a technique thing and the time i need to finish a trench will be less with more practice. i am loading very very light loads though (one wdz stem) so i was surprised how long it is taking me to exhaust the load (half hour :/ ) . i cannot imaging slipping into a corner for a few quick tokes to get high with this thing, i need time. i am gonna see if experience fixes this issue for me. i hope so. i have a feeling maybe i just need to not be so careful and let the battery sit for longer..
- one of the main reasons I bought this device was the inscription in the back. my wife and i are both poets and while the inscription is more didactic than poetic, it is still very very cool. I do wish the message were not so hopeful though, I'm a cynic I guess, but still, it is very sweet. i mention this because for me this IS a plus point-- this gives the product/brand some character, makes it easier for me to identity with it because this little thing has its own personality, lol, i dunno if you guys get that but i like it very much.
ok, i am gonna go vape some more haha
oh, i just wanted to mention that i have not once combusted, or even come close, perhaps i was already coached by all the instructions here or perhaps the draw system is intuitive, i dont know, but i picked it up immediately. the color of my abv is vary varied, but dark brown for the most part with a lot of yellow and some green too. i am not using the little pipe thing. i used 2 batteries on all 3 trenches and it might last now for the 4th too (edited this part cuz i was stoned and said i used 1 batt for 3 trenches, not true, i used 2, first one exhausted in the middle of the second trench-- one batt per trench is more or less correct with the stock batts).
my drawing system is random to be honest. i just hit it without any agenda of how im going to hit it and things have been totally fine. just don't let the battery sit there for too long and you will be fine.
i bought an extra set of batteries with the unit (which btw came intact with all goodies in it-- the magic flight tin is very awesome and useful, it was dented when it came but i pushed it back to place-- i recommend vapeworld wholeheartedly)-- i really hope the stock battery set and the extra pair i bought will be enough for a while cuz i dont wanna drop more cash on batts right now.
i had saved the abv of each trench i vaped in the LB separately. i just loaded these into the wdz and got one pretty decent vapor hit off each pile. effects wise, which is what we're all after, there isn't much of a diff between the same amount of herb in the wdz or the lb (the wdz is a little more effective). i need to figure out a way to get that last hit off the LB though