Well-Known Member
How many people can you get baked off one trench and one battery?
How many people can you get baked off one trench and one battery?
I'd say one person per trench and with a battery I'd say I get 4/5 trenches done maybe, but lately I always use the power adapter (maybe better 3/4? Less?).How many people can you get baked off one trench and one battery?
Any suggestions from the professionals?
Hi, welcome to the club! Sorry to hear you're having problems.Hey guys,
so I just purchased the mflb in cherry finish two days ago. Two problems:
1) Both batteries weren't charged out of the box like the manual says (charged for four hours until light on charger turned green)
and the more troubling issue is: 2) On first insertion of the battery into the side of the box the battery stopped at the metal ring. It will only move past it with considerable force.
Anyone else have these issues?
Hi, welcome to the club! Sorry to hear you're having problems.
1. It's always a good idea to charge batteries before first use. This is true of any device that uses batteries. I've seen warnings on other products that state that you should charge the batteries prior to use, and this is no different. This advice applies to any rechargable battery from any product, ever. I don't think it's specific to Magic Flight or the Launch Box, as I did that when I received my ThermoVape Ultra. It's a good habit to haveSome specific battery types will perform worse if you continually discharge them completely, so bear that in mind.
2. It sounds like your metal ring is a bit tight. It's funny because I had the opposite problem with my power adapter, the ring is tight enough for some batteries, other batteries will slip out unless I turn it to a certain angle (contrary to popular belief, not all batteries are perfectly 100% round.) Is it scratching the batteries at all? The ring will loosen up with use. Try this: take a peek inside the battery slot and see if either the top or bottom of the ring is protruding more. Swing the lid to the open position so it's not covering the top of the ring (the flat part), and gently push it either up or down so that it shifts a little bit. Try to make it a bit more even with the actual hole in the wood. If that doesn't work or you feel uncomfortable, send MF an email explaining your problem. They're known for being one of the companies with the best customer service ever. People have had friends actually smoke out of the trench (effectively ruining the screen because of the combustion resin), dropping it and cracking the lid (I did that once), a guy even dropped his in the toilet and it landed on his... well, you know. They sent him a new one, they sent me a new one, they sent the guy who's friend smoked it a new one. Pretty much the only reasons they won't replace it for you is if you lose it/get it confiscated/stolen, or if you purposely break it to get a new warranty Box. For sure it's an inconvenience, but please don't let it leave a sour taste in your mouth... Quite the contrary, you'll find your goodies will taste infinitely better than when you smoke it. You'll taste tastes you didn't even know existed.
Let me know if it helps.
Well I'm glad I found FC before you came along and stole my username, then.Awesome! I'm a Stu too...spelled the right way, don't see that too often
Your "proof of purchase" is the serial number on the back of your Boxpotential problem with getting a new one sent to me: Do they need proof of purchase? (I assume yes) and is the warranty period 90 days? (I think it is) Well I bought this two days ago, but just looked at my receipt and it says I bought it a YEAR and two days ago...I may have to contact the store I bought it from about that.
hey Vito, i saw some one mention there is talk of 2 different trays maybe being sold.. a screened and non-screened.. from what i remember you tested some non screened ones right? would you say the non-screened trays you tested were about as good for full melts than the ones w/ the screen(performance wise)... i'm imagining the screen adds more heated surface area for the oil?.. i'm trying to understand how necessary the screen really is.. only because it seems like a nice option to be able to use any type of hash on the same tray. if it performs the same, aside from it being easier to spill?? it seems like a worth it trade off for me. options are nice....................
My preference so far, was for without screen.
I found less residual oil trapped when I torched trays to clean.
Let me preface this post with a 'fuck life'.
I received my first warranty MFLB, the WPW (they let me switch my broken WPA for one) and bought a really nice, no nonsense GonG bong (30 USD, haha - a picture of my now defunct rig is at the end of the post), all a couple of weeks ago. The guys at MF were nice enough to let me keep my old box and use it until I got the replacement. However, I did find that ever since my old box's screen tore at a rod slightly, I was getting massive headaches post-vaping.
Pop some popcorn, burn some incense, get a Smoke Buddy, get some activated carbon and make a sploof or a carbon scrubber with it... there's plenty of options! :3Does anyone have a problem with odor? My herbs are dry and I am not combusting. Yet when I exhale there is an odor.
Any tips would help![]()