Thank you for the tips. One question: where do I get activated carbon?
Has anyone figured out a way to keep track of which battery is which? I tried marking them with a sharpie but it rubs off. I only have four but they all look the same...
I took all my batteries and painted a stripe of a different color of nail polish on each one. I have 2 sets of the 2700 stronger batteries and it seems like some work better than others. So I colored them according to how I think they work. I also think it's better to rotate the batteries so it helps with that too.Has anyone figured out a way to keep track of which battery is which? I tried marking them with a sharpie but it rubs off. I only have four but they all look the same...
So glad to hear you've got something you're enjoying after all that mess with DragonLite! Welcome to the launch bunch.Boy does a trench go a long way for me and teaching my friends was easy. It has the battery stop on it and it is not hard to push as I thought it would be with my small hands but it has not been hard at all and my friends did not complain. I love it and if anything the learning curve was useinh a lot less.
Getting particulate plant matter in your mouth isn't a problem, I would be more worried about why you're getting headaches when you use the vaporizer with a torn screen. That can't be a good sign.Sorry for bumping my post guys, but please have a look at the previous page (especially the veterans) and help me out with advice!![]()
Getting particulate plant matter in your mouth isn't a problem, I would be more worried about why you're getting headaches when you use the vaporizer with a torn screen. That can't be a good sign.
Do you get the headaches when you use it with the water pipe? The water should filter anything out.I'm more worried I'm getting the headaches because fine plant dust is passing through into my lungs! I know internet opinions come with a pinch of salt but they are what I have right now, and as such I'm just looking for the answer to "what would you do, FC denizen?" So please, go ahead and express any - I won't hold you to inaccuracies or jump into your advice blindly, I'm the sort of person who weighs things before he takes decisions. I need something to weigh against, though!
Honestly, your lungs probably deal with more particulate matter being outside in an urban area on a bad day than any plant dust coming through both the breaks in the screen and the water, and then what does get through is just plant matter, not the tars and carcinogens you get from burnt things in general. If your lungs are that delicate you probably shouldn't be using them as the entry route for your medication in the first place...Can't the dust come through the air-bubbles in the water filtration device when you're hitting it? Or will the water effectively filter anything too large to harm your lungs out?
Honestly, your lungs probably deal with more particulate matter being outside in an urban area on a bad day than any plant dust coming through both the breaks in the screen and the water, and then what does get through is just plant matter, not the tars and carcinogens you get from burnt things in general. If your lungs are that delicate you probably shouldn't be using them as the entry route for your medication in the first place...
Hell, ever see sunbeams coming through the window? Those are visible because of the light reflecting off dust particles in the air, if you look close you can see them individually! You're breathing that!
So, again; you get headaches when the screen is damaged, you don't when it's intact, yeah? You never did specify if you still get them when filtering through the water or when smoking. I know that copper can put off some bad gases when heated if it hasn't been heated to very high temperatures beforehand, and it's probably not the only metal that does. I'm not completely sure what materials magic-flight uses or how they're treated, but it's potentially possible that the damage is exposing untreated areas of the metal and that's what's causing the headaches. The only way I see a little plant dust causing a headache is if it's from oxygen deprivation from the particles clugging up your bronchioles or alveoli, and you'll certainly get a lot more of that from smoke.
You understand my concern now?
Honestly, your lungs probably deal with more particulate matter being outside in an urban area on a bad day than any plant dust coming through both the breaks in the screen and the water, and then what does get through is just plant matter, not the tars and carcinogens you get from burnt things in general.
Hell, ever see sunbeams coming through the window? Those are visible because of the light reflecting off dust particles in the air, if you look close you can see them individually! You're breathing that!
Can't the dust come through the air-bubbles in the water filtration device when you're hitting it? Or will the water effectively filter anything too large to harm your lungs out?
Just an FYI, I would recommend keeping an eye on ebay for Powerex 2700s. I was searching to grab another four pack as the cheapest I found was $12.50 shipped. Ended up finding an open-box set of 4 for $6 shipped from PCmall. Going to try and pick up additionals if they have them.
Ha just saw this thread. I use the bigger Patron bottles to hold abv, works great!Hello, first time poster - long time lurker. Definitely stoned a bit off my ass from the MFLB that I just bought a few weeks ago... This thing is AWESOME. I can't explain to you how easy it is to toke up granted I have a place to load and unload bowls. It's just too awesome! If you don't have one and want a cheap, effective vape - buy this thing. So far I bought 4-energizer rechargables: they are good to use once you clean them... but cleaning them was a bitch. Ooh and I also have a tip for those launch-box users out there.
These little patron tequila shooter bottles are GREAT for MFLB stash jars for three reasons:
1. Size: Effective and practical - fits in a little bag I have (a burts bees men cosmetics gift bag... lol) and is a good size to fit no more than an 1/8th or so of weed in.
2. The top of the jar/cork: The top of the patron jar is just big enough to fit in the circle that encompasses the screen but the actual hole itself is the perfect size to dump a good amount of weed in with ease. Also: If you get your jar like I did (already been consumed of and without a cork) then you can use one of the battery caps (those little black rubber things) that were included with your launch box kit as a cork. Doesn't that just show that this thing was meant for us launch-boxers!?
(3. I've always liked the look of those little patron jars)
I have also made a device using two chipotle carboard cups to make a contraption that makes my vaping look like I'm drinking out of a cup - if anybody wants me to post pics I'd love to do so but I'm unmotivated myself! Haha.
Lucky you. I have to pay 22.70 plus postage for four of them in Australia.Today I received my Powerex 2700's from PCmall's ebay store. They charged fine on my La Crosse charger, went and looked at ebay and they listed another set. Mine included the case and was also $5.99 shipped. Took a week to receive, really considered another 4 to use around the house but I have 7 stripped now and about 12 other brands for electronics.