
Active Member
That’s exactly what my mind is doing haha.
honestly that ecig adapter doesn’t look that bad, obviously not the most graceful appearance but
This looks pretty much like what I was thinking lol


Put a powerpack in a box with the PA 3.0 and run the cord out. Done!

Anyone that decides to print 3D adapters to go in to the Launch Box, please check the temperature of the connections of the adapter after use. This unit was an utter fail although it had every other promise. Ultem would be a nice material to print. Definitely spendy stuff.

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Well-Known Member
Sorry @ScyOne - but I will risk PLA on the cell because I know what I'm doing and put warnings in place for anyone looking to duplicate my efforts. Checking junction temperature is one of those. Dumping 30 amps into the launch box with dubious connections is not recommended using plastic housings. That is all I will say on this subject.

You are using a plastic housing yourself though.. and mentioned using abs which is known to release toxins when heated.

You do also realize PLA is a blend that can change from mfg to mfg and who knows what they use. Ultem 9085 is an exact blend that has been tested and certified. PLA also melts at 160f when ultem melts at 410f. For the ultem to melt it would have to be above the weed vaping temp.

I would absolutely not use dubious connection and planned on using thermal imaging on everything I make.


I corrected the post, @ScyOne. I do use plastic. I also know to check temperatures. That is the correction above. I'm not saying Ultem isn't a good high temp plastic. I'm saying that connector failures can vape Teflon under the right conditions. I can't explain the excessive temperature generated by poor junctions. They are much higher than I ever expected. Copper on the other hand remained cool to the touch.

This is significant if you promote plastic for high power use in the 50 watt range. That is about 30 amps worth of power. Connector 'failures' don't adhere to vape temp rules. Normally they are thermal runaway conditions. Remember that was my second limiting factor. I pull about 12 amps after the peek with a cell.

I'm not saying you would use a dubious connection. I am saying that if you don't express this design element in a DIY build, then you have no idea what others will do. That is what I consider dubious.
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Active Member
SOooooo someone has made a pretty function tight form version of this already. I’ve messaged the user I’ll keep you guys posted, this holds the box in place, minimal wiring, could easily be improved upon but damn. This is what I’ve been picturing as an ecig setup.

now, how big an issue would temps be here, any thoughts on this?
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Well-Known Member
I corrected the post, @ScyOne. I do use plastic. I also know to check temperatures.

You mean you changed the post completely to something else entirely.

I know exactly about the dangers of electronics. That's why I have high end thermal imagers. And even planed on inspecting everything I sell with it.

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Love that image. What is it? More tools I can't afford.

SOooooo someone has made a pretty function tight form version of this already. I’ve messaged the user I’ll keep you guys posted, this holds the box in place, minimal wiring, could easily be improved upon but damn. This is what I’ve been picturing as an ecig setup.

now, how big an issue would temps be here, any thoughts on this?

That's nice. Did he post a build of the unit somewhere?
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Active Member
it seems to be a standard 510 ecig and just an adapter. In the thread there’s some more pictures with the mflb connected. Post is a year old But I messaged him to see what happened as he said he was still tweaking it. The rda he’s using has a cap with a hole big enough for
The wires so it would be less sketchy then shown. I have a similar ecig setup so for me this is cool.
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Definitely a nice 510 adapter for sure. I'm looking at the negative pole band. I will hold my reserve on contact resistance of the plug itself. I'll have to see if I can glean more about connections.

Here are the other 4 images I found


@ScyOne - I restated the point I was trying to make.
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No, after I did my due diligence research to understand something that was missing. Do we need to take this to PM?


Thank you.

Okay, so I've already said a whole lot more than I intended to in order to give good instruction to @Vapeyvaporson with regard to adaping higher energy cells to the LB. I wanted to be sure to capture the nearest we are able to get to the original Glyph experience. I hope that came through along with all the caveats of venturing into this concept. I will say from personal experience, this is so fucking cool! Just not for everyone. This one takes hobby skills at a higher level. And it will never be a product due to so many levels of concern.

I do promote @ScyOne 's adapter concept on the MOD and I lay no claim to it. Hell I brought it to the next level just to make it usable for me. This is his idea and I made it work reliably with a particular kit and shared it to show it is not a one-off fluke. It is a 3-off fluke.

And I can honestly say that the MOD mod on a LB is just the greatest thing since the LB itself, IMHO.

The adapter is a relatively easy modification with a little patience and hobby skills once you understand the reasons for the design parameters. There are probably dozens of tanks/RDAs out there that can be adapted as easily if not easier. Electrical resistance is your enemy.

I hope @ScyOne does market a gadget for this sooner rather than later. Maybe he needs more encouragement :clap: I know this will be a hit when it hits all the right notes.
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Well-Known Member
I like the idea of these mods but don't have tools and materials and am not that handy to begin with. Definitely applaud these developments and I hope eventually this provides the kernel of a renaissance of the whole lift box concept - because it was a good concept and once you get the hang of it can be a very useful vape.


I often joke at the beginning of a project that in order to include everyone, the project must be doable safely with only a butter knife.

@Gunky - you are the reason I've been advocating Magic Flight to bring upgrades with a focus on power options. I'm sure this idea has crossed their desk before. We can hope.
It could have something to do with liability. You can imagine a 200W mod on a LB. That might just make the LB a flashlight. Since LB's warranty is lifetime, this could be a catch 22.
I will say though, the LB will take a lot of power across the rails. I've pushed 30W and @ScyOne 's reported pushing 50 watts. That is better than twice the PA max.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the batteries were always a sort of weakness. Those original batteries - I have several along with a fancy charger - just did not last long enough or provide enough oomph. You always had to carry several spares when you went out in case one of them provided one wispy hit and quit! But I tell you that thing is really stealthy and made playing guitar out in a lot of circumstances really nice for me - loosens my shoulders up and if I'm lucky I get off a little.


Well-Known Member
So the PA. When last I checked in years ago there was a prototype a few people got and then the production model which I got. Have there been more models of that?
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:cool: It is a hit and miss product from what I have read. V1 was expensive to make and soso reliable. V2 and v2.1 were likewise reliability prone. V3 has a lot less said about it.




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I like mine. All these adaptations have been about getting rid of the cord(s). The power cord can easily be done away with if you power it with a battery pack to take it outdoors. Those are available today. That just leaves you with the cord on the puck. I go outside to vape for family considerations. The cord just became another thing to gather up to go outside. The LB and the MOD solved that. I don't even use the cells anymore which was my first solution.
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Love those videos. If only everyone could see how a little herb can make so many people happy. Thanks for sharing that @Vitolo
I have dozens of MFLB vids... I just did not want to "flood" the thread all at once. Thanks for liking.👌
So the PA. When last I checked in years ago there was a prototype a few people got and then the production model which I got. Have there been more models of that?
The first video at post #85 was a pre-release Beta Prototype.
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