I have not used an SS core HI, but in comparing my HIbrid to the UD or Nano, I find a better flavor profile. To many, the difference will probably end up being insignificant, but since I spend most of my vapor time stomping around the low-temp grounds, the distinction matters to me.
I wouldn't say that I could "taste the steel," but I would guess that the SS does impart, or take(?) some flavor, based on my personal results. Maybe it's just in my head, but I do believe that the HIbrid core allows for more flavor.
And here's just a little bonus story.
For reasons I won't go into, I've been using my HI at the same voltage for the past 10 days - 11.35. The reason for that voltage (

) is that it allows me to inhale as slowly as possible (when I want to), even with the heater cover right up against the material, without any possibility of singed herb.
When I can't get anymore out of it, I've been putting it in my Solo at level 5 (393 F.) The herb looks very light at this point. I then get two, maybe three, wispy, unsatisfying hits out the material, and then it's done.
Yet, it looks much, much, much darker after that. I hardly got any more out of it, but the conduction aspect of the Solo does seem to have a major effect on the herb's color.
Just sayin'.