The HI


Trenchtown Rock

Finally received my new square walnut HI a couple of days ago. It has a larger 3/8" SS tube. Somehow it seems easier to get the right sized load and hit compared to my 7/16" bamboo unit. The 11 days without a vape was difficult and painful for my old lungs but they are recovering. Thanks, Alan
Well damn it, JBone, we gotta get you a backup or two for these situations. I don’t even want to think about the depths of consumption (I couldn’t even use the dirty C word) you had to sink to during those 11 days.


Well-Known Member
Well damn it, JBone, we gotta get you a backup or two for these situations. I don’t even want to think about the depths of consumption (I couldn’t even use the dirty C word) you had to sink to during those 11 days.
I have a relatively new bamboo unit, but I stupidly left it at my daughter's (it was unplugged and hidden) a couple of weeks ago. Didn't wanna ask her to mail it, she put it in her safe for a few weeks. Always needed a backup anyway, so tried to get one as quickly as possible, but I stupidly managed to drag that process out. Will have the bamboo back in my possession in a few weeks.

I knew I could get by a few days without vaping, even though it would raise a stink, etc. At first I cut way back and everything was fine, but after a week went by I was smoking more and the cough was getting ugly. That experience made me wonder how much longer I'll be vaping. I enjoy the hell out of it, maybe to much, and that might be the problem. 😉:leaf::spliff:
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