I see now said the blind man.Haha prove it (@Stu probably can lol)!

I see now said the blind man.Haha prove it (@Stu probably can lol)!
How else are they supposed to have any leisure time?ok so are we with the understanding that they received 1000s of hopper parts so now they must assemble them all *BUT* we're still waiting on the heaters? I think from their last update they said the company can only produce 30 heaters a week? So even with the thousand parts they can still only assemble and ship 30 a week?
since when and where does it say they resolved their issues with the heaters ? i remember them saying they resolved it as in they were able to keep the costs down..but not that they could get 1000 heaters
no it was the cost of the heaters...someone emailed trevor and asked and i think they wanted like $43 per heater but brought the cost down...someone somewhere said they can only make 30 heaters a week
I'm pretty sure they fixed the 30 a week problem as well. Here https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/grasshopper-vaporizer#activity is where they've posted all of their activity. Read for yourself and see what you think. Sorry if this sounds rude I'm pretty high.
Here I found the part where they talk about it.
"During our last few days in China, we received a call from our heater manufacturer in the US. We’d ramped our order size a few weeks prior, and they were having problems getting a reasonable yield rate in mass-production. They proceeded to tell us that they would only be able to deliver 30 parts per week at a revised cost of $40ea in the near-term. This was some bad news, and we knew that we needed to get to their facility as fast as possible to work out a solution. Redirecting our flights out of China, we headed directly to the northeast United States.
We arrived at their facility after 27 hours of travel, and immediately got to work on a solution. After a few days of intensive problem-solving, we were back down close to our original numbers. While we were supposed to have thousands of heaters in-stock by now, it was still a victory to not be permanently crippled by the issue. By our departure on Friday afternoon, the manufacturer was assuring us that heaters would begin shipping in within the month.
The China trip was a success, and we feel confident about our operations there. Look for more units to trickle out over the next few weeks as the heater manufacturer gets into gear. We’re smoothing out the last few bumps, which is a good place to be. Check back on the 15th for another update."
I have also been looking at the latest update pics from GH and trying to figure out what all the parts are. Any ideas people, I think I can work out one or two, but the funnel shaped piece is intriguing.
From the filenames the 2nd pic is "backs" and the 3rd one is "pins". But the first one is just named "bagged parts".
I feel like I saw somewhere that they couldnt really do it because of the lights they use or something, dont remember exactly what was said but I think something was said about it@BuzzDanklin Any word on them changing the light patterns to indicate battery life? Many pages back, there was a great suggestion and consensus for an altered light pattern to show battery levels. And I think it's been enough time for them to make that change if they wanted to.
I'm also wondering when we'll see some color Ti's. I hope they haven't been delayed or anything, though you'd think that'd be a big enough deal to have them say something about it...'Scuze the probably dumb question, but are they anodizing the color Ti's as part of the assembly process? Happy to see a production Ti, but was also hoping to catch a glimpse of my blue one.
Edit: also, I don't see any s/s cases - would have thought they would come with the other machined parts.
As for heaters they had said they resolved that and were back to the original numbers promised by the supplier. Would love to see a nice big group picture of those.
Otherwise encouraged by this update. Can't deal with the MFLB much longer especially since the power adaptor broke
I don't think they will ever say anything about shipping in the updates until the things are boxed up to go and ready to be picked up by the carrier. But speculation is fun! I still think they could be much less vague and not cause themselves trouble by it (and in fact help their image more), but whatever...
Did anyone email them for clarification on if they are getting the heaters in along with the body parts?
I feel like I saw somewhere that they couldnt really do it because of the lights they use or something, dont remember exactly what was said but I think something was said about it
also, although I agree it was a short update with not much in it idk what else to really say. They got the parts they were waiting for to start putting them together and send out. The only other stuff I could imagine including would be any problems they ran into if any so would assume they are just throwing the pens together and shipping them out. (though I would have liked confirmation that accessories are all set to be shipped with the appropriate orders)
ATTENTION !! New Grasshopper Contest:
Guess how many parts are in these bags.
Winner will be announced no later than August 15, 2018
3.5kATTENTION !! New Grasshopper Contest:
Guess how many parts are in these bags.
Winner will be announced no later than August 15, 2018.
Prize as of yet is undetermined.
I'm guessing between 3000 and 5000 pieces based on IGG numbers