Discontinued The Grasshopper


Well-Known Member
Have had my Ti Grasshopper for a couple of weeks now, and i am so impressed with this vaporiser.

I previously used a Crafty as my go to. Now its the Grasshopper mainly because it is so damn efficient with the Herb.

If you are sat on the fence, just go for it...you will not regret it at all.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Hey I'm wondering now... this whole time we've been posting on the Shipping Rolls portion of FC.... At what point does all this (hopefully all good) info about performance, etc, go back onto the "normal" sub-forum?

It's always been intended that shipping discussions would be separated from discussions about performance or any other aspect. When @VegNVape posted the pictures of his Grasshopper, there were nine posts following asking about costs and dates. Those have been moved. The comments about how it looks etc. remain here. If there are comments in the shipping thread that are strictly not about shipping then you can report them. If they do not leave puzzling holes in the discussion then they will be moved here.


Brewer, Lobbyist, Vaporist
Congrats on winning!!

My wife was the same way, lol! When mine arrived I said something like: "I'm so happy it's here!!"
She said: "no one is happier than me... NO ONE!" haha

Has anyone experienced the slowdown in heating time a few of us mentioned above, and then sent it in for warranty work for of that? Is it just something that happens? It still works.

I guess I should write Tre....Caroline a message and see what their take on it is...

I would file a warranty about the slow down. They really are committed to every GH owner having two ideal experience so they replace functioning units that are out of spec. I know that because way back last summer I had a unit that was working but wonky and I offered to use it till it broke and they were having none of it. It makes sense, the best marketing is word of mouth, they don't want someone using it for the first time for it to take 10 seconds, no matter how much a friend raves about a product, 5 seconds is WAAAAY more impressive than 10.


Well-Known Member
Coud you please post a pic or two of your purple GH? I'd love seeing how it looks like with a normal photo.
PRISTINE!! Nice word to use and I haven't heard it for some time I must say... So plz plz plz show us some nice pics from ur lovely pristine purple GH!!! :D

I've already posted a couple, sometime in January I think. Once when I got it so people could see what the color looked like, and then when I got my replacement body to show differences.


Vapour RebeL
I've already posted a couple, sometime in January I think. Once when I got it so people could see what the color looked like, and then when I got my replacement body to show differences.

Oh yes!! I def remember the one with the replacement. I can't remember the one with the colored one.. daamn.. anyway.. I'll try to look for it.. Any idea when in January more or less??

edit: Taataraa


and few posts before it


Looking gooood.. !!
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Well-Known Member
@tubasco Mine takes 7 seconds sometimes, and other times it's ready in 3 seconds. I haven't sent it in because I just don't want to be without it. It has become my daily vaporizer since it's so efficient, portable, and powerful. Maybe when I receive my Ti I'll send it to get checked out.
I feel the same way. I really don't want to be without it.
I'll submit a claim...maybe they'll know off top based on my description that it's a certain piece (I'm guessing a short in the backend...it seems that the slower the heater heats up, the hotter the clip's ring gets) and just send me that one part? I've been rotating through 4 batteries, and the heat up time for level 5 is the same on all batteries. Its obviously faster if still warm from a recent hit, and slower when the battery is almost drained, but a fresh battery in my room temp hopper takes exactly 10 sec now.


New Member
Alright. I've been lurking here for a year or so and have been watching the Grasshopper project since just after the fundraising ended - a few years for sure. I am a pre-order from June 2015 and have have been given a few different ship dates but I am now confident that my TI GH will be shipped this month or very early next month - god willing (My current shipping date is march).

I am Canadian. And I have have read post after post of the great service GHL has provided in backing up their life time warrantee.

I am still seeing posts about problems with units issued recently. I have been following the project for years and am truly exited by the reviews you all have been giving the GH and can't wait to get my own to try. This will actually be my first experience with a vap. I have been waiting for a unit with this form factor that gets the top end reviews that the GH gets. This what I have been waiting for!

Anyway, all blathering aside, I am wondering what the warantee experience is for international customers. Living in Canada, I can't really see myself sending a "well used" unit back across the border for service with my return address attached. Has anyone dealt with this issue yet ? Am i screwed if my unit screws up ? Has GHL offered some sort of compromise in how they handle the warantee ?



Well-Known Member
Alright. I've been lurking here for a year or so and have been watching the Grasshopper project since just after the fundraising ended - a few years for sure. I am a pre-order from June 2015 and have have been given a few different ship dates but I am now confident that my TI GH will be shipped this month or very early next month - god willing (My current shipping date is march).

I am Canadian. And I have have read post after post of the great service GHL has provided in backing up their life time warrantee.

I am still seeing posts about problems with units issued recently. I have been following the project for years and am truly exited by the reviews you all have been giving the GH and can't wait to get my own to try. This will actually be my first experience with a vap. I have been waiting for a unit with this form factor that gets the top end reviews that the GH gets. This what I have been waiting for!

Anyway, all blathering aside, I am wondering what the warantee experience is for international customers. Living in Canada, I can't really see myself sending a "well used" unit back across the border for service with my return address attached. Has anyone dealt with this issue yet ? Am i screwed if my unit screws up ? Has GHL offered some sort of compromise in how they handle the warantee ?


Don't worry about shipping it back 'well used'. I have shipped my well used Crafty no problem. Just clean it well with ISO and your good to go. They can't and won't do anything since your not shipping actual bud. No need to worry about warranty returns.

Mr Mellish

Well-Known Member
Don't worry about shipping it back 'well used'. I have shipped my well used Crafty no problem. Just clean it well with ISO and your good to go. They can't and won't do anything since your not shipping actual bud. No need to worry about warranty returns.

I have a number of co-workers who fly with weed regularly. They just put it in a couple layers of plastic and throw it in their checked luggage. I once flew home with wax and a pen in my luggage and have regularly flown with vaporizers in my carry-on.

My current purveyor of herbal goodness gets the bulk of his inventory through USPS.

I wouldn't be so bold as to be prescriptive about all this but the reality seems much more tame than the paranoia would suggest.


Well-Known Member
It's always been intended that shipping discussions would be separated from discussions about performance or any other aspect. When @VegNVape posted the pictures of his Grasshopper, there were nine posts following asking about costs and dates. Those have been moved. The comments about how it looks etc. remain here. If there are comments in the shipping thread that are strictly not about shipping then you can report them. If they do not leave puzzling holes in the discussion then they will be moved here.
Wow, for the longest time I hadn't realized I have been posting in the wrong place.... Reason being that when I'd see an alert, I gave no thought about which of the two forums it was coming from.

Most of my posts have been in response to other posts, and I could swear there have been many shipping related posts that I've responded to in the non-shipping forum. Oops.

I'll try and be more alert to that... which is kind of a funny thing to say here. :rofl: But I'll try.


Well-Known Member
Can you please tell us where to get one of those little pieces?

There's two available there, one showerhead perc and one 6 arm perc, the one I got is the 6 arm.

Really conserves the flavor from the Grasshopper very well. Put too much water though and you will end up with a drink.

Also made me realize that if using the Hopper inverted with water tools - the loads in the chamber would just fly around and stick to the top screen.

So now I pack my loads down gently with a round tip of a poker tool- noticing much better extraction and denser clouds . On bubblers with minimal diffusion I would notice much better vapor production when having a nice steady draw and not just inhaling as hard and as fast as I could.

After though it is a pain to empty out the chamber, just been using a cable tie to gently stir and empty the chamber.
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