Another successful trip w/ the GH.
Flew to Colorado and packed it in my carry-on with some extra batteries. Not one questioning eye at security

I was able to place it in my laptop bag in one of the pen holders, next to my Apple Pencil, my sketching pencil and a regular ballpoint. Doesn't get much more stealth than that. I did clean the MP w/ an ISO soak, and I used a Q-tip to wipe out the chamber while it was still hot from my last session. Works pretty well.
On the mountain at Keystone, the Hopper really did shine with the ability to not have to grind at all. The ski lifts were so much more enjoyable with flower instead of wax or oil, as I don't want to get too blasted before I hurl myself down a mountain. I didn't want to burn through the batteries and leave them dead all day, so I brought my power bank and charged the Hopper in my backpack during each run, and was able to keep one battery alive most of the day.