I got my 3rd unit (4th back end) Saturday. I'm not complaining though, happy customer

. It functions correctly and the back end doesn't get hot (so far). However, temp setting 1 on the new one is equivalent to level 4 or 5 on the previous 3. I'm not complaining though, oh boy!

I mean, the herb is cooked very quickly, the taste is dogshit after the first hit, it's tough to even hold one hit in due to harshness, what lasted me 10 hits on level 3 with the old hoppers now lasts 3 hits on level 1, and when testing the higher temps its close to combusting. I'm not complaining though, I like fun!
So, the ONE main value add for me was the truly fantastic flavor all the way thru each load (on settings 3 and lower). It really is unlike any other flavor from any vape I've used. Although that's gone now, I'm not complaining though, sweet lordy!
Maybe I'll send the new one back and keep the old one. Hot back end and sporadic functionality beats the taste of dogshit in any poker game! And that's not complaining either, I love poker!