how do you explain this? i think that there is as much THC in da herb as it is. you can get bigger few or smaller more clouds from different vaporizers. but amount of THC should be equal in your lungs after the herb is done and brown using exact same temperature.I tried the GH without the CU at setting 4-5 and I just can't tolerate it. It's just way to hot. But with the CU it is not only tolerable but cool enough that I'll get a toke or two more than without the CU. Which leads me to answer my own question above: the GH chamber holds 2 pax2 chambers. I get about 6 tokes per chamber on both sometimes 8 w pax2. This means I'm getting about 100% more tokes on GH with CU in comparison to the the pax2. That would be half the price for material. It's not precise math but you get the picture: there's a huge bump in effeciency!
Thanks Volteric
How much material would you say you can pack into the oven of the GH compared to the crafty and pax 2. My friend has a alfa and the oven is small and loading it is a pain due to that pin in the middle. But the form factor is nice.
so about half the size of the pax 2 oven, hmmmm that may be around the size of the alfa.
After enjoying my 4th replacement hopper for several months I'm sad to report this one has died as well.
I believe someone bought it already.
My girlfriend also complains that I have a "full blown case of GAS" .... But I think that's from all the beans I eat...Careful!
You may have a full blown case of GAS...
I'm sure you won't be disappointed! It works a treat on the crafty and solo.That CU better have to be as amazing as everyone says.
Sure I will report.
I think it's a better solution than a bubbler. Even a cheap and small bubbler won't be convenient to travel with. (Not even talking about the water transport problem.)
Just have to wait until it gets here.
I just 'crossed over'.
My pre-order, projected Sept. '15, then Nov. '15, then Jan. '16, is now officially late!
trust me, its spring loaded, with quite a powerful spring, dont make me make a video![]()
I'm not sure if the mechanism is spring or something else but there is definitely some room for movement at the contact point and it's supposed to be there. I saw Trevor squeeze it with my own eyes at the lab when they were looking at my unit after a trip I took (nothing wrong with it, they just like to check in on wear everyone once in awhile since I'm a heavy user and live close by). There is some give and its supposed to happen, my guess is alchemy, like the heater![]()
Thx for the ghl update from your stalking/drive by's.They do have a a few more employees now and more equipment.
More to the point for people who think otherwise, the lights are on and people are working at GH labs, until later hours 7 days a week. They are down the street from me and working hard when I'm stumbling home from the bar!
In case we forgot this revolutionary product started from crowdfunding by two dudes. I bought vapes while I wait that are double the money that I never use anymore and I have bought some cool vapes since that I do occasionally use but the GH is far and away my go-to, whether skiing, at home, in the car, doesn't matter, pretty much the only time I use other vapes is in a groups setting and even that not as much since I got the MF orbiter.
I'm proud to have this company in my town and call them neighbor. Because of the Grasshoper I can honestly say I'm a vaporist rather than smoker. The pax and firefly where fun and novel but usually I just ended up reaching for the bong or papers. With the GH I find myself turning down bong rips and joints sometimes in favor of the grasshopper. That wasn't my plan, nor did I think I'd ever see the day!
The problem is now I've developed VAS :-( Now my collection is pax2 (lost my firefly on a trip to a non-legal state, which btw, the cop walked right past my GH so yeah it does that too, which is nice to be able to get high after being harassed by the man) a mivape, I have a vivape coming as a birthday present and I just couldn't help myself and ordered an Elo "thanks" @Just Justin ... but the GH is by far now and probably still will be my go to vape. All the others have benefits for sure but the GH is on par if not better in most categories, leaving that 5 second start time to really blow everything else out of the water.,
When I want to vape, I grab the GH. If I specifically want what the other vapes excel at AND I have the extra time I use them but nothing is faster from load to smiles than GH
I think the same question could be asked for the Crafty/Mighty and ff1. And probably others...The short time I was able to use mine, I thought it was awesome.
The question is do you want to invest in something that you may need to send back (and wait weeks at a time, each time) 2,3,4 even 5 times?
The short time I was able to use mine, I thought it was awesome.
The question is do you want to invest in something that you may need to send back (and wait weeks at a time, each time) 2,3,4 even 5 times?
Has anyone used the grasshopper with an orbiter? I'm planning on using my bronze gh with this version