So excited, just ordered a grasshopper SS! I guess March is the estimated delivery

Who here has started using this as a daily? How does it keep up with "daily duties" so to speak?
The Grasshopper has been my primary vape since July. It's great for traveling, never had a problem in airport security, being pulled over, it's super discrete, I fact I made the metal detector go off at the Broncos game and had to show it, just a pen, no further questions, although #protip take it out of your pocket and put it in the belt when you go through a metal detector and there will be no problem, it's great for hiding in plain sight.
As for usage, I was (am?) a smoker. No interest in quoting smoking cannabis or cigarettes, it just so happens that after months of getting accustomed to and the expecting that flavor I pretty much only vape both tobacco and and cannabis and then almost exclusively with my Grasshopper. My other vapes are firefly, (I never use it anymore) Pax2 (I used pretty much only for mixing cannabis and tobacco and I actually prefer it to the grasshopper for that and only that application but compared to the GH loading and cleaning the pax2 is a lot so I don't d it that often) and the mivape which I use at home but never take out.
The Grasshopper is my go to and I find when people check out my vape collection they gravitate towards the GH.
I also find myself turning down joints/splits/cigs in favor of vaping with my Grasshoppper, that was never my plan but I can say the GH has changed my consumption patterns for the best and it's super durable for someone who consumes all day everyday.
I definitely recommend extra batteries though, on in the chamber and two in the pocket definitely get me through a whole day out and about.
The other great thing about the GH compared to other methods and vapes is I have to carry around a lot less cannabis since this piece is so efficient. It's not a problem as we have an ounce possession limit here but carrying around just a few grams for the whole day is a convenience.
The manual states not to exhale into the vaporizer, which i'm assuming means doing so directly into the mouthpiece, and probably forcing exhaled vapour as well. Do you think a small slight puff into the bowl would really damage the heater, or probably just not worth it nor needed?
It you just blow across the top to clear crumbs it's fine, I do it all the time without even thinking. I would not bow directly into it This is mentioned in the manual. Cleaning is very easy though especially if you dumb the chamber out as soon as you're done and don't over pack it. With a loose pack you get great airflow and the ABV falls right out.