Discontinued The Grasshopper


Well-Known Member
An electric supreme I'd be all over too. That seems to be a good bet for an induction source. Why not with a mains plug, right?

It is being worked on, and a sketch is somewhere in the relevant thread. You will not regret the Sublimator either....both of these vapes are on a completely different level when it comes to vapour quality IMO, and there is something real, not just marketing about this "biogassification" term.

I would pay good money for a PA for the GH!


I have seen a few different shades of Ti bodies, and I think I remember someone complaining about a contrasting patina on their replacement SS body too.

However, are you saying the back-end on your SS hopper reads GTxxxxxx because that's a score (or a weight off your EDC and maybe nothing else)

What I am confused by mostly, is you are mentioning AusVapes, but they don't even list Ti hoppers for sale?

I had a friend asking me about getting a hopper, if you can get the Ti from AusVapes for 299 that's not bad.
I am probably going to talk him into getting a sublimator for 480 though, because I want to use it ;)
I'd totally get it myself if I had the spare cash :(

speaking of spending money,
I just stumbled on this one, the Night/Day Grasshopper feeder
A very cool option for those with access to known genetics herb - indica and sativa predominant per side, flip and choose.
These feeders are a great way to fill the GH out in public too, totally discreet

These guys have really expanded their vape accessories range, this will also be of interest to quite a few hopper heads with bad charger taste ;)
This for those who like tech specs

Haha I am always guilty of that!

But yes, it would be a massive game changer and isn't stretching the imagination too far.
I would be very surprised, but they mentioned that not me :p

An electric supreme I'd be all over too. That seems to be a good bet for an induction source. Why not with a mains plug, right?

Hey there @hervboo, welcome to FC :)
I believe the tubes you are questioning are "doob tubes". There are a few different styles available, I'm not sure which ones are best, but most will work well with the hopper.
They are commonly available from head shops or smoke stores, a quick google should be able to bring some up in your area.
Some people have cut them in half to fit them in pen cases and the like with the GH. They look to be a good way to fill on the go. I'd also recommend checking out the GH feeder I linked above for that too :)

Thanks for the warm welcome and reply!! I actually have a couple of doob tubes I purchased from Ratchett's store, but the one in the video appears to be a smaller circumference and seem to fit inside the Grasshopper's loading chamber. The tubes I have are a little big and I need to kind of funnel the material in. Are the doob tubes from Ratchett's store bigger than the average doob tube?


Well-Known Member
It is being worked on, and a sketch is somewhere in the relevant thread. You will not regret the Sublimator either....both of these vapes are on a completely different level when it comes to vapour quality IMO, and there is something real, not just marketing about this "biogassification" term.

I would pay good money for a PA for the GH!
Yeah, it's possible I have seen that actually.
I feel like the Supreme 3 is a difficult vape to get in Aus, but I just got a butane torch today, so I'm equipped for that side of affairs now.

I really want the sub, if I hadn't just spent the amount required on glass I'd jump on my local bong shops 20% march sale on an already 20% reduced SS-dabmaster, seems I'd get most advantage from the GH with Ti, the Sub will need a heat soak either way, and SS properties tend better to replacing the heater when swapping chambers.
I'm tempted to sell a hopper and buy the Sub..
A concern I have is that both my hoppers in tandem must be close enough to sublimating, can you compare?
Also the Sub has some sticking issues with the Atomizer, they sell them for 100ish and word it as if it's a possibility the original might just seize and become useless (is it PBWable, that would surely negate this?)

I don't know what else I want to know about it, but I just feel as if I'd be better pocketing the 500 and waiting. Plus apparently the Ti Heborizer is available here for 365, which is quite a bit cheaper and could offer something similar.
Then there is the Twax, which looks cool. And there is an Australian version, which is probably awesome but I'm not sure if it even exists (yet) :p

I would spend some portion of the money towards a GH power adapter, but it's not as if the heater side doesn't have its own issues.. and who knows how they'd do it and if they can make it work in Australia (not many bother).
With a Sub, apart from the hot surface, I'd like to know why you'd be interested in the GH power adapter..

Thanks for the warm welcome and reply!! I actually have a couple of doob tubes I purchased from Ratchett's store, but the one in the video appears to be a smaller circumference and seem to fit inside the Grasshopper's loading chamber. The tubes I have are a little big and I need to kind of funnel the material in. Are the doob tubes from Ratchett's store bigger than the average doob tube?
I am not sure on the answer to that sorry, but someone here does. It's been brought up before, it's possibly searchable but this thread is immense.

There are thinner diameter tubes, and they have been linked to, but I don't know which ones they were


taste buds
The Hopper Labs email said there are a few surprises in store. That means at least three, right? :shrug:

That must mean that we will soon see the stainless steel case, oil front end, and possibly a power adaptor. They might even pull a stunt like Apple did when they unveiled the iPhone, maybe these three products are actually one!

Imagine a slim, sleek stainless steel case with a built in charging port, battery bank, AC power pass through, and an integrated e-nail with a sapphire glass dish.

Preorders start now at $485 with an estimated two months delivery. :lol:


Well-Known Member
So, I can now say I've joined the dual hopper hit club, aka, 2 hoppers through a water pipe with a Y adapter. WOW! That combo packs one hell of a punch.
I knew i needed 2 hoppers for a reason. I couldn't remember why.
No worries bud, I figured that was the case. :D

Been waiting on that WPA myself, not sure how much of a difference it is going to make in regards to my Hopper experience but I am so very very curious.

Should be available by the third promised deadline, maybe the fourth, possibly the fifth or maybe never. :shrug:

Nice... So they add more grasshoppers to buy, but don't add the WPA tool.... Guess I'm still going to wait then.


Well-Known Member
I feel like the Supreme 3 is a difficult vape to get in Aus, but I just got a butane torch today, so I'm equipped for that side of affairs now.

Why is it difficult to get in Aus? Ed ships worldwide AFAIK. I paid $35usd for it to be shipped to Canada, and $150 for the vape. Absolute steal for the best vapour quality and heat exchanger in the industry IMO.

I'm tempted to sell a hopper and buy the Sub..

I sold two GH's to fund either my new Sub or Herbo Ti (still haven't decided, waiting to hear back from PlanetVape about the new models)... still have 2 ss gh's so we'll see how the reunion goes.

concern I have is that both my hoppers in tandem must be close enough to sublimating, can you compare?

I will when the GH's come back from RMA! But there won't be any sublimation. AFAIK, only the Sub and Supreme can do this, and the Supreme can do it EXTREMELY well, WITHOUT even grinding. It's really something, especially when some add-on mods like a glass tube, bowl, etc. I've never experienced anything smoother.

Also the Sub has some sticking issues with the Atomizer, they sell them for 100ish and word it as if it's a possibility the original might just seize and become useless (is it PBWable, that would surely negate this?)

I'm borrowing @lazylathe which is an original, and never have experienced any sticking, although I have read about it online. The solution is an easy "cool down" and they come apart easily apparently. Again, i've never experienced this, but I also mostly just use the heater on a cold atomizer instead of reaching thermal equilibrium. Just works better for me.

I don't know what else I want to know about it, but I just feel as if I'd be better pocketing the 500 and waiting. Plus apparently the Ti Heborizer is available here for 365, which is quite a bit cheaper and could offer something similar.
Then there is the Twax, which looks cool. And there is an Australian version, which is probably awesome but I'm not sure if it even exists :p

This is the problem! I need that Herbo Ti as well! And the Twax and the new Woodscents.....VAS....GAS....CAS.... (concentrate! TM to @lazylathe) lol

With a Sub, apart from the hot surface, I'd like to know why you'd be interested in the GH power adapter..

Truthfully, I don't even know if I will be keeping my GH's.... but a PA would definitely make me reconsider. The Sub does have many shortcomings, so you just need to decide if the vapour output is worth it for you. There is a heat up time (10-15mins), it can disfigure you, start your house on fire, and it's not quickly responsive to temperature changes.... but you can dab and vape flower at the exact same time with a double decker....no other vape can do that!

If there was an electric supreme, I wouldn't even probably want the Sub... I like the SUP3 better than the Sub.


taste buds
If I had one wish for a surprise announcement, it would be an improved battery. The battery life is somewhere between acceptable and barely acceptable in my opinion.

I know a lot of people would prefer a device that uses 18650s. I think a big part of that desire is simply for longer battery life. Of course, 18650s are much easier to purchase so they have that benefit too. Still, I really think most people just want better battery life.

The most important spec for batteries is mAh, not the dimensions, e.g. 18650. I'm definitely not an expert in this area, but I see no reason Hopper Labs couldn't release a larger capacity GHB3. 18650s are available in a wide variety of capacities.

I'm not sure what would be a realistic number. 1500 mAh would be amazing but might be a stretch.

Supposedly the newer backends provide better battery life. If they continue to improve in that area, and release higher capacity batteries, the Grasshopper could eventually have battery life that isn't just "acceptable" and is actually good, or dare I say it, great.

This is all just wishful speculation of course.


Well-Known Member
Why is it difficult to get in Aus? Ed ships worldwide AFAIK. I paid $35usd for it to be shipped to Canada, and $150 for the vape. Absolute steal for the best vapour quality and heat exchanger in the industry IMO.
Well, that looks to be my solution.
Truthfully I've never looked into it seriously, but when I did I couldn't find any.
Does he sell them via eBay?

I sold two GH's to fund either my new Sub or Herbo Ti (still haven't decided, waiting to hear back from PlanetVape about the new models)... still have 2 ss gh's so we'll see how the reunion goes.
Hopefully it goes well if you're taking on the walrus for the first time.
It's pretty awesome with two different strains either side.

I will when the GH's come back from RMA! But there won't be any sublimation. AFAIK, only the Sub and Supreme can do this, and the Supreme can do it EXTREMELY well, WITHOUT even grinding. It's really something, especially when some add-on mods like a glass tube, bowl, etc. I've never experienced anything smoother.
The phase change is probably not instantaneous with the sub, sup3 and not the hopper either, but the rapidness of energy transfer is extreme with all of them (the hopper slightly less so, though I've had one that could borderline combust or singe and so kind of have a feeling for the ultra dank vape spectrum).

The other thing with the Sub, and also the Sup3 but not the hopper, is the heated and restricted vapour path section. I've played around with this with my EQ and a heated nail, and it has some effect. I assume by delaying the condensing period, the gas generation is allowed to be more rapid.
The subs 'equilibrium' allows for less latent heat to be absorbed by anything other than plant material and aids this rapid gasification (the difference between sublimation and vaporisation in regards to obtaining molecules is negligible) there could be additional performance benefit added if the atomizer/heater were insultated, concentrating the heat flow even further. Though as there is surplus power, it just throws it at it. The hopper has great insulation, and saves a lot of energy by containing as much as possible.

A combination of the designs is what needs to be created, someone has to do it eventually.
These Twax, sub, herborizers etc. are so close, but none of them bring it all to the table.
No one is doing what makes the most sense in terms of performance and usability..

Maybe HL has a desktop up their sleeves?
That would be exciting.

I'm borrowing @lazylathe which is an original, and never have experienced any sticking, although I have read about it online. The solution is an easy "cool down" and they come apart easily apparently. Again, i've never experienced this, but I also mostly just use the heater on a cold atomizer instead of reaching thermal equilibrium. Just works better for me.
good to know, I figured it wouldn't be a huge issue
This is the problem! I need that Herbo Ti as well! And the Twax and the new Woodscents.....VAS....GAS....CAS.... (concentrate! TM to @lazylathe) lol
I think both you and I need to wait until something full fledged comes out in the desktop scene (compact, modular, insulated, high energy glass adapter to USB-C)

Truthfully, I don't even know if I will be keeping my GH's.... but a PA would definitely make me reconsider. The Sub does have many shortcomings, so you just need to decide if the vapour output is worth it for you. There is a heat up time (10-15mins), it can disfigure you, start your house on fire, and it's not quickly responsive to temperature changes.... but you can dab and vape flower at the exact same time with a double decker....no other vape can do that!

If there was an electric supreme, I wouldn't even probably want the Sub... I like the SUP3 better than the Sub.
You should keep at least one GH for portable bongs. Portable bongs are the best, and why the GH remains king of the lot for me.

I am going to get myself a Supreme 3 for the mean time, to appease my VAS.
I just can't quite justify the Sublimator, hopefully I will convince my friend to get it so I can finally learn what all the fuss is about.


Well-Known Member
The clip bit you mean the whole thing right? Definitely see a difference on that area.

E: both B/E are GT. My original purchase was GS!

Actually makes my 2nd GH purchase worth more. I believe AV still sell at $299AUD. Which is currently cheaper than GHL by $25USD!!!

GHL sent Ti stock by accident or trying to reduce failure rate with a vendor? (Conspiracy theories)
While Ti is mildly attracted to a magnetic field (often due to residual iron in the alloy) it should be substantially less than SS. Take a magnet to a kitchen butter knife or other known SS material and then your GH. If its Ti, you should be able to tell the difference, I think.


Well-Known Member
Does he sell them via eBay?

Negative, only through email. Come join us in the SUP3 thread and enjoy some koolaid!

Maybe HL has a desktop up their sleeves?
That would be exciting.


I think both you and I need to wait until something full fledged comes out in the desktop scene (compact, modular, insulated, high energy glass adapter to USB-C)

We will be waiting a lifetime! lol If I had to keep only ONE, it would be the SUP3 no doubt. It basically can't break! It's entirely possible that the SUP3 has NEVER had an RMA! But the reason has more to do with my snobbish taste for connoisseur vapour.

You should keep at least one GH for portable bongs. Portable bongs are the best, and why the GH remains king of the lot for me.

We'll see how my confidence is once I receive them back.....and only ONE GH?? :lol:

Just heard back from Caroline, and they won't sell me a WPA, because they won't be ready for sale for another "week or so" but to keep an eye out for more information about the release date "shortly".


Well-Known Member
The most important spec for batteries is mAh, not the dimensions, e.g. 18650. I'm definitely not an expert in this area, but I see no reason Hopper Labs couldn't release a larger capacity GHB3. 18650s are available in a wide variety of capacities.

I'm not sure what would be a realistic number. 1500 mAh would be amazing but might be a stretch.
Unfortunately the capacity is limited by the dimensions.
Inside the 12630 cylinder there is a specific chemistry that gives the desired characteristics of the power cell.
If you wanted to double the capacity, the volume must also double.

An 18650 battery has a vastly huger volume than a 12630 GHB, but without knowing the specific chemistry used, extrapolating that it would be safe to use or even effective isn't strictly accurate.

I am also pretty content with my now heavily used GHB2s and the size of the GH, I get multiple chambers per battery still and it's very pocket-able and discreet.

Rather than unleash their tech with a fat pen, I think a desktop or USB-C semi-portable solution would offer a much better experience yet again, and their portable option is still very competitive in today's market.

Supposedly the newer backends provide better battery life. If they continue to improve in that area, and release higher capacity batteries, the Grasshopper could eventually have battery life that isn't just "acceptable" and is actually good, or dare I say it, great.
They're just tweaking the firmware, and/or possibly upgrading micro-controllers, which I'm not so sure on. I'd prefer less battery life and unlimited performance than the alternative of software preventing me from getting a solid buzz on...
And again, my 4 or 5 month old GHB2s are pretty good still.

While Ti is mildly attracted to a magnetic field (often due to residual iron in the alloy) it should be substantially less than SS. Take a magnet to a kitchen butter knife or other known SS material and then your GH. If its Ti, you should be able to tell the difference, I think.
Take the battery out before a magnet test, I occasionally attach my Ti to my magnetic phone mount in the car. I'd recommend people pick one up, if only for passengers ;)

Negative, only through email. Come join us in the SUP3 thread and enjoy some koolaid!
I will do!

You can't deny that you would buy one ;P

Come on, 3D-printed, unlimited, insulated clean cloud machine.
Their tech is begging for it.

We'll see how my confidence is once I receive them back.....and only ONE GH?? :lol:

Just heard back from Caroline, and they won't sell me a WPA, because they won't be ready for sale for another "week or so" but to keep an eye out for more information about the release date "shortly".
Haha, I only have one atm, have for quite a while too. Living life on the edge ain't all bad :rockon:

Remember there are people that have been rocking hoppers that are RMA free too, I got two of those with my pre-order. They definitely see use, definitely not as much.
Perhaps as a side-bitch it will tend to you with more intention lol
Last edited:


taste buds
If you wanted to double the capacity, the volume must also double.
Not necessarily, density can be increased instead of volume. 18650s vary by quite a bit in mAh. I did note the doubling of capacity was probably unrealistic, at least in the short term. Over time, and with advances in battery tech, anything is possible.


20 going on 60
Not necessarily, density can be increased instead of volume. 18650s vary by quite a bit in mAh. I did note the doubling of capacity was probably unrealistic, at least in the short term. Over time, and with advances in battery tech, anything is possible.

I've also been looking at 18650's for another application and it seems the higher the discharge rate the lower the mAh. I know the hopper pulls quite a bit from the power source so I don't know if one of the limitations of capacity is because of the high drain requirement. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily, density can be increased instead of volume. 18650s vary by quite a bit in mAh. I did note the doubling of capacity was probably unrealistic, at least in the short term. Over time, and with advances in battery tech, anything is possible.
I might be wrong, but the example I'm thinking of is iPhone batteries, if you buy an iPhone battery off eBay, it's possible to get them with stickers that report the incorrect capacity, as a marketing ploy.
If you look into it, to maintain the chemistry that the iPhone specifically requires, the battery dimensions dictate that the capacity is a certain amount.
I assume it would be the same with the hopper
It's probably likely the chemistry would allow for ~1700mAh in an 18650 size, I don't believe that would necessarily reflect 2.3x the battery life as it does the volume though as there are other factors to consider?

Over time though, for sure, I hope they come out with a super battery. Graphene capacitor or some such, but for the time being externally charging a cycle of 5 batteries is minimal hassle and I haven't really worried about power at all since owning that amount


Well-Known Member
nothing (so far) compares to the extremely low level of maintenance of the hopper.
I feel like there are shills for other vapes on here when the hopper absolutely reigns supreme in this category.
All these other vapes with baskets, screens, cages, tubes, rods, levers...no thanks
All while the hopper is over here like: load, click, empty, done.
I'm only chiming in to say that I believe the FW4 is so far better in maintenance than the Hopper that I've been using that more than the Hopper lately. NOTHING but the tiny capsule and CU stem to clean. Period.


taste buds
I've also been looking at 18650's for another application and it seems the higher the discharge rate the lower the mAh. I know the hopper pulls quite a bit from the power source so I don't know if one of the limitations of capacity is because of the high drain requirement. :shrug:
I understand there are many factors at play. You have to also remember this is a custom cell which is almost unheard of. There's a good chance the design is not yet optimized. Perhaps budget restraints were the reason behind the smaller mAh design. I'm just saying the possibility is there for improved capacity.


20 going on 60
I understand there are many factors at play. You have to also remember this is a custom cell which is almost unheard of. There's a good chance the design is not yet optimized. Perhaps budget restraints were the reason behind the smaller mAh design. I'm just saying the possibility is there for improved capacity.

Seems a reasonable assumption to me. I certainly wouldn't complain if they do refine the battery and increase the capacity.

I still want a power adapter that can directly power the heater as well.

I want it all! The moon on a stick :lol:


Well-Known Member
Does the hopper combust when the screen is clogged up? I combusted once and got the flashing lights, and I sent it back, they fixed it. A month later, and it just combusted on me again, but no flashing lights.

Mr Mellish

Well-Known Member
I'm only chiming in to say that I believe the FW4 is so far better in maintenance than the Hopper that I've been using that more than the Hopper lately. NOTHING but the tiny capsule and CU stem to clean. Period.

There is a lot of truth here but my FW3/FW4/SS/Ti rotation remains. Maybe I'm just not anal enough and I'll pay down the road but I do the same basic maintenance on FW and GH...brief soak of mouthpiece (and FW capsule) in ISO weekly. On occasion, I'll take the Blue Tac to all threads but that's about it. Never screwed with any screens or tried to "dip" the main body.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, @Mr Mellish ... I'll take the Hopper out on the road (which I haven't had reason to lately), and I would normally do a Blue Tac thread clean every other time I replace the battery, and a weekly Hopper MP and FW capsule soak. I have no complaints at all, though one of my two Ti's seems to work more robustly than the other.


Well-Known Member
I have to chime in here and give my story.

I ordered in October, with a date of December for shipment. Of course February shows up and nothing. I was close to just saying screw it and asking for a refund. Finally got my email it's shipping, and 2 days later it was here.

Straight up, best ever. No contest for me. And I can tell you I have about ten different vapes here at home. Best thing I did was not canceling. My bronze titanium showed up and it just blew my balls off. 3 hits is all I need to get me further than even full blown sessions with a pax 2, a solo or air, magic box, whatever. I don't know how they do it but it just blows my mind. So much less material also.

I ended up ordering another one, a stainless one the day before the price hike. Showed up today so that like 10 days or so, so they seem to have got there shit together somewhat. All i hope is for no issues I have been reading seems like thousands of pages here. Fingers crossed!
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