Discontinued The Grasshopper


Well-Known Member
This feels wrong in so many ways to me, can't help but laugh about it. :lol:

Think about adopting this customer and manufactor behaviour for the car industry.
"I hope my new electric Volkswagen will have an engine fail soon, so I can get the newest version which hopefully performs stable."

Hard to imagine this will ever work out as a success when customers already hoping for fails

Some of us feel the same way in the Mighty and Crafty threads...... a broken one equals a brand new one! And that brand new one is usually better.

Also posted in the Shipping Poll thread, giving it a shot here as well:

Is there anyone who would be willing to switch places in the waiting line for their Grasshopper? In the spirit of Christmas!

Probably best for the Classifieds thread.

4. Use an aftermarket charger. The performance went through the roof when I got my nitegear.

How is this possible? A full battery on your nitegear causes performance to go through the roof compared to a full battery on the included oem stock charger?

i've oredered the Grasshopper today, you say i'll get it in 6 month from now?

Probably best for the Shipping thread.

Used it with a bubbler. First three hits on 3 - 3.3. Really nice and flavourful with nearly no visible vapes.

Dialing on 4,5 - 5. Three long draws around 20 sec. Nice clouds but not so dense as expected. But now have serious difficulties with typing *fatgrin*

Might be your meds or technique. I can fog up my bubbler pretty opaque on 3+. 4+ and it looks like smoke (but isn't!). Slower draws definitely thicken up the visibility of the vapour, but with the expense of taste if on 4+.


Well-Known Member
I'm betting on a price bump.

And... I'm not saying there's no way they get new orders within their estimated time but... it idn't likely.


Well-Known Member
last night I used an old battery and I realized that the ticking is not such as loud as with my new batteries...also clouds are not that big... and voltage dropsmvery fast from 4.2 to 3.7 and you get red lights.... did some one else make thismobservation? BTW I do not mean that the ghl2 batteries are beter but when you use a battery for a longer time their performance dcreases....


Well-Known Member
This feels wrong in so many ways to me, can't help but laugh about it. :lol:

Think about adopting this customer and manufactor behaviour for the car industry.
"I hope my new electric Volkswagen will have an engine fail soon, so I can get the newest version which hopefully performs stable."

Hard to imagine this will ever work out as a success when customers already hoping for fails

My friend, that is a ridiculous analogy because an automobile has thousands of replaceable parts. The hopper has TWO. Swapping out a fully made car because one has a flat tire or a bad transmission is just a nonsense analogy.

And, cars don't have lifetime warranties. GHL has a lifetime warranty for a reason. They knew there would be plenty of problems. So the lifetime warranty assures that eventually they could perfect their design without going out of business from angry mobs with under-performing devices.
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taste buds
Is it normally that the SS leaves a hint of metallic aftertaste in the beginning of use?
My Vaposhop SS model had a slight metallic aftertaste, when I finally got my preorder Ti it did not have the same taste. I thought it was because of the materials used.

Then my SS body failed and I had it replaced. The replacement body has no metallic aftertaste.

That doesn't mean you have a bad body, mine lasted four months before I had any issues.
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Honi soit qui mal y pense
Thanks VE! After three loads it is faintly sensible. Lets wait for cleaning.
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taste buds
Thanks VE! After three loads it is faintly sensible. Lets wait for cleaning.
Hopefully yours wears off. Mine was very subtle but it never went away until the new body.

Most people probably wouldn't have noticed it but I have a very good sense of taste.

I believe someone else noticed a metallic taste and found metallic debris in the air intake holes, you might want to check for that.

Edit: found the post:
My 2nd Hopper (Dark grey) landed. It is a back-up for the plain Ti which is currently in warranty.
I like the mate finish very much, nice to the touch and a nice contrast to the stainless steel clipper! Most photos really don't do justice to the dark grey, it is beautiful.

The new charger was already in the box, charges like it should. No hot back-end issue on the hopper. And no metallic taste, even on the first bowl I tried without burn off or cleaning the unit before use.
Some might remember I didn't enjoy the taste of the plain Ti I had before. I had some metallic flakes in the air intake and i would guess those caused the weird taste I experienced. It was barely visible when looking with a flash light in the air intake holes. I hope the plain Ti replacement is as good as the current dark grey I got...

Edit: serial is already over 6000 if this might help someone. The blue heater is clearly visible. And I couldn't believe it myself but the anodizing seems to be cooler to the lips somehow!

And the initial post by @Michel:
I had some black flakes or manufacturing remains in the air intake when the hopper was new. I managed to get most of the metallic flakes out with a wooden toothpick and by sucking on the air holes, but it might be some of this mysterious material remained in the hopper causing the strange taste. I can't define the taste exactly, I would describe as bitter. When I smell on the hot device there is some metallic smell I can detect with my nose very clearly from the air intake if this makes sense.
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taste buds
@Vapor_Eyes: Thank you very much, Sir, Grandmaster of thread's memory! :tup:
You're welcome, but I can't let my memory take all of the credit, I'm just good with the search tool.

I also found at least one report of someone having a subtle metallic flavor that went away after a few days. Hopefully that will be the case for you. :)

Perhaps your palate is more sensitive than mine, and all Grasshoppers have that taste at first.

Make sure to update us if the flavor goes away.


Well-Known Member
My Vaposhop SS model had a slight metallic aftertaste, when I finally got my preorder Ti it did not have the same taste. I thought it was because of the materials used.

Then my SS body failed and I had it replaced. The replacement body has no metallic aftertaste.

That doesn't mean you have a bad body, mine lasted four months before I had any issues.

I also noticed a metal taste/smell in my replaced SS when I first turned it on... now I can not really sense this anymore but I am not sure if it is because of using it and the I used herbs are overlaying the metal taste... st


Well-Known Member
Got my leather case from delta3dstudios and I love it!

It holds 2 batteries, a dab tool, little brush, mouthpiece and 2 half doobtubes (1 for abv and the other for grinded herbs)

Very nice, Steph! A well-appointed set of necessities for a great case... add a small square of unused Blu Tack; it will come in handy.

Where did you get the half-doobs?

You're welcome, but I can't let my memory take all of the credit, I'm just good with the search tool.

I also found at least one report of someone having a subtle metallic flavor that went away after a few days. Hopefully that will be the case for you. :)

Perhaps your palate is more sensitive than mine, and all Grasshoppers have that taste at first.

Make sure to update us if the flavor goes away.

Vapor_Eyes, I'm certainly appreciative of your desire and will to take that time to search for answers from our questions. Perhaps more warranting of appreciation than if you did have a great memory!:tup:


Oldest boy alive
@Hogni I had a bit of metallic taste first pull out off the hopper, without any material just right out of the box that just got from the mail box

I did an little iso clean with q-tip and don't remember tasting that again.

I got two other things on my mind after couple of days of use, first is that I marked one battery as "under performaning" because it always fails to fully cook my material, second question is if it's suppose to be just a screen in the mouth piece or also a little cone thing?

Wondering if my hopper is missing a part or?
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Well-Known Member
@Hogni I had a bit of metallic taste first pull out off the hopper, without any material just right out of the box that just got from the mail box

I did an little iso clean with q-tip and don't remember tasting that again.

I got two other things on my mind after couple of days of use, first is that I marked one battery as "under performaning" because it always fails to fully cook my material, second question is if it's suppose to be just a screen in the mouth piece or also a little cone thing?

Wondering if my hopper is missing a part or?




Oldest boy alive
Thanks @btka, too baked to screw off the screen and just going to guess by looking with the flash light, that there is a copper funnel thing and white nipped :D

Is anyone else using Xtar vc2 and should I trust the "full" thing or just pull them out when they get to 4.2v?

The left one is also what I suspect of being the under performing battery that just showed "full" at 384 mAh but normally they are not more then 50-100 mAh off from 750 mAh claimed on the batteries

But what? Trust the "full" ya or nay?


Well-Known Member
I've just cut the tubes in half ;)

Oh, yyyouuu. I love the fact that I'd never even thought of that. Wow I feel so dumb but I'm laughing about it so it's all good. :freak:

Does anyone know if there are there any distributors selling Hoppers in the USA that can get one here before Xmas? I'm thinking to get one for someone but if it's too tight a situation I'll just giftcard the order somehow.


taste buds
Oh, yyyouuu. I love the fact that I'd never even thought of that. Wow I feel so dumb but I'm laughing about it so it's all good. :freak:

Does anyone know if there are there any distributors selling Hoppers in the USA that can get one here before Xmas? I'm thinking to get one for someone but if it's too tight a situation I'll just giftcard the order somehow.
Several members have ordered from this seller with good results: http://m.ebay.com/itm/Grasshopper-V...EW-LIFETIME-WARRANTY-/222329327818?nav=SEARCH


Honi soit qui mal y pense
I was thinking the same. Buying the Hopper in the US for much less money than in Germany and a friend of mine would have had bring it along to me to Germany. But after reading about so much issues with the Hopper, warranty case after warranty case with all the shipping costs every time I decided to buy it in Germany. Higher price but in case of malfunction I'll just bring the Hopper back to the shop and troubleshooting will be there job the next two years. At the end much less costs and trouble I guess.
In two years I hope the overworked GH will be a much more reliable device. So hope there will be not much trouble with Hoppers anymore - thanks increasing developement and lifetime warranty!

EDIT: Sorry, forget this post. It was a misunderstanding!
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Well-Known Member
Several members have ordered from this seller with good results: http://m.ebay.com/itm/Grasshopper-V...EW-LIFETIME-WARRANTY-/222329327818?nav=SEARCH

Hey Vapor, AGAIN, thank you...
I will sound a complete idiot here, since I only own two Ti's... and I know lots of you have posted about the differences between Ti and SS... Would you say the SS is "just as great" as the Ti - and I mean performance, heat at the backend, etc.?..

I was thinking the same. Buying the Hopper in the US for much less money than in Germany and a friend of mine would have had bring it along to me to Germany. But after reading about so much issues with the Hopper, warranty case after ......
EDIT: Sorry, forget this post. It was a misunderstanding!

Hog, I've done this so many times... would be nice if there was a "delete post", but I guess that's for Mods :)


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
I will sound a complete idiot here, since I only own two Ti's... and I know lots of you have posted about the differences between Ti and SS... Would you say the SS is "just as great" as the Ti - and I mean performance, heat at the backend, etc.?..
I've been alternating my SS and Ti since I got them and I think at this point I can say that I prefer my SS. For me, the extra weight translates to a more solid feel and the threads are so much smoother. I have not noticed any differences in performance between the two. But I'm willing to bet that the fun I'm having is blurring whatever differences there might be. Who can remember from day to day? :shrug:

Neither of them have had any performance issues that I can identify as being attributable to anything other than batteries running out of juice. That's the only time either back end has been anything other than cool.

I can say this definitively: If I knew then (when I was first ordering) what I know now, I would have ordered 2 SS. So for me, yes, the SS is "just as great" as the Ti.
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