And I'll continue to guess (since I'm not a science guy)... Regarding conduction v. true convection, with conduction your material continues to bake even when you are not pulling on your vape. Do over cooked cookies taste as good as the first batch right out of the oven? With convection (and as
@btka said), the oven is cool until you start drawing air through it. So, theoretically at least, each pull is like your first batch of cookies.
Exactly my thoughts... Conduction is all well and good, but convection only bakes when you're drawing.
Since I'm kind of Type A with some things, it used to bug me when I'd pass the Pax with a green light to someone and they'd keep talking or whatever, and I'd be itching to say, "Toke it, it's cooking in there!".
And I gotta add here (I don't know who originally stated it, was it you,
@Vapor_Eyes ?) that had suggested the "pulse" method of drawing. I dig it now; It's sort of like you pull in some hot air, but "pause" in a draw, just for a quick moment... Sort of like doing a very slow draw, but to avoid a hopper auto-off you pull in hard, and dynamically slow to short pause, then repeat a couple or three times. I find great vapor that way, even at T3 (on a fresh chamber).
Hi guys , sent my hopper in for warranty as i only got visible vapor at temp 5 , batteries die after about 6 pulls and they would die if i let them sit without use for a few days , also was getting shocked when replacing a battery and touching the body. They did not address anything , said my hopper is fine and that it would be sent back with 1 extra new style battery free of charge which i think is cool of them but none of my main issues were answered. How do you think i should handle this ?
I guess the best thing is to wait and see when you get it back. I certainly understand the on-edge feeling this must give you since you feel it is coming back with nothing changed but a new battery.
It seems so discordant that GH would seem so quick and good with some issues and then seemingly ignoring others that are posited to them. Please keep us posted; at least we can be there to offer support during your odyssey.