Well-Known Member
Well... I'm 53 years old, I only use public transport when I blaze it and I only do it in public, when I'm a blade of grass in a huge meadow. I did my share of really stupid, unnecessarily risky dumbassery, trust me. Taking two, three practically odorless tokes from something that looks like an ecig, at a place where the stank of smoldering cigarette filters would cover up if I smoked opium laced with ammonium chloride, among dozen others either producing smelly smoke or even more smelly vape... that's a pretty low risk in my book. I appreciate the concern though...
I already said "to each his/her own" and wasn't intending to get preachy...sorry if that's the way you understood my post.
So I just turned my grasshopper on and off like 3 times after pulling some air and there was no vapor production at all.
The problem? There was no weed in it. I'm not very smart.
That, my friend.....is reason enough for a warranty claim. See if HL will fill'er up for you