once again I want to prise how much I like the hopper... it is really one of the best vapes when not the best vape I have...
and no rma since february..
I can recommend this vape totaly altough I would also recommend a another vape as a backup (I think it is always a good idea to have one, I recommend a torch powered one (like stickybricks) for those times when you have no electricity)
and with the lifetimemwarranty if it should break, you have to keep in mind if you rma you will get the latest updates ...
btw I am using my hopper mainly withbmy mflb orbiter (dry) the vapor clouds are massive...
@Kermitt do not think a gh2 is coming in the near future... (it took them 2 years to design the ss case for hopper)...
also in my opinion if they would be able they could use their heater technology a lot more... sorry if I am wrong but in my opinion gh is really one if not the only one vape company which where able to build a totaly new and revolutionary heater ... all other companies are using more or less the same technologies, nothing new really