I've noticed something about the condition of the Hopper when it is sent back from HL for service.
Now, this is NOT a criticism of HL; they do just fine by me. In fact, it's just a curiously satisfying observation.
Some of you will recall the discussions about Blue Tac. I still use it, religiously, every time or so I change the battery. It picks up a fair but not heavy amount of oxidation. Again, this is over one or two battery changes.
When I get it back from HL, it's like they must run this thing for HOURS. It's so full of oxidization that when I wrap a piece around the backend threads, the Blue Tac is
evenly dark.
I just find that very interesting. They must either charge the battery I provide over and over again, or have some in-line DC supply (with the battery in the circuit), and just put this thing through a pretty respectable test procedure.
That is all. Carry On.