It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
This is a $175 luxury purchase....and $175 in the vape arena is relatively inexpensive imo. I personally paid considerably more for my GH off Ebay...and despite some of its inconsistencies....imo was worth every penny.
I'm not quite certain why/how so many posters who are upset with their GH or with Hopper Labs seem to exhibit quite such a degree of entitlement. This is not a surgical is a damn pot vaporizer. Let's try to get ahold of ourselves here. You may be worried about a lot of things....but your worry about "catastrophic failure" of your weed vaporizer just sounds like a first world problem to me.
If you are that worried....sell it....and move on to complain about your many other purchases. There are plenty of folks who would love to own your GH. I feel sorry for retailers and companies who have to deal with consumers these days.
Off-topic but some people really use these devices as medicinal units. Maybe to you it's just a pot vaporizer, but I can guarantee you there a numerous people who would take offense to that statement, including me. It's not just a pot vaporizer. It's a way to administer medicine for my Crohn's disease. So yes, a catastrophic failure can be a big deal.
For many of us, a vaporizer is an important medicinal device. If that's the case, then the smart responsible thing is to have a back up (or multiple backups). Then a failure isn't catastrophic. It's just a hiccup. In the case of those for whom a vape is a luxury item, I agree with Jabba. There are so many other tings more worthy of angst than the fact you haven't gotten your 13th vaporizer in the time frame you wanted or the bleeding edge tech you signed on for (and paid less than retail for) doesn't have all the bugs worked out. That's what you signed on for. (No, I am NOT excusing GHL's lousy communications. Please let's not start beating that deceased equine again.)
And if you are only going to have one device for medicinal applications, it probably shouldn't be bleeding edge new tech. You would probably be better served by having an established device while you wait for the new tech to settle out.