Last week my SS started getting a hot backend (area under the clip) especially when any battery was getting low, and performance went to shit for all 4 batteries. The blue LED would start blinking even before the end of one bowl. I thought it was weird since it had been working so well previously, what could have changed? And no way I wanted to have to part with my back end with s/n GS003420
Then I remembered a few posts (some from waaaay back and 1 or 2 others more recent) suggesting cleaning the battery contacts. Thought it worth a try but didn’t give it much hope, just gave a quick wipe with a dry cloth to the GH negative terminal and to the battery’s contacts.
The change was immediate and major. Backend no longer heated up beyond pleasantly warm, and the blue LED was still steady & strong into the 3rd bowl. I thought maybe it was a fluke just for that battery, so I spent the next 3 days testing all day

and tried all 3 of my other batts (wiping all contacts first, other than the GH positive terminal which I haven’t bothered with) and have been getting the same, much improved performance with all batteries and no more incidents of hot backend. My GH is back to performing as it did when I first got it, possibly better. (Seems to be more flavorful too, but maybe i’m just developing a taste for it.)
I can’t say definitively that the contact cleaning was what cured my hopper woes, but I don’t believe in coincidences and that was all I did. Also IIRC I’m not the first whose issues were solved by doing that so… maybe worth a try before going the RMA route for those who have these issues.
One thing I know for sure - love my GH again!