It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
I am liking the GH more and more.
I am glad you're finally getting to enjoy the hopper after all your trials and tribulations
Heat buildup and battery life limit its portable effectiveness to solo use, but ideal for that. If i want a portable vape to pass round and round to some heavy medical users i would look to other options in my lineup. But for covert solo use or for a couple of very light users, can't be beat IMO.
I will certainly use it often as a stealth portable. Very covert. But it will be best for solo use, as heat and battery life are bigger factors when you add more sets of lungs.
This is the conundrum I am facing. I can't wait to have a hopper for solo use or for sharing with one other person, but am trying to figure out what to do about portable sharing with more than one other person. My Pinnacle Pro just gave up the ghost and I want to replace it with something similar but with replaceable batteries. I'm leaning heavily towards the soon to be released digital version of the Focus vape, which is, to my eye, pretty much a Pinnacle without the weaknesses (integrated battery and plastic mouthpiece). I'm looking for something easy to transport and discreet but also easy to use without specialized technique. I don't want to have to explain anything to someone if I'm passing it to them at a show, other than "suck on this my friend."