Definitely green.Aghhhh green or silver? Can't make up my mind.
That's totally awesome! I am a runner so vaping for me is all about getting only the good and leaving the bad. I have turned half a dozen friends on to vaping and they never looked back. It's all about educating the combustion community as to the health effects and newbies are always blown away with the aroma and flavor..... MmmmmExcited and hoping to get my hopper next month. This will be my first vaporizer I have I can't compare it to another . All I need is the one hit on and off a few times. To get me going I hope. I'm wanting to share this experience with my friend who has never used one before. I told her that it is something that will benefit the both of us. Being that where we live the grasshopper will fit right into our daily outings.
@On_Weed I have been using a JyARz classic, and a doob tube for my GH most of the time. The doob tubes pack a bit easier since they are thin, however other than size I definitely prefer the JyARz
I use a medicine container that holds your pills.
I use a dube tube myself , it's shaped perfect for on the go. I personally don't like carrying to much of I'm at a concert or anyplace actually so my vape and dube tube does me well. Holds enough for the whole day usually for me .Hey can one of you recommend a small glass or metal container that is oblong cylinder for carrying ground herb? I want to be able to "tap" some herb out into a bowl or into my Grasshopper once it finally arrives. I use a traditional glass container for my bigger unground bud and have been using an old APS film canister (which is the perfect dimensions) for portability and easy access to my ground stash. I want something new though. What do you guys use?
On Weed
Hey can one of you recommend a small glass or metal container that is oblong cylinder for carrying ground herb? I want to be able to "tap" some herb out into a bowl or into my Grasshopper once it finally arrives. I use a traditional glass container for my bigger unground bud and have been using an old APS film canister (which is the perfect dimensions) for portability and easy access to my ground stash. I want something new though. What do you guys use?
On Weed
Hey can one of you recommend a small glass or metal container that is oblong cylinder for carrying ground herb? I want to be able to "tap" some herb out into a bowl or into my Grasshopper once it finally arrives. I use a traditional glass container for my bigger unground bud and have been using an old APS film canister (which is the perfect dimensions) for portability and easy access to my ground stash. I want something new though. What do you guys use?
On Weed
Hey can one of you recommend a small glass or metal container that is oblong cylinder for carrying ground herb? I want to be able to "tap" some herb out into a bowl or into my Grasshopper once it finally arrives. I use a traditional glass container for my bigger unground bud and have been using an old APS film canister (which is the perfect dimensions) for portability and easy access to my ground stash. I want something new though. What do you guys use?
On Weed
That's great to hear, I have two pack'n'stashes and I bought them thinking they'd be perfect for the Grasshopper.The funnel that comes with them is perfect for the GH, it fits snugly on the end of the chamber so you can easily fill your GH just like the Crafty/Mighty filling aids
You might want to check out Pack-N-Stash. They are cheap and convenient. The funnel that comes with them is perfect for the GH, it fits snugly on the end of the chamber so you can easily fill your GH just like the Crafty/Mighty filling aids.....You can see what your doing and its so easy to shovel your herb into the chamber without making a mess. If nothing more, the funnel is worth it even if you don't plan on using the tubes and I haven't found a better alternative for loading the GH.
I second that! That would be sweet!I'd like to see a video of you loading the GH with a Pack-N-Stash and/or using the GH.
Thanks guys. I'll have to check out the JyARz.
I wonder if there is a way to mod this lighter - removing all the internals, and use it at a ground herb container. It looks pretty sick, and would only require one hand to open close.
Or maybe something like this already exists without a mod, and if not I wonder what it would take to make. I thought I saw someone on here a while back that was talking about making GH accessories. Care to comment? Or is something like this too complicated since it has moving parts?
On Weed
One for the girls (fake lipstick stash holder)
I was hoping an emptied and cleaned out chapstick tube would work for this. and bonus, it's stealthy.I use the little brown glass vials too for storage. As mentioned, the downside is filling them (needs a fine grind). The big upside is if the vial diameter is about the same size as the opening in the GH, it's easy to put the open bottle over the end of the vape and tap it once or twice like you would a salt shaker, and it's all loaded. No spillage or sticky fingers. Of course this should work with any cylinder--shaped container of the right diameter.
I'd like to see a video of you loading the GH with a Pack-N-Stash and/or using the GH.
I second that! That would be sweet!