Hey Guys,
I finally received my 2 stainless steel Grasshoppers : 1 early bird + 1 regular

. (for shipping to europe + customs taxes detail, i made a post in the shipping poll thread, vapor lounge, if anyone is interested).
I will have to test them and since i'm a small quantity/frequency user, its gonna take a little while but i can already share some info with you all
Like i said in my other thread: both grasshoppers work and charge fine, no problems detected. They are gorgeous to look at (i already regret not to have taken a colored one), they feel great in the hand, they are a "little jewel of technology" i would say. They are small and still feel as "solid/robust" as my solo in the hand.
Up to now, i used a solo and I have a backup flowermate. The best comparison i could do with those two is that the grasshopper vapor is a little more harsh, more like the flowermate, but the taste is closer to the convection side of the solo. Regarding the warmth, the mouthpiece gets warm/hot depending mostly on frequency of use but the silicone piece is making it very easy for the lips. Juts wait a little between hits and its cool again. (i only use silicone when i go above the "third" level of temperature and i already have done several hits close to each other)
I do find the vapor hotter than my solo though, you can feel that the distance is very short between heater and mouth
but i need to stress out that use very very small quantity (microdose 0.02-0.03 gr), and i'm very "fragile" from the throat. I probably couldn't take a full breath from any vaporizer charged with 0.1-0.2 gr without coughing my lungs out
About the taste: in general, since i use small doses, the taste is less "dense" than what most people will experience.
I do get slightly better taste/better flavors with my solo (the taste is more "concentrated", less "diffused" in the solo i find). But its also the case with my flowermate being less "tasty" than my solo

Also, taste and flavors is something very specific to the person: some prefer conduction taste, other convection taste so i can't really give you more info on this, you'll have to compare to your own vaporizer

The effect is definitely there though
There is no restriction to the air pull: thats a huge difference from my solo and flowermate: no resistance, you can hit it as hard as you want. No special technique: click it (such satisfying sound !!), wait 3-4 sec, hit as you want, click off, enjoy
I can already see that its very convenient for a medical use: i don't have to do a long session with my solo, i can just take a GH hit ... and wait a little to see if its enough or not. This is absolutely great for me to be able to micromanage my "microdoses" I need to do some test about the ideal load size though, as it does influences the quality of vapor (ratio air/load) with such few material: i think it might be more efficient to load a little more than my usual small dose. i'll come back with details about that later.
I know one thing for sure: i'm really happy i backed the indiegogo campaign and finally got to get my hands on these little hoppers

I don't regret the waiting: it was all worth it, it lives up to the hype IMO

and i hope you all get a chance to see it for yourself soon
I've seen so many negative/aggressive/depressing posts about the grasshopper during the last year 1/2 that i needed to come here and share my happy side of the story. The Grasshopper might not please all, but it definitely does please me for the little time i have it
Sorry for the long post, i'll post more info in the future after some testing, i promise

its time to start the testing now hehe