anyone else having preorder regret? can you cancel the preorder? after hearing the first firefly is about as reliable as crafty I think I'm done with cheapo made $300+ vapes.. Add on top of that the company behind the FF dropped the warranty on number 2 by OVER 60%.
its like they went and said hey lets double the battery power, says its free ( but charge 60+ more over the first FF ) and butcher the warranty..
This shows me the companay behind FF have zero respect, pride or assurance of their own product.. Imagine if S&b made a crafty 2 and butchered/slashed the warranty on that.. Who would trust that ish
Your characterization of both the FF2 and FF the company are wildly incorrect.
1. Ff1 reliability issues aren't applicable to FF2. They fixed the issue (coil stability) that caused most FF1 failures. Even the pre-production FF2 units are extremely stable devices. Things will occur with the FF2, but the failure rate of FF1 is unlikely to be repeated.
2. The Crafty and Mighty both have 2 year warranties....not sure how FF compares poorly to those, since you brought them up. 2 year warranties are very common in the portable world, and if you think every company should replace every device that fails in say the tenth month of year five, well, you expect a lot more for your vape dollar than I do. Most FF failures occurred in year one. (And four years from now, who knows what the portable landscape will look like?)
3. I know the FF folks personally, and you are both incorrect and frankly a little insulting in your characterization of them and their attitude towards their work and their customers. They have eaten, breathed, and slept the FF2 development over the past 18 months and while no company or product is perfect, they appear to have developed a seriously-badass improvement over their v.1 FF. To base such a harsh perception of them over the warranty change is just your personal slant and not reflective of their attitude. They are justly proud of what they've done with the FF2.
4. The higher cost is for an improved product, not the extra battery. Is it worth an extra sixty bucks? That's a personal judgement call. It is an expensive vape, no question. One of the nice things about capitalism is no one is forcing you to buy anything. Folks decide for themselves what something is worth to them.
If you approach it with an open mind you will likely be blown away by the FF2. I hope you'll be as quick to share your positive experiences with it as you were to post anticipatory negative feelings. (In other words, as wise men used to tell me "don't borrow trouble".

I'd be shocked if you didn't really, really love the thing once it's in your hands.)